6 The sneers over the spiritualized persons

6 The sneers over the spiritualized persons

Every scum shows us a fine example of selfless service to their vicious inclinations.
The process is more important than the result only for those who are been immersing into it with his head.
Actually, thinking is dangerous - deep thoughts do not allow to float to the surface.
The word is nothing more than an attempt at planning.
Any order is an illusion of what one would like to arrange.
Scientists are looking only for what is under their nose - and, as a rule, they stay with it.
Here after all, it happens so that it seems to be so and cannot be?!
Geniuses will never rule us – they are disgusted our herd instinct.
A strong character struggles with principles, a weak character waits for result.
The dull stubbornness with which humanity strives for the good, receives the progress in the form of encouragement.
