People, wake up!

 Konstantin Semin.

 “Any enlightened, educated, sensible person, based on scientific knowledge, sad historical practice, is sure, truly convinced, clearly sees that the root cause of the world imperialist wars is fierce competition between rival groups of capitalists, spurred by the general irreversible crisis of the capitalist system.

 The First World Imperialist War was a war of capitalist predators for colonies, resources, labor and markets.

 The First World War buried more than 20 million people and maimed just as many.

 This war clearly demonstrated: any technical, everyday, cultural and architectural achievements of capitalism are easily and quickly erased into powder, turned into dust and ruins, if all its technical power is directed towards destruction.

 The World War shattered the tradesman's dream of being able to sit back and wait it out.

 The World War proved: the giant meat grinder first of all uses the cheapest and most accessible material - the poor, that is, the proletariat.

 Capitalists and children of capitalists do not go into the trenches, the propertied classes sit in the rear, they always feed on the lives of others, hiding behind the backs of the heroes.

 The Second World War claimed the lives of 60-70 million people.
 And the response of imperialism to the threat of the world socialist revolution was German fascism.

 Fascism promised to protect private property from the people through organized terror.

 Fascism cast aside any ethical restrictions, made war total, and the destruction of people an assembly line.

 The colossal feat and enormous sacrifices of the Soviet people made it possible to defeat Nazi Germany, nurtured by the American oligarchs, but did not and, apparently, could not eliminate the causes that gave rise to fascism, namely, imperialist competition between monopolies.

 The price for relaxation and betrayal, for the supposed “convergence and peaceful coexistence of systems” was the destruction of the Soviet Union, the dismantling of the gains of the revolution, the restoration of selfish capitalist relations and “the triumph of the forces of reaction along the entire line of socialism.”

 You don’t need to be a prophet to understand: humanity is entering a new turn of the well-known spiral.

 The Third World Imperialist War promises the world such disasters, such destruction and such sacrifices, in comparison with which the horrors of all previous wars will pale.

 The ingredients for this are ready, alliances and blocks are being completed before our eyes.

 Weapons unprecedented in their lethality are produced on an equally unprecedented scale.

 There is no shortage of crazy politicians, “patriots” who call to “suck”, “re-show”, “cut the corridor, “squeeze” or “redraw”.

 Of course, each of them feels “divine support” behind them.

 Just one piece of ammunition that accidentally fell from under the wing over the Baltic, one salvo in the East China Sea or the Taiwan Strait, one sunken ship in the Strait of Hormuz...

 Nobody knows what will be the trigger.

 But everyone can see: there is no longer any free space on the wall from loaded guns.



 People, wake up, a hurricane of nuclear dust is heading towards us, and this hurricane is emerging in the jaws of large national capitals!

 Down with capital, down with private property, down with fascism, down with insatiable bloodthirsty oligarchs, down with the institution of private property!

 Long live people's, public, state property, not in words, but in deeds!

 This is the only way to save humanity!

 The only one!!!

 “Neither God, nor a king, nor a hero”... but the simple people of the whole earth, standing up to their full height!
