Girl stalker 19

Jumping out of the children's room, Olga began to rush about; due to her shock, she could not find the stairs to the third floor.
Nausea came in waves.
Or was it the floor that was shaking?
Then someone’s voice was heard, Olga listened, yes, that’s right, Katya was calling her. Having somehow calmed down, the girl moved towards where the voice came from, but did not have time to go far, because she suddenly fell into the hatch. It turns out that under three underground floors there was another room.
Surprisingly, the girl did not lose consciousness, although it was very painful.
The basement was well lit, there was a long table in the middle of the basement, it divided the basement into two halves. There were surgical instruments on the table. Nausea again rose in Olga’s throat; several instruments had brown stains that looked like blood; moreover, some pieces were stuck to several instruments. I won’t voice my guesses, otherwise I’ll be sick.
Olga tried to go around the table, but the edges of the table rested against the wall.
The girl had to crawl under the table.
Probably, during this action, she accidentally hit the table, and some of the tools fell on the floor.
Hearing the ringing, Olga accelerated, she tried to get out as quickly as possible, but again hit her head.
With another throw, she finally left the dark depths of the table.
Guess where I'm going with this. Well? Did you guess it?
I'll tell you, among the tools that the girl dropped, there was one special one. The surgical knife lay on the floor, shimmering in the light of the lamps and glowing green.
However, Olga did not have time to take it. Somewhere behind the wall of the house the sounds of gunfire were heard, someone was screaming and pounding their fists on the wall. Then a scream was heard again, someone shot several times.
Then everything seemed to calm down, Olga looked around, trying to figure out how to get out of the basement. Only in vain did she relax, all the troubles lay ahead. Suddenly, they started shooting again - they shot with precision. Whoever shot was hoping to get inside. And he finally succeeded. The basement door gave way, and the shooter, or shooters, burst into the basement. Olga was sitting under the table, clutching an artifact in her hand. She didn't even remember when it ended up in her hand. The girl held the knife in front of her, as if it could protect her.
Olga was warmed by the illusory hope that she would not be found. However, the hope was not justified. Someone looked under the table
-Kuk-ku, who is this good guy? He sits under the table and is silent,” the man in uniform laughed mockingly, “and what are we squeezing with our gentle hands?” Such beautiful girls should not hold bladed weapons in their hands. Guys,” the man turned to someone invisible, “the missing item has been found!” Are we looking for a green knife?
Having received confirmation, the man leaned towards Olga again.
-Well, doll, why are you sitting there, with your eyes bulging? Give me the knife! Of course, I can take it from you myself, but for this I will have to crawl under the table, and I don’t want to. It's not a man's business to climb under tables.
“You’re lying,” Olga answered, unexpectedly for herself, in a strange and hoarse voice, “you’re afraid to die if you take away the knife!” I know that you remember very well, here in the Burial Ground you cannot steal or take by force what belongs to others.
“You,” the man instantly became furious when he realized that his trick didn’t work, “ssuuum!” A torn wallet, do you think she’s the smartest? Guys,” the man turned to his invisible accomplices, “what do you think?” How will we finish off the girl? - The man listened, the options that his accomplices sketched out to him apparently appealed to him. - Did you hear? Here, in this order, we will finish you off! Better give me the knife back!
The girl was ready to give up the knife, but she understood perfectly well that after she gave up the artifact, things wouldn’t get any better. On the contrary, as long as the knife is in her hands, she is protected. There was no hope that someone would come and save. From the conversation of the attackers, the girl realized that her totem, and the totem of her friend Katya, were wounded. It was at them that the bandits shot with targeted bursts. The only thing Olga was praying for now was that her friend would not decide to go downstairs in order to figure out what was happening.
“Well, so,” the man interrupted the pause, “will you give me the feather?” We really need it! In return, I promise,” the bandit laughed, “that we won’t touch you!” I give you the cross,” the bandit awkwardly crossed himself, “just throw me a knife, and we’ll leave right away!”
At these words, the bandit’s invisible accomplices laughed loudly.
Convinced that no one believed his lies, not even himself, the man suddenly roared like a bull.
“You got me,” the man hit the table several times, testing its strength, “well, I’m coming to you!”
The man knelt down and pretended to crawl under the table.
Olga was very scared, it seemed that everything that was happening was just a bad dream. However, she could not wake up. Her only salvation now was to show firmness and not give in to any persuasion from the bandit.
As Olga expected, the bandit did not reach under the table. The knife that Olga was now holding in her hands was a deadly weapon for a man. The man had no intention of dying; he wanted to quickly pick up the valuable artifact and leave the basement as soon as possible. However, so far, he has nothingdid not work.
Olga looked down at her hands. A small, thin knife, slightly larger than a palm, was now her artifact, and the girl would not be able to take it out of her hands, even if she died. It’s not even like that, if Olga dies, they will be able to pull the knife out of her cold hands, but they won’t be able to carry it far. The bandits understood this too. They knew the laws of the Boneyard, and this really infuriated them.
Of course, the bandit did not reach under the table, realizing that his tricks did not work, he straightened up and went somewhere to the side. The bandits could be heard consulting among themselves.
Finally, apparently, the negotiations were over, because Olga heard the bandit’s voice right next to her, almost next to her.
“What, are you sitting under the table and laughing at us?” the bandit’s voice did not bode well, “don’t choke there with laughter!” We found your weak spot! In our gang there is a guy, a former cop, a detective, his brains work well. So he figured, there were two totems, a horse and a fish, which means you weren’t the only one who came here. While we are talking, Kostya, this tracker, has already gone after the person you came with. As I understand it, it’s impossible to dig you out from under the table, but now it will hurt your traveling companion. Yes, if it’s a girl, then we’ll all have a blast!
“You won’t dare!” Olga shouted, “you won’t find her!”
“But now we’ll see,” the bandit laughed contentedly, “I didn’t mean it in a good way, it will be in a bad way.”
Oh, definitely a girl! Kostya, put the gun down already, he’ll shoot at any moment, but here it’s impossible, don’t scare the girl, where will she go from here!?
What are you doing, this creature? - the bandit suddenly gasped and stared at the wound that Olga inflicted on him with a knife - did it come out after all? And you want to stab me with this little knife? Guys,” the bandit tried to portray a smile, but his lips suddenly stopped obeying him, “this bag decided to kill me!”
Of course, the girl was not able to deliver a strong blow to the bandit, well, she did not have such experience, her blow looked more like a scratch, like a long cut, But, in this case, that was enough. Blood gushed out of the wound. Blood flowed as if from a water tap. The accomplices were in no hurry to rush to the aid of the bandit; only his life was important to everyone. However, no one was going to leave this place. The former policeman, whose name was Kostya, suddenly jumped up to Katya again and grabbed her hand.
