Militant idealists...

 Konstantin Semin:

 “Fascists very often call themselves militant idealists and declare a crusade against materialists (and especially Marxists).

 Such, for example, are the Turkish Bozkurts (“Gray Wolves”), whose name directly states: “cultural idealists.”

 This is the “actual idealism” of the founder of Italian fascism, Giovanni Gentile.

 Naturally, theorists of fascism like to hide behind Plato and Hegel, as if both bequeathed to build a corporatist, supra-class state, bonded by common blood, soil or faith.

  Why do charlatans and crooks like Dugin (who has no specialized philosophical education) hate Marxism and dilextic materialism so much?

 Because Marxists put Hegel on his head and hit the fascist neo-Hegelians with Hegel, quickly explaining to working people how the ruling class, with the help of metaphysical chatter, picks their pockets and sends them to slaughter for their own interests.

 All the arcs in the world cannot overturn the reinforced concrete foundation of Marxism:

 - Social existence determines social consciousness.

 And not vice versa, as the defenders of capitalism are trying to convince us.

 That is why, feeling the emptiness under their feet, they are afraid, hysterical, slander and gossip (having prudently turned off comments), and having received power, authority and weapons, they try to physically destroy their opponents.

 Because they are not able to refute Marxism in an open debate.

 Because they feel great with their skin:

 - Marx's teaching is omnipotent.  Because it is true."



 Idealists like Dugin and other talkers, including journalists, serve capital, and capital pays them handsomely for this devoted slave service, with money and positions in power, cushy positions in educational institutions, on television, and so on.

 And the most important thing here for Semin is this truth:

 - “The ruling, ruling class, with the help of metaphysical chatter, picks out the pockets of ordinary people and sends them to slaughter for their own selfish interests.”

 Look at the deceived Ukrainians, American fascism, imperialism in action!
