Tycoons of death, to whom war is a mother...

From information sources.

 "German Rheinmetall turned out to be the fastest growing military corporation in the West

  Rheinmetall's capitalization has grown by 138% since the start of Israel's military operation against the Gaza Strip.

 This turned out to be the fastest pace among the top 40 largest public military-industrial corporations in OECD countries.

 If on October 6 it was $10.7 billion, then on May 6, 2024 it was $25.4 billion.

 The same corporation, whose equipment is actively supplied to Kyiv, turned out to be the leader in growth since the beginning of 2022. Then its value was $3.9 billion, i.e.  the increase since then has been 547%.

 The fastest growing military-industrial corporations in the West
 capitalization, $ billion (dynamics since the beginning of October 2023, %)

 1. ;; Rheinmetall – 25.4 (+138%)
 2. ;; Hanwha Aerospace – 7.9 (+115%)
 3. ;; LIG Nex1 – 2.7 (+96%)
 4. ;; Kongsberg – 13.3 (+90%)
 5. ;; AeroVironment – ;;5.1 (+83%)
 6. ;; Leonardo – 13.9 (+77%)
 7. ;; Saab – 10.9 (+75%)
 8. ;; Hensoldt – 4.8 (+72%)
 9. ;; Leidos – 19.3 (+54%)
 10. ;; TransDigm – 72.4 (+54%)

 Top 40 corporations – 962 (+26%)

 In April, a lawsuit was filed with the UN International Court of Justice against Germany, accusing it of violating the genocide convention in connection with the supply of weapons to Israel.

 The lawsuit was filed by Nicaragua, the court did not impose restrictions, although it did not completely close the case.

 Berlin considers military supplies to the IDF a priority.

Germany bears a special responsibility for the existence of Israel because of the Holocaust, said Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

 The German military-industrial complex has been actively making money on supplies to Kyiv for more than 2 years.

 They have already amounted to more than 10 billion euros from Germany.

 In total, the West gave Kyiv weapons worth 129 billion euros, including the United States - 43 billion euros, and EU institutions - 41 billion.

 In February, the German Chancellor and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky entered into an agreement on security guarantees.

 Ukraine receives, in particular, such Rheinmetall products as Leopard tanks, M109 and PzH 2000 self-propelled guns, Gepard, Skynex and SIDAM 25 self-propelled guns, Marder infantry fighting vehicles, 120 Krh/40 mortars, SMArt 155 cluster shells, etc.

 It was Rheinmetall director Armin Papperger whose summer house was burned by left-wing activists in Lower Saxony last week, Bild wrote.

  They published a statement online in which they accused the corporation of making huge profits by supplying Kyiv with weapons.

 “Rheinmetall plans, produces and kills not only on a national scale,” the statement said.

 The leader in capitalization is now the American Raytheon Technologies ($136 billion), whose value has increased by 33% since the start of the Israeli operation.

 Boeing's capitalization has been sinking lately.

 The value of the corporation decreased from $158 billion at the beginning of the year to $110 billion, or 31%.

 Among the problems is a shortage of heat exchangers for aircraft due to sanctions against Russia, WSJ wrote.

 The total capitalization of the top 40 corporations in the Western military-industrial complex reached $962 billion, which was 26% ($198 billion) more than on the eve of the war in the Gaza Strip and 39% more than at the beginning of 2022.

 The rapid growth in corporate value by 20% in 2022 gave way to a decline in 2023 amid the failure of Kyiv’s counteroffensive.

 By October, the figure had fallen by 9% compared to the beginning of the year.

 But the war in Palestine and then the release of new aid packages for Ukraine revived the optimism of the death tycoons."



 You need to say something else, the numbers speak for themselves, they scream - there is nothing in the world more bloodthirsty than big capital!

 Down with big capital - the fiend of hell on earth!
