girl stalker 20

“Where exactly was my room?” When the girls returned to the floor where their things were, Katya went to the window. Apparently the view from the window did not satisfy her, because she shook her head negatively and went to another window.
“Katyusha,” Olga carefully straightened the edge of Katya’s hood, “are you still in shock?” Calm down, the knife is in my hands, and we are together!
“Yes.” Katya suddenly sat down on the floor and began to cry. “It was so scary!” I thought I would never see my mother again!
“It’s all over,” Olga also went to the window, “do you have the strength to get up and go to the window again?” Look, they're leaving! You were right, home is the best refuge now! Although, what’s under the house... - Olga wanted to tell Katya about the disgusting nightmares that she saw on the underground floors, but she changed her mind, she decided that her friend had had enough shocks for today.
So they sat on the floor for a while, hugging each other, and then Katya said that she was hungry.
While going about their daily affairs, the girls tried not to bring up recent events in conversation. However, they didn't last long. Olga remembered that her totem, like Katya’s, was probably wounded, but decided not to tell Katerina about this yet. Instead, Olga, as it seemed to her, secretly, several times approached the window and tried to see something that would give her hope that the Sea Urchin and Dandelion were alive.
However, as soon as Olga moved away from the window, her friend also began to wander around the room and look into all the windows. But what she saw probably did not satisfy Katerina, because she told Olga that she needed to find something, and went to wander through the rooms that were still on the floor. Olga was sure that her friend did not know about the fate of the totems. In this case, what is she looking for, why is she looking so intently into the distance that opens from the windows?
Finally, Katya ran into the room with a victorious cry: “I found it!”
“Have you found another artifact?” Olga clapped her hands enthusiastically, “Show me!”
- No! - Katya laughed happily, - I found a suitable view from the window!
“What did you find?” Olga clarified, “did you see something?”
- Yes, I saw from the window that view, those trees, hills and lake that I saw year after year when I came to my grandmother for three summer months to take a break from school. Probably, the house where we are now was built on the territory where my grandmother’s house was once located. My grandmother told me that many generations of her ancestors, and therefore my mother’s ancestors and my ancestors, grew up in this house. Do you understand what this means?
- Yes, I understand! But Katya, are you sure that this is exactly the place?
- Due to the fact that the lilac bushes were cut down, the landscape that I see from the window has changed a lot, but still, I’m sure this was my grandmother’s house. Grandmother's house was two-story, and there was also an attic. My older brother made a room there, and when he went to the city to study, I began to live there. As you know, I also have a middle sister, but when we visited my grandmother, she flatly refused to live in the attic. A hatch led from the attic to the roof. Very often on hot summer evenings, I sat on the roof and read. And sometimes I just sat and looked at the stars. Therefore, I answer your question again, yes, I am sure.
“The house protected us,” Olga summed up her friend’s story. “Now I fully understand what happened.”
Do you think so too?
“That’s probably all true,” Katya said thoughtfully, “my grandmother didn’t want to leave her home, but in the end she let her mother persuade her.” She was still a strong woman when she got into our car, but less than six months later she died.
- How old was your grandmother?
“She was one hundred and ten years old.” Tears welled up in Katya’s eyes as she remembered the melancholy in her grandmother’s eyes at the moment when she was taken to a comfortable but foreign place.
“But I probably won’t find my house,” in order to defuse the situation, Olga decided to take the conversation in a different direction, “I was older than you when I left this village, but for some reason I don’t remember anything.” So, some excerpts from everyday life. School, home, school friends! Everything that was in some kind of haze.
“I also thought that I had forgotten everything,” Katya sobbed, “but now the memories have returned, and with every minute, I remember more and more.”
