215 years ago N. V. Gogol was born

 "My thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia."
 N.V.  Gogol

 What did Gogol want to tell us with his brilliant work “Dead Souls”?

 By the way, it seems to me, or am I mistaken, that if a Ukrainian begins to speak Russian in addition to his Ukrainian, he is doing something bad and vice versa?

 When two people with close historical roots are in friendship, do these issues have any great significance?

 Who and why set Ukraine and Russia at odds, who set the Ukrainians against the Russians?

 What prevented us, Russians and Ukrainians, from living in friendship, and at the same time getting into the European Union and also living in friendship with the European Union, with European countries?

 Who has this friendship cut across their throats?

 Will they ever answer for what they did, revived fascism in Europe and nurtured terrorism, essentially sponsoring bloody hired killers?

 Who are these people, who are these scoundrels and scoundrels, when will we be able to try them and hang them as international war criminals?
