Putin s successful struggle...

 From information sources...

 “In 2000, there was not a single billionaire from Russia on the Forbes list.

 In 2023, there will already be 83 Russian billionaires on this “honorable” list.



 Putin is the President of the Russian Federation, before Putin, under Yeltsin, the Russian Federation was a semi-colony of the United States, but Putin and the Russian “tough guys” did not agree with this state of affairs, gathered courage and kicked American corporations in the ass, the American nouveau riche harbored a grudge, this resulted in the Maidan  in 2014 and further, under the “sensitive” leadership of the CIA, it escalated into daily violence against the Donbass, thereby Bandera’s supporters provoked the Russian Federation into a forceful response, which the American oligarchs needed and needed; the US military-industrial complex is now putting trillions in its insatiable pocket!

 But in any case, as you see, the struggle of Putin and his “tough guys” against American fascism, that is, against their total hegemony in the world, brought results - our “tough guys” grew meat, became billionaires, that is, earlier  , the American oligarchs skimmed the cream, now most of the profits go to our oligarchs.

 But this, again, in any case, is much better for the Russian people, every penny of taxes flows into the state budget, whereas under our semi-colonial situation, we were left with crumbs - remember how salaries and pensions were not paid for half a year?

 Putin, a tough nut to crack, defended Russian national big capital in the international arena, and now our capital and American capital are locked in a fight for life and death, we have become enemies, who will win?

 It is quite possible that no one will win, everyone will simply lose... because this could affect the whole world, mutual nuclear strikes in thousands - this is no joke!

 How to calm you down!?

 I have nothing to reassure you with... there is no force on earth now that will stop this bloody fight between two bulldogs... this force is now sleeping on the stove in disassembled form, and what can lift this force from the stove?

 Only necessity... when it becomes impossible to endure... but the people have the ability to endure until the worst, when the ax is not raised over them... then the people will jump off the stove... and grab the hand with the ax...


 By the way... again from information sources....

 As of the end of 2023 in the Russian Federation:

 — 10.2 percent of citizens (about 15 million people) live on less than 14,000 rubles.  per month.

 — The total debt of citizens on consumer loans: 32 trillion rubles

 — 1% of the richest families in the Russian Federation control 47.6% of the national wealth.

 - The poorest 50% account for 3.1%



 I don’t even know what conclusions you will draw...
