Sponsors of terrorism...

 From the Internet.

 Yana Lantratova - deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 8th convocation:

 "Terrorism by name!

 Biden, Nuland, Blinken, Sullivan, Zelensky, Ermak, Zlochevsky, Budanov, Malyuk are just a small part of the international criminal gang that methodically practices terrorism as a method of foreign policy.

 Today, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case on the financing of terrorism, where these particular persons are involved in the case.

 Let me remind you that a little earlier, I and my colleagues in the State Duma, Alexander Dugin and Andrei Derkach, contacted the Investigative Committee with a detailed presentation of the evidence base.

 The undermining of Nord Streams, Crocus City, the murders of Dasha Dugina, Vladlen Tatarsky, the attempted murder of Zakhar Prilepin, shelling of Russian cities and many other acts of terrorism - all this is the work of a large and well-organized group of villains with American and Ukrainian passports.

 The time has come to use the full force of the law, to find out in detail and make public who else, how, when, where and why killed, blew up, tormented Russian people and sowed grief in the homes of our compatriots.

 This is our fight, a legal one for now.
 And he is not the last.
 This is just the beginning!"



 These are just pawns, a gang of organizers of hired killers, and who financed and is financing terrorism not only against Russia, but also against any country that has raised its head against the selfish interests of US bankers, US Federal Reserve financiers, as well as the oligarchs of the US military-industrial complex and US oil and gas magnates?

 This is the large US imperialist capital, the richest owners of this capital, they are the direct sponsors of terrorism around the world, sponsors of wars and military conflicts, sponsors of inciting hatred between peoples, sponsors of fascism and Nazism!

 And in order to create bloody evil on earth in their own selfish interests, they hide behind and often use the military power of NATO, that is, the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, NSA, a trillion-dollar military budget says something!?

 As soon as capital grows to the enormous size of transnational corporations, they become the fiend of hell on earth!

 Something needs to be done about this, otherwise these countless capitals in the hands of a handful of essentially international criminals can destroy the world in a nuclear confrontation between always insatiable capitals!
