The primary task of the peoples of the world...

 We, the peoples of the world, are faced with the main question of preserving human civilization, and then the task grows of how, how to change this now selfish world, which in such a vicious form of bacchanalia of private property is pushing the world into nuclear carnage, who, when and  how will it do it?

 Konstantin Semin says that a roast rooster should peck at one place the peoples of the world so that they rise from the stove, but until this happens, there is no need to wait for something radical, no one will lift a finger...

 But, if we assume that a roast rooster pecks, then no one will think little, because capital will commit any crimes in order to preserve itself and its power...

 You understand what I’m talking about, it smells like nuclear dust, this world war will not only raise up nations, but it may even bury these nations...

 Therefore, the question arises: how to take power in order to maintain a world without nuclear madness?

 While large capitals are caught up in the race for profits - competition is steadily increasing the degree of confrontation - we need to create a strong, incorruptible party of the working class, then, through massive agitation and propaganda, educate the people so that the people will follow us, and if possible, then vote for us, although  It is very naive to expect that the now dominant bourgeois class will allow our party to come to power through elections, but nevertheless, it is worth a try, the attempt is not torture.

 Why am I grasping at straws in this, the whole point is that we may not have time to take power, by this time the world of capitalism will plunge the world into a nuclear war, then it will only be a question of the survival of everyone and everything, what the hell are revolutions  , what kind of power if we all burn in nuclear fire?

 Waiting for manna from heaven in this case is like death!

 How to prevent this disaster before it happens!?

 Has any of the sensible people on the planet thought about this!?

 Even a fool can recognize this future massacre, but finding a way of salvation is probably only within the power of geniuses!

 It is useless to grab capitalists by the hand, they do not belong to themselves, they are controlled by His Majesty capital, and capital without a soul, without conscience, without reason, drives everyone into one pit, the only selfish principle works - winning at any cost...

How to take away the power of capital, its money, its property and transfer it to the people on completely legal grounds, so as not to be forced to press the red buttons?

 No matter who I ask, no one gives me a clear answer to the main question of civilization, how to save the world from the nuclear plague?

 Excuses like this: that the reasonable people who sit at the top will not allow this - this is, please, for the ignorant, ordinary people, ignoramuses and naive dupes!

 We are people here who really look at the world, from scientific, true points of view, so it is we who need to puzzle over this global problem of the survival of all mankind!

 I'm not a genius, so I can't yet find the path that will save us...

 Need to look for a genius?
