Conversation with AI about baking soda

Summary - A question was asked to AI GPT4o about the possibilities of using baking soda to treat oncology and other diseases

Please write about such a well-known remedy as baking soda, to what extent and why can it be used in the treatment of oncology? For what other diseases is baking soda used as an unconventional remedy and really helps in the treatment of such diseases today?

The answer

“Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, has been touted by some alternative medicine proponents as a potential treatment for various health conditions, including cancer. However, it is important to approach such claims with caution and a critical eye due to the lack of robust scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate in treating cancer.

### Baking Soda and Oncology

**Claims and Theories:**
1. **Alkaline Environment Theory**: Some proponents of alternative medicine suggest that cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment and that baking soda can create a more alkaline environment in the body, potentially inhibiting cancer growth.
2. **Tumor-specific Therapy**: Dr. Tullio Simoncini, an Italian former doctor, has claimed that sodium bicarbonate could treat cancer based on the theory that cancer is caused by the fungus Candida, which can be killed by baking soda.

**Scientific Evidence:**
- **Lack of Rigorous Evidence**: There is currently no strong, peer-reviewed clinical evidence supporting the notion that baking soda can effectively treat cancer. Most oncologists and medical professionals caution against using baking soda as a primary treatment for cancer.
- **Potential Risks**: Ingesting large amounts of baking soda can lead to serious health issues, including metabolic alkalosis, which can be life-threatening. Moreover, promoting unproven remedies might delay conventional and potentially life-saving treatments.

### Other Diseases and Uses of Baking Soda

Baking soda has a variety of well-documented uses outside of oncology:

1. **Acid Reflux and Heartburn**:
    - **How It Helps**: Baking soda neutralizes stomach acid, providing relief from acid reflux and heartburn.
    - **Usage**: A common home remedy includes mixing a small amount of baking soda in water, but it's important to use this sparingly and under guidance from a healthcare professional to avoid potential side effects.

2. **Oral Hygiene**:
    - **How It Helps**: Baking soda can act as a mild abrasive to remove surface stains on teeth and neutralize acids in the mouth, contributing to better oral hygiene.
    - **Usage**: It is often used in toothpaste or as a homemade paste for teeth whitening.

3. **Skin Conditions**:
    - **How It Helps**: Baking soda has mild anti-inflammatory properties and can soothe skin irritation.
    - **Usage**: It is sometimes used in baths or as a paste for conditions like insect bites, mild rashes, or sunburn, though it should be used cautiously to avoid skin irritation.

4. **Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)**:
    - **How It Helps**: There is limited anecdotal evidence suggesting that baking soda may help to decrease the acidity of urine, potentially providing symptom relief.
    - **Usage**: This use is not well-established and should be approached with caution; traditional medical treatments are recommended.

5. **Cleaning and Deodorizing**:
    - **How It Helps**: Baking soda is well-known for its ability to neutralize odors and act as an abrasive cleaner.
    - **Usage**: It is widely used in household cleaning products for its ability to lift stains and eliminate smells.

### Conclusion

While baking soda has several well-established uses in home remedies and personal care, its role in oncology remains unsupported by solid scientific evidence. It's crucial to rely on conventional and evidence-based medical treatments for serious conditions like cancer. Any alternative therapies should be discussed with a healthcare provider to ensure they are safe and to avoid potential interactions with standard treatments.”


Dear Friends, I might tell you about baking soda firsthand, as I tested the effect of soda on myself.
In 2018, he underwent three operations within six months to remove purulent abscesses due to septicemia with Staphylococcus aureus. Something was wrong with the Immune System - for example, I remember that the erythrocyte sedimentation rate was higher than normal.
In the process of treating purulent abscesses, all three times a standard procedure was carried out - excision or incision of the abscess, removal of pus or the opportunity for pus to come out of the abscess, and then treatment with antibiotics. Moreover, I remember they gave me the most serious antibiotics and nothing helped. Only temporarily. After a month and a half or two months, a new abscess began to brew again.
For the third time, an abscess appeared on the face and the operation was performed without anesthesia. After this operation, he additionally underwent special treatment - blood purification through ultraviolet irradiation of the blood, but the same was unsuccessful. When the fourth abscess began to brew, I was in a hurry to drink some salt because I had heard about the beneficial effects of soda and even the use of soda to treat cancer. This is how I drank soda solution every morning for only four days. You definitely need to drink it on an empty stomach.
Here’s recommendations how to use baking soda - You need to put a teaspoon of baking soda without the top in a glass or cup, then pour in a little boiling water and then the soda will bubble - the soda quenching reaction will take place. Then add boiled water to a glass so that it is not hot to drink and stir the solution. Drink as I said 4-5, possibly 7 days on an empty stomach and in case of oncology, I heard 7 days or more (it is necessary to clarify the information - there are different sources), and it is recommended to drink on an empty stomach both in the morning and in the evening for serious illnesses. In the evening, at least 3-4 hours after eating.
Personally, I cured my septicemia with Staphylococcus aureus in 4 days and drank only in the morning on an empty stomach. You can eat after this no earlier than 40 minutes later.
We must not forget that the stomach has an acidic environment and this is necessary for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and acid kills harmful bacteria and more.
This is a necessity.
Normal blood pH is slightly alkaline 7.42.
I recommend collecting information about PH, what it is and why. In a nutshell, pH and oxygen are critical to human metabolism and the transfer of nutrients into and out of cells. There, the exchange mainly occurs due to the potential difference + and -. You need to know about this and human blood is not just a liquid, but a charged liquid with electrical potential.
Some doctors probably know or have heard about the rejuvenating baths of biologist Olga Borisovna Lepeshinskaya - these are baths made of soda solution. Back in the 50s, she studied the effect of soda on the permeability of red blood cell walls.
Many people might think of red blood cells as round, biconvex cells. Is this not entirely true, epithrocytes need to penetrate the smallest capillaries and sometimes they behave like amoebas? changing its shape to achieve the goal - to bring oxygen into cells and ensure normal metabolism, where oxygen is the most important oxidizing agent in metabolism.

Oxygen is vital for us, otherwise the organism has to switch to oxygen-free options for energy metabolism and production, which is naturally abnormal and can lead to harmful consequences such as tissue hypoxia. For example, especially in winter, people close all the windows and doors in the room to hide from the cold; in summer, everyone is familiar with the possible stuffiness in transport, for example, on a bus with closed windows.
What happens in such enclosed spaces is that people breathe the same air and the oxygen content decreases.
In summer there may be a feeling of stuffiness or stale air; in winter it is less noticeable, but in the morning you may have a headache. Why is the decrease in oxygen in the inhaled air so unnoticeable? Humans have very strong adaptation mechanisms.
Therefore, low oxygen content in the air may not be noticed. But a prolonged lack of oxygen can lead to hypoxia - this disease occurs when there is a lack of oxygen and it can become a chronic phenomenon, which is completely unfavorable with possible adverse consequences.


Disclaimer - Before using an unfamiliar medicine in medicine, it is always better to consult with your doctor

Dear Friends

Much thanks for your kind attention
