girl stalker 24

“Olya,” Katya turned the component of the Rubik’s cube in her hands, “here, take it, I found this part of the cube behind the chair.”
“This is for you,” Olga was slightly distracted from the work she was indulging in with rapture. I mean, at the moment when Katya found the missing part of the cube, Olga was arranging things so that they did not touch in the artifact bag - now, this is your artifact.
Katya wanted to object, but then she remembered the laws of the Cemetery, which Olga had told her about so many times, and remained silent.
Yes, I want to tell you how my friends’ trip to the side of the house where the underground floors were located ended.
Oh, nothing.
Will you be very surprised if I tell you that the girls could not find the door that led to the stairs? Olga was sure that she remembered exactly the place where the door was, but now there was only a wall in front of her.
Do you remember how excited Katya was when she wanted to find these three underground floors? When Olga couldn’t find the passage, Katya got angry, she thought that her friend simply didn’t want her, Katya, to go downstairs. However, Olga swore and swore that the door behind which there was a staircase to the dungeon should be exactly where Olga pointed. Olya was not a liar and Katya knew it. Olga could be hot-tempered, sarcastic, even angry, but she was not a liar.
In the end, it was decided to leave the house, turn the corner, and again visit the place where the tragic events took place yesterday.
The girls looked into the room with caution at first, and only then entered. Everything in the room was as it had been when the girls left it. That is, there were pools of blood on the floor, there were fragments, the contents of the table were partially lying on the floor. However, something has changed. The hatch from which Olga fell yesterday was now closed. Katya invited Olga to climb onto the table. However, even standing on the table, the girls could not reach the hatch. Then Katya suggested another plan to Olga. Katya wanted Olga to help her, she hoped that in this case she would be able to reach the hatch. Olga was full of skepticism, but did not object to Katya.
The girl was afraid that her friend would think badly of her. Olga did not like being suspected of lying. The hatch cover did not give way, either Katya’s hands were weak, or someone was pressing from above so that the cover remained closed, I don’t know. The hatch cover wouldn't budge and that's it.
Katya was angry, but she couldn’t do anything. Finally the girls came down from the table.
Olga invited Katya to once again examine the things that were laid out on the table, but Katya only muttered something angry in response. Then Olga decided to inspect the things herself. No, there were no more artifacts among the things. The wind blew through the broken windows of the basement and whistled its threatening song. It seemed that the wind was blowing stronger every minute. While the girls were looking around, a sound was heard from the door; the wind pushed an old, childish, shabby, red tricycle into the door of the room. Driven by the wind, the bicycle rushed straight towards Olga. Stretching out her leg, Olga mechanically stopped him, and only then did the full comedy of the situation dawn on her: the children’s bicycle was an artifact, all parts of the bicycle were shimmering with bright green, and the dosimeter, which hung on a chain around Olga’s neck, suddenly howled and almost choked on the sound . Olga took her foot off the bike, but realized it was too late. Now this bulky artifact belonged to her. Olga had never carried such a bulky thing through the checkpoint, and had no idea what to do now! It was possible, of course, to try to disassemble the bicycle for parts, but Olga did not know if we did this with this thing, would the properties of the artifact remain in it?
As soon as Olga removed her foot, the bicycle continued its movement. For some reason, Olga suddenly didn’t want to laugh, moreover, the small bicycle, controlled by the wind, began to instill gloomy thoughts. The bell attached to the handlebar of the bicycle rang, after which the bicycle turned around, spun in place, and then went back in the direction where Olga was standing. Olga shied away to the side. The bike seemed to like it, as if it were being driven by a child who decided that Olga wanted to play with it. Slowly driving around Olga on the left side, the bike headed towards the pools of blood and began making figure eights with its wheels. The bicycle wheels immediately became stained red. And Olga was attacked by tetanus. The girl understood that it was time for her to run away from here, but she could not budge. After circling through the puddles of blood, the bike moved back a little, its maneuver was obvious, the bike was accelerating. Olga was saved only by Katya pushing her away from the bicycle rushing towards her. Otherwise, the outcome of the case would be unpredictable. Grabbing Olga's hand, Katya rushed to the front door. The bicycle was flying behind them. However, the girls managed to slam the door behind them. The bike was beating like a beast! He stormed the door with frenzy, over and over again. Finally, there was silence. The silence was replaced by a child's crying. Some child was crying bitterly, or at least that’s what Olga heard. FromTiptoeing away from the door, the girls hastily turned the corner and ran into the doors of the house. Olga wanted to close the door behind her, but Katya pulled her friend upstairs, to where the tent was.
   Katya intuitively felt that here in the house nothing threatened them; all the bad things happened to them when they left the house. Even the place where the mad bicycle remained was not part of the house. The place where the bandits wanted to take the surgical knife from Olga was an annex.
