Capitalism turns into imperialism...

 When it comes to my mind to think about something that I really, really want, but which by definition cannot exist, I always remember the saying: if only mushrooms grew in your mouth, then it would no longer be a mouth, but  a whole garden!

 So here too, if capitalism continued endlessly in its such a bright stage, remained and ended with capitalism, when democracy flourishes, the rule of law is impeccably implemented, free and fair competition between producers occurs, no other forceful or monopolistic instruments are used to make a profit, then this capitalism  It would be possible to “tolerate” to some extent.

 But when imperialism begins to crystallize out of capitalism, what is imperialism, and this means that the most powerful monopolies (corporations, financial monsters, etc.) enter the scene of the struggle for profits, capable of subordinating the state itself to their selfish interests,  its armed forces, that is, to put it simply, big capital, whether you like it or not, merges into one with the state machine, and then methods of competition enter the plane of bloody showdowns, that is, world wars for the redistribution of markets and resources.

 And what world wars bring to the world, I don’t need to tell you, millions of ordinary mortals go under the knife, and not a single ordinary person will agree with this, naturally, except for the rich nouveau riche, they don’t go to war, they only count the profits from these wars, but  Not only do they organize and finance wars, but they also throw inhuman fascism at us, they don’t spare money for it, look at the US Congress and Senate - they gave money to Ukrainian fascism, they gave Israel money for the genocide of Palestinians, they threw billions at Taiwan.

 The era of monopolies (corporations) is an era of bloody wars and destruction... don’t go to grandma’s...

 And what do you want next?

 Will it blow through?!

 No, it won’t, this is not ordinary diarrhea, I took a pill and was cured, there is no miracle pill for this “bloody diarrhea” of the World War, and is not expected, only the socialist idea, only the rise of all peoples against American imperialism, only - down with private property  !

 This is the only cure!
