The USA has stepped into a new society

   In terms of religion, one can distinguish four types of societies: religious, religiously tolerant, non-religiously tolerant, and non-religious.
   The cruelty of religious societies is well known: from torture and burning at the stake to heart removal and burying wives alive with their deceased husbands.
   Residents of the former socialist camp are well aware of the cruelty of a non-religious society.
   Until recently,in USA we lived in a religiously tolerant society, where slightly softened, yet still religious criteria of morality were accepted. For example, a homosexual, like an albino or a hunchback, was considered a mutation, a statistically established deviation from the norm. At the same time, society took upon itself the responsibility to provide this abnormal part of it with the most normal living conditions possible.
   Accepting all these deviations as the norm would contradict the commonly accepted religious criteria. And, although the state was separated from the church, it was never separated from God.
   The Supreme Court's decision, which effectively recognizes homosexual relationships as the norm, marked the transition of American society from religiously tolerant to non-religiously tolerant.
   Today, the only hope for improving the situation lies not in increasing the religiosity of the American people, which is unlikely, but in the inherent sexual superactivity of the homosexual community.
