girl stalker 27

The weather has changed. A cold wind was blowing, hinting that winter was just around the corner.
Olga slept restlessly, her eyeballs were rotating, her fingers were clenching and unclenching, the blue vein on her neck was pulsating so much that it seemed like it was about to explode. Katya didn’t see any of this because she was sleeping outside the tent. Closer to the morning, because of the wind, she felt cold, and she moved into the tent, and then it became obvious to her that Olga was getting worse. It seems my friend has a fever.
Katya really didn’t understand medicines, well, the names of these complex medicines weren’t stuck in her head, so now, when Olga needed help so urgently, the girl very much doubted that she would be able to understand the medicines that were in a special box, marked with a cross. Afraid of disturbing her friend, Katya took the box and a flashlight and crawled out of the tent. Opening the box, she simply shook out its contents onto the windowsill. Using a flashlight, Katya tried to find a medicine that would lower her temperature. Perhaps there were such pills among the medicines, but Katya did not find them.
The situation was hopeless.
After reflection, Katya came to the conclusion that it was time to bring into the light of day the knowledge that the healer Walpurgis had left her. Of course, Katya remembered how Olga reacted to her treatment the last time, but she saw no other way out. Having covered Olga with her jacket, Katya decisively went down the stairs. The wind did not allow the door to be opened, but the girl gathered all her strength. Finally, she found herself on the street. The horse Dandelion and the mermaid Sea Urchin went somewhere. There was nothing surprising about this, because, firstly, it was raining outside, and secondly, it was still too early. Katya looked at her watch, yes, that’s right, the clock showed that it was only three o’clock in the morning. The girl shivered, yes, you can’t go into the forest in this weather. Katya tried several times to call one of the totems, but the wind blocked her voice. While the girl was wondering what to do, the rain intensified, and she was wet to the skin. It was necessary to return back to the house. Turning around, Katya suddenly saw out of the corner of her eye something that had not been there before. That’s right, on two sides of the porch there were six figures. The girl recently saw similar figures in a documentary about Jeju Island. However, that was not all.   Next to each figure stood a pyramid of stones.
The pyramid of stones was a flimsy structure, but the wind, which was already blowing furiously, had no power over the stones. Katya approached the stone pyramid and removed the stone that was at the very top. A stone was like a stone, there was nothing special about it. Turning the stone in her hands, the girl put it back in place.
After that, covering her head with her hands, Katya rushed to the house. Surprisingly, as soon as she climbed onto the porch, the door opened. A pretty woman in a long dress, cap and apron stood in the doorway. The woman's face was pale and expressed anguish.
“Walpurgis,” the woman shouted, dragging Katya into the house, “why are you taking so long?” Where is your chest of drugs?
Not understanding anything, Katya looked around.
The house she was in now was completely different from the house where she had left Olga ten minutes earlier.
“Our young master is delirious,” the woman wiped away a tear, “all hope is only in you.” Will your chest of drugs arrive later? - Seeing that Katya was silent, the woman in the cap frowned, “didn’t you take the drugs with you?” Do you think there is no hope anymore? Need to call a priest? Why are you silent?
At that moment, Katya realized that it was time for her to get out of her stupor. It was necessary to distract the woman, who was confused, with something.
“Boil water, pour it into a basin and bring it to the young master’s bed, and also prepare the canvas from which you always sew clothes for him and cut it into pieces, I think three pieces will be enough!” Katya thought, she needed to convince the woman that she - Walpurgis, in the subject, that is, is thinking about how to cure the boy. - Yes, bring four more small blocks of ice from the glacier.
The woman immediately calmed down and rushed to follow Katya’s instructions.
The girl exhaled, of course, she had no idea who the young gentleman was who needed Walpurgis’ help, and also, she simply had no idea how she could help a boy or young man unknown to her. Hot water in the basin and ice from the glacier were the first things that came to her mind when she saw the confusion in the eyes of the unknown woman in the cap. Now, having concentrated, Katya remembered that such a demand was made by a doctor in some Turkish TV series when he first came to the patient’s house. This series also told about a family where a child fell ill. The action seems to have taken place in the Middle Ages.
So, Katya was taken to the bed of the sick boy.
The boy was no longer small, but he had not yet entered the era of adolescence. Katya ordered to undress the boy and wipe him with a cloth soaked in very hot water, and also rub the boy’s heels until they were red. On Katya's instructions, two maids worked with all their might, rubbing the boy's feet, and five minutes later Katya ordered a changeFive maids, she needed the massage and rubbing of her feet to continue at the same pace and with the same force. After sweat appeared on the body and the boy’s cheeks began to glow, the girl ordered blocks of ice to be placed at certain points on the boy’s body.
During the treatment, it suddenly seemed to her that the hair near the boy’s ear was moving. Katya screamed! However, remembering that she was now in the guise of the healer Walpurgis, she made the appropriate face. Pushing the boy's hair aside, Katya saw that there was someone in his ear. Probably the cold from the ice blocks began to drive the uninvited guest outside. Grabbing the linen napkin that covered the mug of drink, Katya pulled out a long insect from the patient’s ear. The women who were fussing around the sick man screamed in fear. Katya went to the fireplace and threw the insect, along with the napkin, into the fire.
“Tomorrow the young master will wake up,” Katya said with an important look, standing at the door, where everyone in the household came out to see her off, “if chills begin, wipe the young master’s body with a hot napkin.” However, I don't think this will be necessary. Now he is fast asleep and will sleep until the morning.
Having said this, Katya opened the door outside.
“Wait,” shouted the woman in the cap, “but what about the payment?” Wait, I'll bring it now.
Soon Katya was already standing on the street, near the closed door, in her hand she was clutching a gold coin.
However, this payment seemed not enough to Katya, and she also decided to appropriate a stone from the top of the stone pyramid.
But as soon as she extended her hand to the stone, she heard a voice
- It is forbidden. This is someone else's.
Katya turned around, and Dandelion the horse stood nearby.
- What about the gold coin? Can I pick it up?
- Yes. This coin was given to you, so it is yours.
“Well, what’s wrong,” Katya shook her head, “when you’re needed, you can’t finish shouting!” Olga got sick, I don’t know how to treat her.
- No, you know how and with what to treat, go to your friend, she is waiting for you! We heard you screaming and asking for help, the merman went to his mother to get a drink from medicinal algae. And I went about my business!
“How difficult it is to speak in human language,” the horse Dandelion grumbled dissatisfiedly at the end, and galloped off, instantly taking off into a gallop.
The house has changed again. The statues disappeared, as did the cairns.
Katya hoped that during her absence her friend would feel better,
however, Olga's fever did not stop. Looking at the medicines that were lying on the windowsill, Katya thought about the last words of the horse Dandelion.
Of course, the words of her horse were a riddle, but Katya was sure that she could solve this riddle. And she solved it.
The hardest thing was to take Olga’s clothes off; the girl was thrashing about in delirium, screaming, and fighting back. By this moment, next to Olga there was already a mug with very hot water and a piece of cloth. However, Katya could not get ice anywhere. It was autumn outside, and, as you understand, Katya could not find ice on the street. There was a refrigerator on the first floor, but it didn't work. Finally, it dawned on Katya. Running out onto the porch, she shouted her demand into the void, and rushed off again to Olga. When Katya returned, on the porch she found what she demanded. Now there was everything needed for treatment. Katya exactly repeated all the manipulations that she had done when she was in the image of Walpurgis. However, although Olga stopped rushing about, her temperature dropped very slowly. Then it dawned on Katya, she realized that she had not done the most important thing for Olga, that is, she had not examined her ears. I’ll say right away that, fortunately, there were no insects in the girl’s ears, but there were a lot of small stones there, and there were stones in both ears. Probably, when Olga fell head over heels from the slope, it was then that the stones hit her ears. Armed with tweezers, Katya carefully pulled out all the stones, and then wiped her ears with a cotton swab just to be sure. Now the girl was calm. She was sure that her friend would get better.
