Новости с Англии о Кейт Миддлтон

Фото: @princeandprincessofwales
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Новости с Англии о Кейт Миддлтон

Новости с Англии о Кейт Миддлтон

ФОТО 10 марта  День  Матери
Кейт Миддлтон
считают  поддельным
и волнуются о судьбе Кейт Миддлтон


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16:16, 11 марта 2024.  Из жизни. Велиуобритания.

Новое фото Кейт Миддлтон оказалось подделкой. Почему это подогрело слухи об исчезновении жены будущего короля Британии?

Первое фото Кейт Миддлтон после болезни признали поддельным

Фото: Toby Melville / Reuters

Британская королевская семья вторую неделю безуспешно борется со слухами об «исчезновении» Кейт Миддлтон

 — супруги принца Уильяма, который унаследует престол после Карла III. Принцесса не появлялась на публике с декабря 2023 года, и ее поклонники опасаются, что она лежит в коме или подала на развод. Чтобы развеять подозрения, в выходные Кенсингтонский дворец

 опубликовал первое официальное фото Кейт после болезни. Однако это лишь подлило масла в огонь: крупнейшие информационные агентства признали снимок поддельным и отказались его распространять.

Кенсингтонский дворец опубликовал первое фото Кейт Миддлтон за два месяца
10 марта Кейт Миддлтон впервые за долгое время обратилась к поклонникам в соцсети. На прилагающемся фото она позировала в цветущем саду в окружении детей — принца Джорджа, принцессы Шарлотты и принца Луи.

В посте Кейт Миддлтон поблагодарила всех за добрые пожелания и постоянную поддержку на протяжении последних двух месяцев. Кроме того, она поздравила подписчиков с Днем матери, который тогда праздновали в Великобритании.

Это был первый официальный снимок Кейт Миддлтон после операции на брюшной полости, которую она неожиданно перенесла в январе

Принцесса Уэльская исчезла из поля зрения СМИ еще до официального объявления о болезни. Последнее мероприятие с ее участием состоялось 25 декабря 2023 года. Прежде она никогда не отсутствовала так долго.

Первое официальное фото Кейт Миддлтон после операции
Первое официальное фото Кейт Миддлтон после операции

Фото: @princeandprincessofwales

Следы небрежного редактирования снимка
породили сомнения в его подлинности

Поклонники Кейт Миддлтон с самого начала считали,
что королевская семья что-то скрывает.

Они объясняли

затянувшееся молчание принцессы Уэльской

серьезной болезнью,
и даже разводом,

который принц Уильям якобы пытается скрыть.

Новое официальное фото принцессы Уэльской
лишь укрепило их сомнения.

Сторонники теорий заговора об «исчезновении» Кейт Миддлтон
обратили внимание

на необычно зеленый для раннего марта сад

и странный жест принца Луи,
демонстрирующего скрещенные пальцы.

Кроме того,

на снимке у Кейт

почему-то не было

ни обручального кольца,

ни кольца,

подаренного ей в честь помолвки,

без которых
она почти никогда не появляется на публике.

Подозрительнее всего было небрежное редактирование,
которому явно подвергся снимок.

В частности, в глаза бросался
рукав кофты
дочери Кейт Миддлтон
с неестественно сдвинутой манжетой.

Кроме того,
большой прямоугольный участок
на груди принцессы
был заменен и сильно размыт.
Это становилось заметно,
если осветлить фото.

Вскоре в подлинности снимка,
распространенного Кенсингтонским дворцом,
и крупнейшие информационные агентства

Associated Press
распространять фото
и заявило, что
оно «подверглось цифровым манипуляциям».
К нему присоединились
Agence France-Presse
и крупнейший фотобанк
Getty Images.

Поклонники заметили следы редактирования на манжете дочери принцессы
Поклонники заметили следы редактирования на манжете дочери принцессы

Фото: @princeandprincessofwales

В посте от имени Кейт Миддлтон
огрехи объяснены тем, что она сама отредактировала снимок

В понедельник, 11 марта,
аккаунт Кенсингтонского дворца в соцсети
X (бывший Twitter)
опубликовал новый пост, подписанный Кейт Миддлтон.

В нем она пыталась объяснить странности,
замеченные на ее официальной фотографии.

утверждает, что самостоятельно
отредактировала снимок
в фоторедакторе.

"Как и многие фотографы-любители,
я иногда экспериментирую с редактированием.
Я хотела бы принести извинения за всю путаницу,
возникшую из-за фотографии,
которую мы выложили вчера.
Я надеюсь, что все отлично провели День матери. К."

Кейт Миддлтон

При этом источник издания Daily Mirror
во дворце
рассказал, что
фотографию якобы сделал не профессиональный фотограф,
а муж Кейт Миддлтон
— принц Уильям.

Их королевские высочества хотели предложить публике
неформальную фотографию всей семьи вместе в День матери.

Принцесса внесла небольшие изменения,
о чем и рассказала в своем заявлении в социальных сетях.

Семья провела День матери вместе, и все прошло чудесно

источник Daily Mirror
Клиника, в которой лечилась Кейт Миддлтон
Клиника, в которой лечилась Кейт Миддлтон

Фото: Hannah McKay / Reuters

Принц Уильям
отвечать на вопросы о здоровье Кейт,
ее участие в июньском параде отменено

Королевская семья несколько недель
игнорировала слухи и теории заговора об «исчезновении»
Кейт Миддлтон.

Кенсингтонский дворец
прервал молчание лишь в конце февраля,
когда на ее отсутствие
обратили внимание крупнейшие мировые СМИ.

«Мы с самого начала ясно объяснили,
что принцесса Уэльская
вернется лишь после Пасхи»,

заявил пресс-секретарь
принцессы Уэльской.

4 марта
в американской прессе
первая фотография Кейт Миддлтон
после болезни,
якобы сделанная папарацци.
Ее сняли
недалеко от Виндзорского замка
на пассажирском сиденье
который вела ее мать
Кэрол Миддлтон.

Подлинность этого кадра
также вызвала сомнения у поклонников принцессы Уэльской.
По какой-то причине его качество было заметно ниже,
чем у других снимков папарацци,
сделанных в аналогичных условиях,
а внешность женщины со снимка
несколько отличалась от Кейт Миддлтон
с парадных фотографий.

На следующий день
с сайта
британской армии
удалили информацию
об участии Миддлтон
в параде,
который пройдет в июне
в честь дня рождения короля

Накануне ее имя
заметили в списке участников
на странице с билетами для зрителей парада.

Британская пресса сочла это признаком того,
что к началу июня «исчезнувшая» принцесса
завершит лечение после операции на брюшной полости.

До этого были известны лишь приблизительные сроки ее возвращения:
это должно было произойти
после католической Пасхи,
которая в 2024 году отмечается 5 мая.

Утверждается, что информация об обещанном появлении Кейт Миддлтон на публике была опубликована без одобрения Кенсингтонского дворца. Неизвестно, означает ли это, что ее участие в параде отменено.

В тот же день принц Уильям
отказался обсуждать здоровье «исчезнувшей» жены
во время визита в Уэльс.
Вопрос о состоянии Кейт Миддлтон прозвучал,
когда он направлялся к стадиону «Рейскорс Граунд» в городе Рексем.

«Уильям, как Катерина?»
— спросил кто-то из зевак.

Принц не стал отвечать и пошел дальше.

Олег Парамонов


Олег Парамонов
Редактор отдела «Из жизни»
Олег Парамонов
Олег Парамонов
Писал в различные издания о науке и высоких технологиях.  В «Ленте.ру» с 2016 года. Специализируется на лонгридах об интересных исторических личностях и событиях, историях о искателях приключений и судьбах монархов со всего мира.

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Материалы по теме:

Исчезла жена будущего короля Британии.Двухмесячное молчание Кейт Миддлтон объясняют комой, разводом и побоями
1 марта 2024

Кейт Миддлтон — 42.Как девушка из простой семьи завоевала сердце принца и заставила весь мир говорить о себе?
11 января 2024

Принц Уильям и Карл III борются за корону. Наследник хочет поскорее занять британский трон и плетет интриги против отца
5 декабря 2023

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ФОТО 10 марта  День  Матери
Кейт Миддлтон
считают  поддельным
и волнуются о судьбе Кейт Миддлтон



1. Британская пресса и мировые СМИ в силу, что Кейт Миддлтон была долгое время
девушка Принца Уильмса, чётко начав обозначать женщину "Кейт Миддлтон", так же упорно и настойчиво продолжали и продолжают обозначать замужню женщину с церковным браком, супругу принца Уильмса  упорно настойчиво постоянно исключительно до "девичья фамилия до брака".   

2. Что   выглядит крайне странно:    означает ли это что церковный официальный публичный брак и бракосочетание не признаются  британскими СМИ действительным?

3.  Этот вопрос задают масса замужнх официально женщин:  при бракосочетании (церковное и или официальное бракосочетание) далее женщину называют по фамилии её официального супруга.        А что и как это в королей? принцев и принцесс? не так?

4.  Это может понять любой увлёкшейся фотограцией и осваивающий цифровое редактирование:  что увлечённый человек вкладывает свой труд и усилия и увлечения: и ЛЮБОЙ результат  ДОРОГ ЛЮБЯЩЕМУ  СЕРДЦУ  РОДНЫХ.

5. Да, Кейт Миддлтон, Герцогиня, была на всех фото всегда с обручальным и венчальными кольцами:  одно кольцо было дорого мужу:  кольцо носила Принцесса Диана. И было и "некий обет" памяти о матери мужа.

6. Но часть не оценили этого, сочтя, что такие дорогие и огромные украшения вряд ли правильно носить публично: в стране кризис. Как и: можно поранить руку и палец.

7. часть случаев и происшествий: когда кольцо зацепилось за что-то и оторвало палец: масса британок предпочитают носить обручальные и венчальные кольца на цепочке (на груди) спрятанными под одеждой  (или держать в сейфе).

8. При ряде заболеваний (почки, диабет,  высокое давление, увеличение веса и воды в организме,  прежний размер кольца на девичью руку 17-19 лет, становится маловат для женской руки рожавшей женщины  35-36-40 лет.  Часть несут кольца ювелиру расширить размер. Часть предпочтают оставить память о сами себя молодых: подарив потом так следующему поколению.

9. Я помню сама. После родов пальцы стали толще и нетонкие девичьи и ювелир "растянул" кольца по новому размеру пальца. 

10. Но, когда кольца "исторические"??  носила ещё "моя мама"? "свекровь -  мать моего мужа"?    ТО "растянуть размер кольца не всегда уместно и возволительно:  при решении имено сберечь", как стоимость "исторически официальных драгоценностей "выше" цена, выше стоимости  металы и колец: история владельцев и владелиц, имена их, добавляют цену "фамильные драгоценности".

11. Ничего не поделаешь: возраст есть возраст: и пальцы могли стать полнее больше размера для кольца девичьего размера.

12. а само фото красивое и очень красивое и милое. Мама и дети, в День Матери.

13. А если увлечённый фотогроф-любитель стилизовал редакцией фото под свой вкус: то объяснение есть: те, кто на фото снимались, "скрасили день".  И, это их право.

14. Как и право Кейт Миддлтон, как живого человека, с эмоциями и с характером, иметь своё личное мнение, также настаивать на необходимым для восстановления здоровья отдыхом:   вся Англия  пережила колоссальный стресс Коронавирусы, вакцинации, стресс и шок, кризисы, смерть бабушки мужа, похороны, и мать троих детей вполне могла нуждаться в личном свободном пространстве отдыха восстановить себя.  Будем ждать и мы все.

15. К тому же, монархи и принцы порой очень ревнивые к освящению событий: а по правилам: британской прессе есть куда направить усилия интереса: есть публично представленные для прессы и публики персоны.

16. Я сидела у телевизора в Англии и смотрела свадьбу Принц Уильмс и его тогда очаровательная невеста Кейт Миддлтон.   Эта пара подарила нам всем в Англии память: мы разделили превосходный яркий солнечный весенний день и церковное богослужение.

Я сама выходила некогда в 1981 замуж одетой в стили той свадьбы Кейт Миддлтон: платья и фата на мне были похожие. Отчего, я смотрела и со-переживала намного сильней. Хотелось Кейт Миддлтон счастья (у меня не получилось, развод, потом второй развод), и вот только красивое кружевное свадебное платье и фата и остались в памяти позитивом далёкого свадебного дня.  И мне искренно хотелось, чтобы кому то другому повезло бы в супружестве и в жизни получше, чем мне тогда повезло. Мы все желаем для Кейт Миддлтонн, Герцегини, покоя и восстановления сил и здоровья и комфорта уюта восстановления себя и своих сил.

Новости с Англии о Кейт Миддлтон

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MailOnline  UK

Kate Middleton is pictured leaving Windsor Castle in car with William as she heads for 'private appointment' - while Prince makes his way to Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey

READ MORE: Kate's Mother's Day photo is pulled over 'manipulation' fears: Picture is recalled by agencies


PUBLISHED: 14:25, 11 March 2024 | UPDATED: 16:32, 11 March 2024

The Princess of Wales has been pictured alongside Prince William leaving Windsor Castle today - just hours after she apologised for digitally editing a family portrait released on Mother's Day.

The Prince of Wales was heading to Westminster Abbey for the annual Commonwealth Day service this afternoon with his wife beside him.

But rather than an extraordinary return to royal duties, MailOnline understands that Kate was heading to a private appointment instead.

It is not known where the Princess of Wales was going, but it was clearly on her husband's route into central London because he arrived alone for the 2.45pm service attended by senior royals including Queen Camilla and Princess Anne.

Kate had looked out of her window as William appeared to read some notes on his phone as they were swept out of the grounds of Windsor Castle in a blue Range Rover that later dropped William at the Abbey without her.

The mother-of-three was not expected to be seen in public until after Easter following abdominal surgery and two weeks in a private London hospital in January. Her surprise appearance came as wild online conspiracy theories swirled around the princess and her health.

It came as Kensington Palace came under increasing pressure to release the original Mother's Day photograph after the Princess of Wales apologised after she admitted she had edited the family portrait of herself sitting with Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

Experts told MailOnline it was changed using Photoshop and related AI tools.

View gallery
Prince William leaves Windsor for Westminster Abbey this afternoon with his wife the Princess of Wales next to him

Kate was seen looking out of the window of the car as William looked like he was reading notes on his phone
View gallery
Kate was seen looking out of the window of the car as William looked like he was reading notes on his phone

A smiling Prince William walks into the Commonwealth Service this afternoon
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A smiling Prince William walks into the Commonwealth Service this afternoon
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A smiling Prince William walks into the Commonwealth Service this afternoon

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Queen Camilla and the Prince of Wales attend the annual Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey
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Queen Camilla and the Prince of Wales attend the annual Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey

Kensington Palace yesterday released the first picture of the Princess of Wales since surgery
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Kensington Palace yesterday released the first picture of the Princess of Wales since surgery

Kate also posted the apology on the Prince and Princess of Wales' Instagram account
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Kate also posted the apology on the Prince and Princess of Wales' Instagram account


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The world's major photo agencies later 'killed' the picture after noticing signs of digital editing, including a missing part of Princess Charlotte's sleeve and the misaligned edge of her wrist and skirt, and the positioning of Kate's zip.

This morning the Princess of Wales gave an apology on social media. She said: 'Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother's Day'. She signed it 'C' - for Catherine.

PR experts have described the Mother's Day photo fiasco as a 'massive own goal' and urged royal officials to release the unedited picture in a bid to regain the public's trust.

Kensington Palace had initially faced calls to reveal the truth behind the photo after the world's top picture agencies - including the Press Association - 'killed' the image over claims it had been digitally manipulated.

Kate this morning admitted she had edited the photograph and issued a personal apology 'for any confusion' it had caused. Sky News' analysis of the photo's metadata found the image was taken with a Canon camera and was saved in Adobe Photoshop twice on an Apple Mac. Other experts suggested she may have used an AI tool.

The photo of the mother-of-three beaming with Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis was the first official picture released of the princess since she under went 'planned abdominal surgery' in January.

While the princess publicly took the blame for altering the photo, Kensington Palace said it would not be reissuing the unedited photograph of Kate and her children.

PR expert Mark Borkowski said: 'It's plausible she's at home playing with the computer and using an AI tool, but if they're really going to regain any sort of trust they should release the unedited photo, it can't be that bad if they just made a few tweaks.

'I find they have risen to the challenge, provided the statement as an explanation - the question is with all the conspiracy theories running around, is whether people believe it and I'm not sure they will.'

Queen Camilla and the Prince of Wales attend the annual Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey

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Queen Camilla and Prince William giggle as they walk the royals through the Abbey
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Queen Camilla and Prince William giggle as they walk the royals through the Abbey

Guests watch a video of King Charles delivering a message during the annual Commonwealth Day Service
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Guests watch a video of King Charles delivering a message during the annual Commonwealth Day Service

Prince Edward and Princess Sophie are seen arriving at the Commonwealth Day service
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Prince Edward and Princess Sophie are seen arriving at the Commonwealth Day service

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Watch videoCamilla and William have a giggle as they lead royals at service
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Watch videoFamilies look on in horror as Mothers Day meal ends in a brawl
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Watch videoKensington Palace releasing altered photo a 'weird thing'
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Princess Anne smiles warmly as she enters Westminster Abbey
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Princess Anne smiles warmly as she enters Westminster Abbey

Birgitte, Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, attend the Commonwealth Day Service
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Birgitte, Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, attend the Commonwealth Day Service

Geri Halliwell, 51, smiled at the cameras as she arrived at Westminster Abbey to take her seat
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Geri Halliwell, 51, smiled at the cameras as she arrived at Westminster Abbey to take her seat

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Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden (L) and Britain's Foreign Secretary David Cameron arrive
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Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden (L) and Britain's Foreign Secretary David Cameron arrive

Mr Borkowski said the Mother's Day photo had exposed a public relations problem for the monarchy: 'That's the issue, there doesn't seem to be that much joined up strategic thinking at the heart of the Royal Family at the moment, which leads to these problems where it's a very difficult organisation to manage in terms of PR.'

READ MORE: LIZ JONES: The Palace can no longer be trusted. They think we are all stupid. Now we are thinking: did Kate even write the message? Is she too ill? 
He added: 'It's a nightmare, even the softer stories of Edward turning 60 this week haven't really resonated at all because no one's interested in them, they're interested in the stars they're not interested in the supporting cast and that is a problem at the moment.

'They are under pressure, massively under pressure, this is a massive own goal.'

Royal sources stressed this was 'an amateur, family photograph taken by the Prince of Wales'. It's understood it was taken in Windsor last week.

They said the couple wanted to offer an 'informal' picture of the family together for Mother's Day and the princess made 'minor adjustments'.

An aide added: 'The Wales family spent Mother's Day together and had a wonderful day.'

Sky News said an examination of the photo's metadata revealed it was saved in Adobe Photoshop twice on an Apple Mac on Friday and Saturday and the picture was taken on a Canon 5D mark IV, which retails at ;2,929.99 and used a Canon 50mm lens, priced at ;1,629.99.

The first save was made at 9.54pm on Friday night and the second was at 9.39am on Saturday morning. It is not clear if the two saves were on the same device. The Palace has not offered any further clarification about the edits.

It appears Charlotte's hand was copied over from another picture as there is an empty space where her sleeve should be
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Kate's zip appears to be misaligned on the photo as the top of it is further left and appears significantly lighter than the rest of the zip
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It appears Charlotte's hand was copied over from another picture as there is an empty space where her sleeve should be (left). Kate's zip appears to be misaligned on the photo as the top of it is further left and appears significantly lighter than the rest of the zip (right)

Charlotte's hair seems to end abruptly on her shoulder on her right despite her hair on the left going on for a few inches
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The corner of Charlotte's skirt was pointed out as another 'editing error' by social media sleuths
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Charlotte's hair seems to end abruptly on her shoulder (left) on her right despite her hair on the left going on for a few inches. The corner of Charlotte's skirt (right) was pointed out as another 'editing error' by social media sleuths

The controversy is set to overshadow the Commonwealth Day service, one of the key royal events of the year.

Heir to the throne William and the Queen will gather with the Royal Family in Westminster Abbey today in the absence of the King, who is continuing treatment for cancer during what has been a challenging start to 2024 for the Windsors.

READ MORE: Kensington Palace under pressure to release original Kate Mother's Day photo after Princess admits she edited the picture
The Princess of Wales has admitted that she edited the Mother's Day portrait and apologised 'for any confusion' that it caused
The Princess of Wales has admitted that she edited the Mother's Day portrait and apologised 'for any confusion' that it caused

Graham Smith of the anti-monarchy group Republic said: 'Kate's statement answers no questions. We can all see the photo has been edited.

'The question is why? Why haven't they released the original photo?

'A statement parsed via the press office which says nothing and explains nothing shows a general disregard for the public...'

Earlier, Kate's uncle Gary Goldsmith defended the Waleses and claimed they would not have been responsible for altering the image.

The Celebrity Big Brother evictee said: 'Obviously the family wouldn't be the ones to do any touch-ups, so if that's gone through some filter before it's gone out to the broader world, but they wouldn't be doing photoshopping themselves.'

He told Good Morning Britain: 'The smiles on faces said it all for me, I thought it was beautiful.' Mr Goldsmith added: 'And this whole 'sleevegate' thing, just leave it alone.'

Royal author Omid Scobie, seen as a cheerleader for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, accused the Palace of having a 'long history of lying', and said gaining back public trust was now 'an almost impossible task'.

Scobie wrote on X that if it was an isolated incident, it was an 'unfortunate error'.

He added: 'But with the Palace's long history of lying, covering up, and even issuing statements on behalf of family members without their permission (cc: Prince Harry), it's becoming increasingly difficult for the public to believe a word (and now photo) they share.

'Gaining that back at this point is an almost impossible task.'

The princess is known to be a keen photographer and revealed in 2021 that she takes so many family photographs that her children sometimes object.

'Everyone's like, 'Mummy, please stop taking photographs',' she said.

It comes after PA - Britain's most respected news agency - this morning joined AP, AFP, Reuters, Getty Images and EPA in withdrawing the photo.

The UK's national news agency said it had been 'seeking urgent clarification about the image from Kensington Palace' since it was released over claims it was digitally altered.

But in a sensational development this morning, PA revealed that it had now withdrawn the image 'in the absence of that clarification'.

A spokesman for PA said: 'Like other news agencies, PA Media issued the handout image provided by Kensington Palace of the Princess of Wales and her children in good faith yesterday.

'We became aware of concerns about the image and we carried a report about it last night, and made clear that we were seeking urgent clarification about the image from Kensington Palace. In the absence of that clarification, we are killing the image from our picture service.'

PA became the sixth news or picture agency to retract the photo.

The PA news agency said it had withdrawn the image of Kate from its picture service today
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The PA news agency said it had withdrawn the image of Kate from its picture service today

The image of Kate and her children, said by the palace to have been taken by Prince William, was posted on social media.

Without an official response from the palace, confusion around the image had fuelled online conspiracy theories about Kate which have swirled on the internet since her abdominal surgery.

Ahead of Kate making her statement, royal commentator Peter Hunt said: 'This is damaging for the royals. They knew there would be intense interest in any picture they released of Kate.

'Their challenge is that people will now question whether they can be trusted and believed when they next issue a health update.'

The picture shows Kate sitting in a chair with her arms around Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, who are on either side of her, with Prince George standing behind, as all four smile at the camera.

But there was speculation that edits had been made to the left sleeve of Princess Charlotte's cardigan, and other areas of the picture also raised concerns about possible manipulation.

In the social media post, Kate thanked the public 'for your kind wishes and continued support over the last two months'.

Within hours of the photo being shared around the world, multiple picture agencies issued a 'kill notification' - an industry term used to retract a photo previously handed out to publications.

Late on Sunday, the Associated Press became the first agency to 'kill' the photo over an 'inconsistency in the alignment of Princess Charlotte's left hand'.

While AP said there was no suggestion the photo was fake, it retracted it because it said on closer inspection, the source had manipulated the image in a way that did not meet the agency's photo standards.

AP said its editorial standards state that images must be accurate and that it does not use altered or digitally manipulated images.

The agency's news values and principles explain that minor photo editing, including cropping and toning and colour adjustments, are acceptable when necessary for clear and accurate reproduction and should maintain the authentic nature of the photograph.

Changes in density, contrast, colour and saturation levels that substantially alter the original scene are not acceptable. Backgrounds should not be digitally blurred or eliminated by burning down or by aggressive toning. The removal of 'red eye' from photographs is not permissible.

When AP determined the photo appeared to have been manipulated, it issued what is known as a 'photo kill,' an industry term that retracted the image and instructed clients to remove the photo from their systems.

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As well as PA, five other picture agencies around the world have taken the extraordinary step of killing the photo of Princess Kate
As well as PA, five other picture agencies around the world have taken the extraordinary step of killing the photo of Princess Kate

'At closer inspection it appears that the source has manipulated the image,' the AP said in its advisory. 'No replacement photo will be sent.'

A second agency, Reuters, also withdrew the image 'following a post-publication review'. 'We are reviewing the matter,' a spokesperson said.

Reuters picture editors said part of the sleeve of Kate's daughter's cardigan did not line up properly, suggesting that the image had been altered.

The agency could not immediately establish how, why or by whom the alteration had been made.

AfP then followed suit by issuing a 'mandatory kill notice' before Getty Images became the fourth agency to retract the photograph. EPA this morning also issued the same 'mandatory kill'.

A spokesman for AfP said: 'It has come to light that the Handout issued by Kensington Palace today of Kate and the kids had been altered, therefore it was withdrawn from AFP systems.'

A spokesman for Getty Images told Sky News: 'Earlier today our picture desk identified a problematic image provided to Getty Images by Kensington Palace. We can confirm the image in question was removed from our site in accordance with our editorial policy.'

Readers on X added a community note to a post from the Prince and Princess of Wales' account which shared the photo.

It said: 'This photo is believed to be digitally altered and as a result many major news outlets have pulled the image from their reports.'

The Princess of Wales has not been seen since she attended the Christmas Day church service at Sandringham
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The Princess of Wales has not been seen since she attended the Christmas Day church service at Sandringham

The Prince and Princess of Wales's annual Christmas card image with their three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, appeared to have a Photoshop fail as Louis' middle finger was missing in the photo
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The Prince and Princess of Wales's annual Christmas card image with their three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, appeared to have a Photoshop fail as Louis' middle finger was missing in the photo

William has been stepping up royal engagements in Kate's absence. Pictured: Prince William and Princess Kate are seen at a  ceremonial welcome for the President and the First Lady of the Republic of Korea at Horse Guards Parade on November 21 last year
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William has been stepping up royal engagements in Kate's absence. Pictured: Prince William and Princess Kate are seen at a  ceremonial welcome for the President and the First Lady of the Republic of Korea at Horse Guards Parade on November 21 last year

Kate left hospital on January 29 and returned to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor to be reunited with her children almost two weeks after having the surgery. Pictured: Kate and William in September 2022
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Kate left hospital on January 29 and returned to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor to be reunited with her children almost two weeks after having the surgery. Pictured: Kate and William in September 2022

The photo of the princess is the first released since she was admitted to the London Clinic, the private hospital where the King underwent treatment for an enlarged prostate, for a planned operation on January 16.

Charles, 75, visited his daughter-in-law's bedside after being admitted himself on January 26, the 11th day of Kate's stay.

She was also visited by her husband, William.

MailOnline  UK

Details of the princess's condition have not been disclosed but Kensington Palace said it was not cancer-related and that Kate wished her personal medical information to remain private.

The 42-year-old future queen was last pictured in public during a Christmas Day walk in Sandringham, Norfolk.

Kate is not expected to return to official duties until after Easter, and William, 41, temporarily stepped back from his royal role to juggle caring for her and their children as she recovered.

He returned to royal duties in February and is expected to carry out an engagement linked to his Earthshot environmental prize on Monday, as well as accompanying the Queen at events to mark Commonwealth Day.

Earlier this month the Army was forced into an embarrassing about-turn after suggesting Kate would attend Trooping the Colour on June 8.

Tickets were being sold for the event, with Kate expected to attend in her role as Colonel of the Irish Guards, the regiment which is trooping its colour this year.

However, it is understood the Army did not seek approval from Kensington Palace before publishing the page, and the website was subsequently updated to remove the reference to her.

Kate left the hospital on January 29, almost two weeks later, and returned to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor.

Share or comment on this article: Kate Middleton is pictured leaving Windsor Castle in car with William as she heads for 'private appointment' - while Prince makes his way to Commonwealth

MailOnline  UK

READ MORE: Kate Middleton reveals SHE edited Mother's Day portrait - as she apologises 'for any confusion the family photograph caused'
Windsor Castle
Read more:
Princess of Wales: What led to palace admission over 'manipulated' photo of Kate | UK News | Sky News
MailOnline  UK

MailOnline  UK

Kate Middleton is pictured leaving Windsor Castle in car with William as she heads for 'private appointment' - while Prince makes his way to Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey

READ MORE: Kate's Mother's Day photo is pulled over 'manipulation' fears: Picture is recalled by agencies


PUBLISHED: 14:25, 11 March 2024 | UPDATED: 16:32, 11 March 2024

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