Rule of Thumb for Commandments

The Rule of Thumb - a mnemonic rule for
simplifying the use of complex processes

   Some time ago, the New York Times triumphantly wrote about the discovery of genetic differences in homosexuals. Many liberals truly believed that now, with the evidence of differences at the genetic level, the clerics would leave them all alone, and might even apologize for centuries of cruel persecution.
   Nothing of the sort happened. Unfortunately, liberals do not know the "Rule of Thumb" for commandments, they do not understand that if it said "do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman," it means that for a certain number of men such behavior is absolutely natural. But not legitimate. Being mentioned in the Torah, such inclination was, is, and always will be.
   Jews distinguish 613 main commandments in the Torah and thousands of resulting implications. All of them share one common principle: among them, there are no unnatural prohibitions and natural permissions.
   So, If it says "do not kill," it means killing is natural. If it says "do not steal," it means stealing is also natural. If it says "do not covet your neighbor's wife," it means it's absolutely natural to desire her. If a woman is prescribed to cover her head, there's nothing natural about it.
   How can one not recall one of the false wisdoms imposed on us: "Everything natural is beautiful!" Complete nonsense! It's touching to watch a little boy relieve himself naturally, but in the case of an adult man, it would cause disgust and indignation. And yet, for him, it is no less natural.
   Natural behavior is permissible on a deserted island, while society operates according to other, unnatural laws.
   Here, it's crucial to understand that the main gift of the Torah is a long list of prohibited natural actions and prescribed unnatural actions, ensuring the normal functioning of human society.
   The Torah's strict stance on homosexuality clearly indicates that the legitimization of this phenomenon will inevitably have a detrimental effect on the state of society - something humanity has already witnessed more than once.
