Рецензии на произведение «Хурриты - древние арии-кавказоиды»

Рецензия на «Хурриты - древние арии-кавказоиды» (Фатхула Джамалов)

The Urartians are the most easily identifiable ancestors of the Armenians [1][2][3][4]

[1] Chahin, M. (2001). The kingdom of Armenia: a history (2nd revised ed.). Richmond: Curzon. p. 182. ISBN 978-0700714520.
[2] Frye, Richard N. (1984). The History of Ancient Iran. Munich: C.H. Beck. p. 73. ISBN 978-3406093975. The real heirs of the Urartians, however, were neither the Scythians nor Medes but the Armenians.
[3] Redgate, A. E. (2000). The Armenians. Oxford: Blackwell. p. 5. ISBN 978-0631220374. However, the most easily identifiable ancestors of the later Armenian nation are the Urartians.
[4] Lang, David Marshall (1980). Armenia: Cradle of Civilization (3rd ed.). London: Allen & Unwin. pp. 85–111. ISBN 978-0049560093.
Урарты и армяне - это слова синонимы. Ассирийцы называли армян урартами.
На староассирийском - Наири
на новоассирийском - Урарту
на еврейском - Арарат
на шумерском - Аратта
на хеттском - Хайаса
на эблейском - Арманум
на арабском - Армани
на персидском - Армина
на эламском - Армигуиара
на греческом - Армения
на грузинском - Сом-Хети
на армянском - Хайк
на хурритском - Биайнили

Я скину вам цитаты из авторитетных источников, не прибегая ни к одному армянскому источнику.

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1 - The Armenians, an Indo-European people, first appear in history shortly after the end of the 7th century BCE. Driving some of the ancient population to the east of Mount Ararat, where they were known to the Greeks as Alarodioi (“Araratians”; i.e., Urartians), the invaders imposed their leadership over regions which, although suffering much from Scythian and Cimmerian depredations, must still have retained elements of a high degree of civilization (e.g., walled towns, irrigation works, and arable fields) upon which the less-advanced newcomers might build.


2 -“Urartu” is an Assyrian name. The Urartians themselves called their country Biainili and their capital, located at modern Van, Tushpa (Turushpa).


3- The Urartians had a number of traits in common with the Hurrians, an earlier Middle Eastern people. Both nations spoke closely related languages and must have sprung from a common ancestor nation (perhaps 3000 BCE or earlier).


4-Hurrian language, extinct language spoken from the last centuries of the 3rd millennium BCE until at least the latter years of the Hittite empire (c. 1400–c. 1190 BCE); it is neither an Indo-European language nor a Semitic language. It is generally believed that the speakers of Hurrian originally came from the Armenian mountains and spread over southeast Anatolia and northern Mesopotamia at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BCE.

И еще одно неопровержимое доказательство того, что армяне и урарты являются одним и тем же народ - это Бехистунская надпись персидского царя Дария I, относящейся к 522 до н. э (трёхъязычный (древнеперсидский, эламский и аккадский) клинописный текст на скале Бехистун (Бисутун)) :

Это энциклопедия Ираника:


Armina is named as a province (satrapy) of the Achaemenid empire; the inhabitants are called Arminiya- “Armenian.” As a by-form of the country’s name, the form Arminiya-, is attested six times in DB 2.33-63, but only in the locative form Arminiyaiy (on this word see R. Schmitt, Acta Antiqua 25, 1977, p. 96 n. 16). Armina is the source of Greek Arménioi “Armenians,” Armeníē, Armeníā [scil. Khṓrā] “Armenia;” it is rendered phonetically in Elamite as Har-mi-nu-ya (-ip), etc. The inscriptions’ Babylonian versions, however, use KURú-ra-áš-ṭu “Urartu” and LUú-ra-áš-ṭa-a-a “Urartean,” i.e., the name of the kingdom (and its inhabitants), mighty in former times in nearly the same region;

The earliest attestations of the exonym Armenia date around the 6th century BC. In his trilingual Behistun Inscription dated to 517 BC, Darius I the Great of Persia refers to
• Urashtu (in Babylonian)
• as Armina (Old Persian: 𐎠𐎼𐎷𐎡𐎴)
• and Harminuya (in Elamite).

Привожу труды знаменитых ученых:

1 -> Chahin, M. (2001). The kingdom of Armenia: a history (2nd revised ed.). Richmond: Curzon. p. 182. ISBN 978-0700714520:

Urartian history is part of Armenian history, in the same sense that the history of the ancient Britons is part of English history, and that of the Gauls is part of French history. Armenians can legitimately claim, through Urartu, an historical continuity of some 4000 years; their history is among those of the most ancient peoples in the world.

2-> Frye, Richard N. (1984). The History of Ancient Iran. Munich: C.H. Beck. p. 73. ISBN 978-3406093975. The real heirs of the Urartians, however, were neither the Scythians nor Medes but the Armenians.

3-> Redgate, A. E. (2000). The Armenians. Oxford: Blackwell. p. 5. ISBN 978-0631220374. However, the most easily identifiable ancestors of the later Armenian nation are the Urartians.

4-> Lang, David Marshall (1980). Armenia: Cradle of Civilization (3rd ed.). London: Allen & Unwin. pp. 85–111. ISBN 978-0049560093.

5-> David Rohl Legend: The Genesis of Civilisation, Century Publishing, 1998 ISBN 0-7126-8017-9 :
В ассиро-вавилонских источниках XIII-IX вв. до н. э. можно наблюдать эволюцию названия Урарту, возникшего от названия Аратта: при помощи добавления топонимической частицы -ri, или суффикса -ro, затем перестановкой звука -r оно получило свою окончательную форму — Aratri (Uratri/u) > Ararti/u (Urartu). Примечательно, что в переводе Библии Септуагинта в книге пророка Иеремии, царство Арарат упоминается как «царство Арате»

Это цитата: "The name Urartu (Armenian: Ուրարտու; Assyrian: māt Urarṭu; Babylonian: Urashtu; Hebrew: אֲרָרָט Ararat) comes from Assyrian sources. Shalmaneser I (1263–1234 BC) recorded a campaign in which he subdued the entire territory of "Uruatri"

6->Abram Rigg Jr., Horace. "A Note on the Names Armânum and Urartu". Journal of the American Oriental Society, 57/4 (Dec., 1937), pp. 416–418.

7-> Zimansky, Paul E. Ancient Ararat: A Handbook of Urartian Studies. Delmar, NY: Caravan Books, 1998, p. 28

Вы упоминали и Дьяконова, цитирую и его:

__Впоследствии, когда и сами урарты перешли на древнеармянский язык и влились в состав армянского народа, — в котором они, вероятно, составили большинство, — название «хетты» стало и их самообозначением. По-протоармянски это название могло звучать *хатйос или *хатийос (հատ(ի)յոս) - в дальнейшем отсюда по законам армянской фонетики получилось հայ (хай)__

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