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GG, time flies fast! Three years ago, Tanya, Zhenya and Mila visited me with their some members of their family for a reunion dinner. About 10 years ago I received an email from a site “HOSPITALITY.com”, where I registered, from Lyudmmila Rudnovskaya, from Belorussia, if I can accommodate her for a few days.
The site is for people, who can have guests free of charge.
I responded “YES”. Day later she asked me again, if I can accommodate her friend Sasha, also her friend, student in Minsk, Belorussia. I responded “Yes”.
But the next day, Luda (LUDMILA), ask that she has one more girlfriend Evgeniya. If I can accommodate three girls.
I said “YES”, again.
Three of them stayed in one “guest room”, where my son Alex was growing up to 69 years old. There I had big bed for 2 and I built second floor bed for one, where I liked sometimes to sleep.
We became good friends and three of them were looking for a job and stayed free, until they must go back to Minsk to continue their education.
I must say, that they were persistence and were able to get different jobs to recover EXPENCE if coming to US and going back.
Next year, Lyudmila asked, if three of them can again stay in my apartment. Sash’s did not get permission to visit US, but another girl came - Tanya and now all of them were able to find different jobs and when they started to earn money, in a few weeks, they offered my some pay for a rent. I gave yhem my recommendation for naturalization office and little - by Little, they got married, found their own aoartments and now some have children and happy family! The photos you can see, from our reunion dinner three years ago.
Grigory Urevich, Copyright, Apr. 3, 2024, New York.
