Girl stalker 3

When they passed the checkpoint, Lelya asked Katenka to stay close to her. Katya nodded her head, but moved somewhere to the side. Olga (Lelya) had to pull Katya by the sleeve of her protective jacket. When they were getting ready to set off, Katya was calm, but now something was happening to her. However, when the girl looked around, she calmed down a little. Lelya also looked around. This was Lyolya’s sixth trip to the Burial Ground, but each time this strange place turned the other side in front of her. The first three times Lelya was surprised by this, but now she stopped finding something special in it.
Here's exactly how it is now. Now the asphalt road, cracked from the heat, stretched out in front of the girls. But, as far as Lyolya remembered, there shouldn’t have been any asphalt road here. Last time, after passing the checkpoint, Lelya found herself in front of a small makeshift bridge over a stream. The stream was dirty, but quite deep. Lyolya was returning home then, too, through this bridge. Now there was no sign of either a bridge or a stream. It is unlikely that the checkpoint workers, in their free time from work, decided to drain the stream and turn this place into an asphalt road, which has already begun to crack. Lelya opened her mouth to share these thoughts with Katerina, but immediately closed it. She realized that she would scare Katya if she told her that since her last visit to the Burying Ground, which was a little over a month ago, the surrounding landscape had changed.
Last time, Nadezhda, another friend and colleague of Lyolya in life, went to the Cemetery with Lelya. Nadezhda would have understood Lelya, but, unfortunately, her friend was now very far away. She wasn't even in the country right now. And Katenka, well Katenka, Katenka was an easily vulnerable and excitable creature. If Lelya had different circumstances, she would never have invited Katya with her. The friend let out a cry, and Olga interrupted her memories. The girl looked closely, Katya pointed her finger in thick gloves to a certain place. Olga had good eyesight, but Katya probably had even better eyesight. In any case, Olga did not see anything special in the place where Katya was pointing. The weather was great, even though it was September, it was quite warm, even hot. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky. It was 11:00 am, approaching noon, and the landscape was clearly visible in all directions. What was even more surprising was that a few meters from the girls the road plunged into a yellow haze, similar to thickened fog, or rather, condensed milk. However, Lelya only saw that the haze was yellow when she and Katya came almost close to this place. Now, from here, where the path to the Burial Ground was just beginning, the thickening fog still seemed to have an indeterminate color.
It was getting hot, at home in this weather you could still swim and sunbathe. Lelya sighed, well, dreams of a warm sea and yellow sand now need to be pushed to the periphery. All this will definitely happen! This is why Lelya was here now. The collar of the jacket, buttoned very tightly and wrapped around the neck with a special scarf, put pressure on the throat. The fingers in the gloves felt quite comfortable for now, but soon, when I had to go, Lelya would feel like a fried chicken in the oven. As you remember, I already said that this was already the sixth trip to the Cemetery, and Lelya had a great idea of what awaited her. The last time Lelya was here was more than a month ago, that is, in August. It was hell! It was so hot that it is impossible to describe in words. Lelya again wanted to voice these memories to Katya, but stopped short. Meanwhile, the girls’ legs obediently followed the commands, and half the distance to the strange haze at the end of the road had already been passed.
“Katya, stop,” Lelya smiled affectionately at her friend, “don’t run like that!” We'll still be drowning! Aren't you tired?
“No,” the friend laughed, “it’s so wonderful here!” I want to go and go!
-I'm glad! Well, let's go. Just, I ask you again, be attentive to every little detail, and... Don’t be in such a hurry!
We walked for about another hour and a half. The road either dropped or rose a little. A strange phenomenon that seemed very close was actually quite far away. But it was impossible to avoid this place. The moment came when the girls came almost close to the yellowish fog. Lelya looked around, the idea came to her mind to get around the fog, for this she would have to go down the road, but, looking closer, the girl realized that it would be useless. Whether to the right, to the left, or straight - the fog was everywhere. There was no exit. Lyolya told Katya to take a hat from her bag, similar to the one worn by astronauts or divers, and attached the edges of the hat to Katerina’s costume. Katya did the same with Lyolya’s costume. The girls looked at each other and laughed. Now, on this September afternoon, when the sun was burning from the sky, they looked especially funny in their costumes. However, they were alone here, and there was no one to laugh at them. Lelya looked at herself from all sides, there were no cracks or tears in the suit, then she turned her gaze to Katya. Katya’s suit also seemed okaye. Nodding to her friend, Olga bravely stepped into the fog; Katya probably did the same. Visibility almost disappeared immediately. When Lelya turned around, she saw the fuzzy silhouette of Katerina. The oxygen supply has started. Maybe here, in the fog, it was also possible to breathe, but as you understand, Lelya did not check this fact. The going was easy. Surprisingly, it felt like someone was pushing you in the back. It even seemed to Olga that her body had become light. Of course, it was far from weightlessness, but walking, as I said, was comfortable. However, the fog did not end. The girls kept walking and walking. Lelya pressed the button, the clock built into the headdress showed that the girls had walked about 2 km in the fog. The time spent on the road through the yellow fog was so far forty minutes. Olga sighed, well, nothing bad has happened yet. Forty minutes is not that much. The only thing that worried Lelya now was Katya’s condition. As far as Olga knew, Katya did not suffer from attacks of claustrophobia, but, being in extreme conditions, any human body is a mystery.
