how s your love life?

— so, how's your love life?
— ah, all the same
— and how's that?

     well, still enjoying hitting on shy boys who'll get scared to shit and hide in a cave. still falling in love with emotionally unavailable men who wouldn't have a care in the world if I fucking died right in their arms. still fantasising about the love of my life coming to my rescue unexpectedly, out of nowhere, preferably riding a white stallion (a huge mercedes also will do). still not sure if I like girls or boys and generally not even certain that getting a soulmate is something I'd be able to handle considering my fear of commitment. still working on myself trying to figure out what I want and where to go and what to do, sort out the emotions in my heart & head, change some destructive patterns. still worrying that I might end up alone & still spending every friend meeting feeling like a third wheel. still insecure about a lot of things about myself, still self-consciously touching my hair every time I see a good-looking guy around. still leading on some guys to believe we might have a future together just for the sake of getting some attention I so desperately crave. still getting friendzoned or told that I am 'too good' for them or that I am 'overqualified' for a relationship or that I 'choose badly' or that I'm 'afraid of commitment' or that I 'have daddy issues' or that I am 'too demanding' or that I 'have really low standards' or that I have 'really high standards' or that I am 'not ready for the responsibility'. still-

— pretty okay, thanks
