How to reconcile socialism with capitalism?

 When you start arguing with one of the supporters of capitalism, defending the advantages of socialism over capitalism, they give me the scientific and technical achievements of capitalism, in this case there is even an example of a significant lag in the development of productive forces in the USSR from the USA, Europe, Japan, and these countries are capitalist  .

 And it’s hard to argue with this, because the petty-bourgeois party bureaucratic stagnant government in the USSR by the eighties was no longer capable of rapid progress, and, as we know for certain, brutal competition precisely under capitalism makes the private owner spin madly, otherwise, that is, in  otherwise, he will lose and go bankrupt, which is why under capitalism we get super cars, the same computers, mobile phones, artificial intelligence finally, as well as an abundance of goods and services, another thing is that not everyone gets it in full, because with justice  capitalism doesn't even smell.

 So I thought, why do I need brains, how to reconcile these two mutually exclusive socio-economic formations, in what form to do this without damaging socialism, so that capitalism becomes a voluntary assistant to socialism, as if inadvertently pushing socialism in the economic development necessary for people, thus  Moreover, since under socialism the incentives for this very development are gradually disappearing before our eyes, and natural stagnation and stagnation sets in?

 This means that we are doing this, with a firm hand we are establishing strong, high-quality socialism throughout the world with a fair distribution of all goods in the consumption, well, as if to each according to his work, and on some waste islands, for example, in Japan, we leave capitalism to work and legislate  confirm corporate private ownership, and what do we get in this case?

 Japan, as a capitalist country, will develop by leaps and bounds, and the rest of the normal and fair socialist world, don’t be a fool, will strictly copy all the scientific and technical achievements of the Japanese and certainly implement them in all countries of the world in order to keep up with scientific and technological progress,  and use them for the benefit of all peoples, and not just for the rich, well, of course, we will not do this for free, we will pay the Japanese capitalists something extra, so that in fairness, and so that they do not give up, there should be an incentive to get rich  work like clockwork.

Yes, in a hurry I almost forgot, in this capitalist Japan we will completely prohibit military factories, all sorts of armies and a navy, so that, God forbid, they do not go to war with the entire socialist world to restore their bloodthirsty capitalism!

 And if such developments suddenly appear, immediately neutralize them, for this purpose, specially keep a rapid reaction corps somewhere closer at the ready.

 Isn't it a brilliant idea?

 We are killing two birds with one stone: we are depriving capitalism of military force, which is dangerous in every sense, and we are supporting socialism with all our might, purposefully giving it a wonderful new life, without its past lame shortcomings!?


 Don’t forget to smile, but also draw conclusions just in case!

А японцы в курсе? :)

Фёдор Трубицын   18.04.2024 13:59     Заявить о нарушении
А кто их будет спрашивать, ради светлого будущего они на первых порах потерпят капитализм... главное, чтобы там было без крови, фашизма и ненависти...

Владислав Попов 2   18.04.2024 15:26   Заявить о нарушении