Ukraine as a business...

 Or the arithmetic of war...

 Look, as you already know, business is business, and it does not disdain anything, this is its natural essence, here is the same war going on right next to us and not started by us, we are only defending ourselves, innocent people, forcibly abandoned, are dying in batches  in the trenches, ordinary Ukrainians, and our heroes sometimes have to have a hard time, roll up their sleeves and work tirelessly, there is no talk of Bandera’s supporters, they are destined to hang on the gallows for life, and during this time of hostilities, American bins are continuously filled with the gold of profits.

 And what then, if we look from a further perspective, are we getting with Bandera’s Ukraine, obedient to American corporations?

 Of course, initially, their goal was to break Russia and seize all its natural resources, you can’t say anything, they chose a tasty morsel, but it didn’t work out, and it’s unlikely that it will continue to work out, except perhaps to weaken the opponent, and even then, it’s written with a pitchfork.  , now our guys are cunning, they won’t give up theirs for nothing, for beautiful eyes, these are not the flimsy Gorbachevs and drunkards Yeltsins, the power here is taken by tough nuts, you can’t crack them with one direct blow.

 That is why they wisely chose the lesser of two evils, namely: the sluggish continuation of the armed conflict with Russia provoked by the Ukrainian Nazi government.

 Time passes, the Ukrainians at the front are dying like flies, the Russians have no choice but to crush them mercilessly more and more, but the Ukrainians are not endless, someday they will run out, what will Zelensky do then, there will simply be no one to fight with, and who then will the military-industrial complex  Will the US whittle weapons?

 The blood-based business that we now have on the American side will thus immediately wither away, military firms, all sorts of corporations will go bankrupt and go around the world.

 They are terribly afraid of this, and will do everything possible and impossible to ensure that the war continues, well, even if not here, but in another place, as long as there is somewhere to sell their deadly products!

 But I decided to use simple arithmetic to calculate how long it will take for the war in Ukraine to end?

If on average we accept that we destroy up to one thousand Ukrainian Nazis per day, then per month we order thirty thousand coffins for them, and per year we get 360 thousand Banderaites.

 This means that in ten years we will bury somewhere more than three and a half million of these stupid sheep deceived by Zelensky.

 And here the Nazi regime in Kyiv will come to an end, there will be an end of people capable of holding a machine gun and pulling the trigger, only children, old men and women will be left, and they will be of no use in military affairs, like milk from a goat.

 Of course, we and our Putin can’t afford to wait ten whole years, we have enough to do without Bandera’s Ukraine, we need to quickly pump it up, well, at least double the number of Nazis whom we send to the next world in one day  ?

 Then we will get by with five years of bloodletting for the Ukrainian fascists, and no matter what, we can tolerate this, we have not tolerated this in our history.

 I already wanted to clap my hands and jump to the ceiling, but no, there’s no need to rush, it’s too early to rejoice, the American nouveau riche are not fools either, they know how to knit, I didn’t count those people on the planet who would willingly sacrifice their souls for a reasonable salary  even if they sell it to the devil himself, our enemies will give them a solid allowance, and they will happily, with their pants pulled up, run to shoot at our valiant warriors, and then, where to go, and we will have to gut this insatiable contingent every day?

 And how many more millions of these moral monsters from all over the world will American corporations throw into the furnace of the war for money?

 This way we will run out of all the strength to put half the world under the knife, you won’t be able to get rid of it in fifty years, imagine what kind of money the American military factories will make in these bloody fifty years, here it smells not of billions, but of whole trillions!

 Mom, dear, what to do, how to stop this natural meat grinder that the American nouveau riche have started!?

 And after all, the bastards, they will throw ordinary poor people from all over the world into the furnace of war as long as it is profitable for them, and war, as you know, is an insanely profitable business, and I can’t imagine what to do!?

 I would like to meet with Putin himself, what will he answer me to this, maybe he has an acceptable way out in mind, but here I am suffering in the unknown, and I’m clutching my head!?

 And I really want clarity on this terribly confusing issue, even if I cry!

 When will this mockery of us and Russia end, when will we breathe freely!?

 This cannot continue indefinitely if the appetites of the American nouveau riche are also endless!

 Something needs to be done!?
