girl stalker 25

"A merman kissed me?
Sorry, dream, I'll go home."

And again the day flew by like a rocket. We decided to hit the road tomorrow morning. The air temperature outside the window rose so much that Katya decided to sleep right on the floor, in a sleeping bag. For some reason, sleeping in a tent had been irritating her lately. Olga was surprised, but did not object. It was early, very early morning when Katya opened her eyes. So, Katya opened her eyes and was surprised - she fell asleep in one place, and woke up in another, that is, on the fourth floor. I lowered my feet from the sun lounger and decided to look around. That night when she spent the night here, Katya did not have time to do this.
“Well, everything has its time,” the girl thought, “Olya is probably still sleeping, so I won’t disturb her, I’ll just sit here quietly.”
It was not possible to sit quietly because Katya suddenly saw a door that led to the left tower. There was still a right tower, but there was a lock on the door of the right tower, and the door of the left tower was simply open. As I already wrote, the roof of the house was crowned with four towers. However, two towers were so destroyed that even approaching them was dangerous, so I will exclude these towers from the list of “left” and “right”. That is, we will only talk about two towers, however, why talk about two towers if only one tower was available - the left one.
Katerina’s character was simple; for her, only that which could be used was real. What could not be used did not exist for her.
So, the left tower... Taking hold of the handle, Katya pulled the door towards herself. The door creaked disgustingly, and Katya shuddered.
“And why am I?” Katya asked herself, “I’m not doing anything bad, I’m not interfering with anyone, I have the right to go where I wasn’t invited!”
It was inconvenient to climb the spiral staircase; the inside of the tower was narrow. However, there was nowhere to retreat. Having reached the top platform, Katya grabbed the fence. The wind was so strong that it threatened to carry away the tower and Katya along with it. Here, at the top, an unusual find awaited Katya. Suddenly, under her feet, she saw a poster depicting some kind of Asian musical group. To prevent the poster from flying away, it was crushed with a huge glass beer mug, which depicted the same Asian group.
The mug was green, the poster was not.
As soon as Katya took the mug, the poster flew into the air, towards freedom. At the last moment, the girl decided to catch the poster, but she failed. The piece of paper instantly disappeared from view. Leaning over the fence, the girl decided to follow with her gaze the beautiful Asian young men depicted on the paper, but the piece of paper had already flown far away. The girl's attention was attracted by something bright and moving in an unusual amplitude. Taking a closer look, Katya screamed, but immediately covered her mouth. A red tricycle was circling around the house at breakneck speed.
It seemed that the bicycle heard Katya scream. The vehicle, some little boy in the past, or a girl, stopped. And then Katya heard a child’s voice. The voice sounded in her head.
- Sorry, I won't do this again! Where is my mom? Tell her I'll be good! Ask her, don’t let her leave me! I got out of that room! The room was bad and I was bad! Now I'm good! Tell that to my mom!
Slapping herself on the cheek and pinching her hand, Katya went back. It was harder to go down than to go up, especially since her hands were full of a glass mug, but Katya eventually managed.
However, she couldn’t just leave the roof. Approaching the right tower, she tried to open the lock, and only when she realized that this was impossible, she sighed and went to Olga.
The friend was no longer asleep and greeted Katya with a smile, but the smile immediately withered on her lips as soon as Katya told about what she saw from the tower.
It was necessary to leave. When her things were collected, Katya looked around the house, which for some reason she now considered hers, and sighed. It wasn’t that she really liked staying in this house, but for some reason she didn’t have the desire to leave.
When the girls left the house, they immediately heard a creak. The bike was traveling very slowly and stopped in the distance. The girls heard the word “Sorry,” repeated several times by a child’s voice, simultaneously.
The girls' reactions were different. Hearing the voice coming from the depths of the bicycle, Katya glanced sideways at the front door. The girl thought about how fast they would have to run so that the bicycle could not catch up with them.
Olga had a completely different reaction. The girl suddenly remembered that she was a teacher and decided to educate the ghost who was inside the bicycle. When the ghost of the bicycle said “I’m sorry” for the hundredth time, Olga said
- If you promise that you will behave well, then I will allow you to follow us! Do you understand what I'm talking about?
“Yes,” the bicycle confirmed, and began to repeat again, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
So they went. Katya walked slightly ahead, Olga followed her, and a bicycle brought up the rear. When Katya and Olga started talking about something, the ghost of the bicycle began to freak out, it acceleratedand tried to wedge himself between the girls. Initially, the girls tried to comply, and broke off the conversation when the bike stopped liking it. But then, when the situation ceased to be stressful and surprising, the travelers stopped paying attention to the annoying bicycle, but in vain. The trouble happened when the girls were walking along a high bank, which ended in a cliff above the river. Suddenly, the inadequate ghost of the bicycle got angry and, accelerating, pushed Olga. Olga began to fall, Katya tried to save her, as a result they both rolled head over heels down the slope. At the moment when the irreparable was about to happen, totems intervened in the situation. Sea Urchin and Dandelion saved their owners. But the bicycle had a hard time, the angry horse Dandelion hit the bicycle with his hoof so hard that one of the bicycle wheels flew off.
Katya was not injured, but Olga fell into the water. The sea urchin rushed to save her.
Soon the merman emerged from the water with his beautiful burden in his arms.
It was trash. The bicycle howled the word “Sorry” at a high note, Katya cried, and the merman, having carefully lowered Olga onto the river bank, suddenly grabbed his head.
“Is this the end?” the sea prince turned to the horse.
“What do you mean?” asked the horse Dandelion, who at that moment was fortifying himself with grass.
- Do I have to marry her now?
- Why?
- When I gave her artificial respiration in the water, I accidentally kissed her. And now, according to the laws of our underwater kingdom, I must marry her! But I’m still so young!
“So why did you kiss her?” the horse Dandelion asked again, pushing away, once again, the bicycle, which was persistently breaking through to Olga to say “Sorry!”
- Probably, the sea demon misled me! What should I do now? It's too early for me to get married! - the sea prince sobbed again
“You’re an idiot!” Katya’s voice was heard, “and you don’t want to ask the girl if she agrees to marry you?”
