Рецензии на произведение «You have no power»

Рецензия на «You have no power» (Вероника Березовская)

Dissolved lonely soul in the air
(As only autumn would allow);
October, city - leaf follows
- Invisible and silent witness - trails

And shadows. But - who cares
For single flying leaf? So, fully overflown
Puddle - trusted mirror for the clouds -
Its last and only destination. Stairs,

Dim ladders - for a case of fire -
Are not for it; from bottomless hollow
There is no way back up - but only slow
Way slip to sleep for dead and tired.

That is the way of leaf - not yours:
It has the wisdom, you - the force.

Иренакс Алексирен   06.05.2013 02:05     Заявить о нарушении