The priority of the spiritual over the material...

Alexander Dugin:

 - “Priority of the spiritual over the material!

 In other words - in our philosophy at the presidential level, idealism, not materialism, is correct, true and protected by the state.

 This is fundamental: the primacy of the spiritual over the material.

 It would seem that what does the president care about spiritual and material things? Let the scientists do the math.

 But no, the president considered it his duty to include the most important philosophical principle in the traditional values.

  We now have a legislative initiative on the second principle of Russian philosophy."



 Idealism and spirituality are two different things...

 Idealism is seeing the world upside down.

 Materialism is to perceive the world as it is.

 Idealism is when cause and effect are reversed, the horse is put before the cart.

 And the spiritual is not idealism, Dugin deliberately mixes up concepts, the spiritual is a certain part of the world that relates to a person’s thoughts, reflecting reality, and in the case of people like Dugin, reflecting it deliberately in a distorted way... in order to confuse us, to lead us into the wilds of deceit  casuistry...
