Рецензии на произведение «Пармиджанино в веках и искусствах выставка в Эрмитаже»

Рецензия на «Пармиджанино в веках и искусствах выставка в Эрмитаже» (Savanna)

Образы Пармиджанино знал и использовал в своем романе "Ада, или Радости страсти" Владимир Набоков:
"В середине марта, во время делового завтрака с живописным экспертом, безалаберным, долговязым, приятным господином в старомодном фраке, Демон, вкрутив в глазницу монокль, выщелкнул из особого плоского футляра маленький рисунок пером и акварелью и сказал, что оный представляется ему не известным до сей поры плодом нежного художества Пармиджанино (собственно, он был в этом уверен, но желал укрепить уверенность чужими восторгами). Рисунок изображал обнаженную деву с персиковидным яблоком в чашечке полувоздетой ладони, боком сидящую на увитой вьюнками подставке..." и т.д. (пер. с англ С. Ильина)

Savanna   21.01.2004 14:58     Заявить о нарушении
Вот, кстати, и оригинал великого "русского" писателя, да да, на англицком оригинал-то, представьте себе:
In mid-March, at a business meal with an art expert, an easy-going, lanky, likeable fellow in an old-fashioned dress-coat, Demon screwed in his monocle, unclicked out of its special flat case a small pen-and-wash and said he thought (did not doubt, in fact, but wished his certitude to be admired) that it was an unknown product of Parmigianino’s tender art. It showed a naked girl with a peach-like apple cupped in her half-raised hand sitting sideways on a convolvulus-garlanded support, and had for its discoverer the additional appeal of recalling Marina when, rung out of a hotel bathroom by the phone, and perched on the arm of a chair, she muffled the receiver while asking her lover something that he could not make out because the bath’s voice drowned her whisper. Baron d’Onsky had only to cast one glance at that raised shoulder and at certain vermiculated effects of delicate vegetation to confirm Demon’s guess. D’Onsky had the reputation of not showing one sign of esthetic emotion in the presence of the loveliest masterpiece; this time, nonetheless, he laid his magnifier aside as he would a mask, and allowed his undisguised gaze to caress the velvety apple and the nude’s dimpled and mossed parts with a smile of bemused pleasure. Would Mr Veen consider selling it to him there and then, Mr Veen, please? Mr Veen would not. Skonky (a oneway nickname) must content himself with the proud thought that, as of today, he and the lucky owner were the sole people to have ever admired it en connaissance de cause. Back it went into its special integument; but after finishing his fourth cup of cognac, d’O. pleaded for one last peep. Both men were a little drunk, and Demon secretly wondered if the rather banal resemblance of that Edenic girl to a young actress, whom his visitor had no doubt seen on the stage in ‘Eugene and Lara’ or ‘Lenore Raven’ (both painfully panned by a ‘disgustingly incorruptible’ young critic), should be, or would be, commented upon. It was not: such nymphs were really very much alike because of their elemental limpidity since the similarities of young bodies of water are but murmurs of natural innocence and double-talk mirrors, that’s my hat, his is older, but we have the same London hatter.
Next day Demon was having tea at his favorite hotel with a Bohemian lady whom he had never seen before and was never to see again (she desired his recommendation for a job in the Glass Fish-and-Flower department in a Boston museum) when she interrupted her voluble self to indicate Marina and Aqua, blankly slinking across the hall in modish sullenness and bluish furs with Dan Veen and a dackel behind, and said:
‘Curious how that appalling actress resembles "Eve on the Clepsydrophone" in Parmigianino’s famous picture.’
‘It is anything but famous,’ said Demon quietly, ‘and you can’t have seen it. I don’t envy you,’ he added; ‘the naive stranger who realizes that he or she has stepped into the mud of an alien life must experience a pretty sickening feeling. Did you get that small-talk information directly from a fellow named d’Onsky or through a friend of a friend of his?’
‘Friend of his,’ replied the hapless Bohemian lady.

Savanna   21.01.2004 15:06   Заявить о нарушении
Языки - это выше моего понимания!..Теперь я понимаю, как много я потерял в этой трагедийной жизни, которая вот-вот прервётся! Завидую молодым, но хорошей белой завистью, отлично понимаю, "плыть им в революцию дальше" - это я так перевёл Маяковского, а "наш удел катиться дальше вниз"...
Так в какой стране вы живёте, госпожа Savanna?..Вы, севастопольская девочка, так и не ответили на мой предыдущий вопрос.

Михаил Лезинский, человек, пишущий и мыслящий на русском языке плюс, владеющий ещё одним и использующий его, - в основном, - для приклеивания почтовых марок.

Михаил Лезинский   17.06.2004 14:10   Заявить о нарушении