Рецензия на «Уроки тайконавта» (Юрий Казаков)

"... как российских школьников в каникулы заинтересовывают"? В духе времени: крест Андрея Первозванного возят по городам...Быдлу не Космос - послушание необходимо.

Ольга Не   05.08.2013 00:27     Заявить о нарушении
Оленка, а кого вы быдлом-то считаете, попов?

Юрий Казаков   05.08.2013 09:43   Заявить о нарушении
Это попы народ считают быдлом ("поп" - пастырь овец, ничего личного, расшифровка аббревиатуры). Интернет уже распух от анекдотов на тему:"Как движется электрон в однородном магнитном поле?" - С божьей помощью..."

Ольга Не   05.08.2013 15:30   Заявить о нарушении
Анекдот - класс! И что главное, - он верен!

Юрий Казаков   05.08.2013 19:25   Заявить о нарушении
Китай с 2030 года запустит программу по поиску пригодных для жизни планет
Кроме того, согласно планам Китайской корпорации аэрокосмической науки и техники, к 2045 году на Луне будет завершено строительство лунной базы КНР

ПЕКИН, 14 декабря. 2019 г./Корр. ТАСС Николай Селищев/. Власти КНР с 2030 года приступят к реализации программы "Миинь" с целью изучения космического пространства за пределами Солнечной системы и поиска планет, пригодных для жизни. Об этом сообщил генеральный директор Китайской корпорации аэрокосмической науки и техники (CASC) Юань Цзе.

"Этот проект станет очередным прорывом Китая в области фундаментальных исследований", - подчеркнул он.

По словам главы CASC, для поиска внеземной жизни китайское правительство собирается осуществить запуск целой серии летательных аппаратов с современными телескопами, инфракрасными детекторами и прочими датчиками для наблюдения за областями космоса, прилегающими к нашей галактике. Благодаря новейшему оборудованию ученые прежде всего будут искать воду и осуществлять замер температурных режимов, которые бы гарантировали выживание человека, животных, растений, насекомых и микроорганизмов.

Юань Цзе напомнил, что с 2020 года Китай приступает к реализации миссии по изучению Марса и в ближайшее десятилетие планирует стать самой передовой космической державой. Одновременно будет вестись активное строительство околоземной орбитальной станции КНР. "Мы откроем новую эру в области исследований космоса", - подчеркнул он.

Согласно планам CASC, к 2045 году на Луне будет завершено строительство китайской лунной базы. К этому же времени КНР собирается отправить космонавтов на Марс.

Китай, как и в 2018 году, продолжает лидировать по числу запусков ракет-носителей. С января страна успешно вывела на орбиту 29 космических аппаратов, опережая США (25) и Россию (22). По подсчетам, в околоземном пространстве уже находится порядка 200 спутников, сконструированных и построенных в КНР.

Юрий Казаков   14.12.2019 15:34   Заявить о нарушении
1. History of invention and discoveries made in RF
Казаков Юрий Валентинович

String Transport Yunitskiy. Soviet Union - Russian Federation

Prehistory of the question, and, perhaps, the problems of all ours, and even human problems.
So, let's begin...
During Soviet times, back in 1977, Yunitsky, who worked as a senior engineer at the Gomel road-building trust number 2, on his own initiative began to develop the idea of using prestressed cables to create a suspension rail trestle, and also began a sketch of the passenger capsule of a new type of transport.
In the same year, the sketch study continued and several more sketches of a new type of transport were created with a pre-stressed rail-track structure, the rails of which are placed in a horizontal plane.
In the original versions of the project, the passenger capsules were small and were analogous to a sports car, only on steel wheels.
In the future, along with the small ones, more spacious passenger car options were developed.
In 1978, Yunitsky, working as a senior engineer at the Institute of Mechanics of Metal-Polymer Systems of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, continued, during off-hours, a sketch study of a self-propelled passenger car with vertical placement of rails in a pre-stressed track structure.
From 1977 to 2000 Yunitsky worked out many aspects of the string transport system (JTS): the organization of traffic on the JTS route, the dependence of the JTS cost on the terrain and its characteristics, the construction technology of the transport system and the installation of intermediate supports, a sketch of a special building combine for the continuous construction of a pre-stressed track structure and supports STS.
He created sketches and worked on the arrangement of different sections of the route: a road bridge with a supporting string structure, a bridge crossing design across the Kerch Strait, and others.
In 1992, Anatoly Yunitsky developed the concept of a combined string bridge for road (on the upper tier) and railway (on the lower tier) transport.
The resource intensity (material intensity) of such a bridge will be 2-3 times lower than that of a traditional bridge.
Such bridges will be 2-3 times cheaper and will be built 2-3 times faster.
And the central spans of the bridge in order to increase their length can be additionally supported by the guys.
In 1994, the concept of a test section of a string transport system was developed for certification, pilot testing and demonstration of string technologies to potential customers.
In the same year, the sketch study continued and several more sketches of a new type of transport were created with a pre-stressed track-rail structure, the rails of which are placed in a horizontal plane.
Along with the original concept of small-sized capsules, which are analogs of sports rail cars, more passenger light railcar trains and railcars, commercially known as “unibuses,” and being analogous to a tram or light railcar, were offered as passenger rolling stock.
Also, freight rolling stock in the form of light locomotives and freight wagons (which received the commercial name "Unicars") for the transportation of various types of cargo was developed.
In various variants of freight systems, it was proposed to use both coupled freight trains with locomotive traction and echelons of uncoupled freight cars driven by a haul rope.

The second international exhibition "Your home - 2001" in the sports complex "Olympic".
The Kultura TV channel interviewed Anatoly Yunitsky, General Designer of the Unitran Foundation.
The Foundation for Assistance to the Development of the Linear Transport System, headed by Anatoly Yunitsky, took part in the 6th national exhibition-fair “Technologies from Russia-2001”, held at the All-Russian Exhibition Center (formerly VDNKh) from May 14 to 17, 2001.
During the exhibition, the Foundation staff demonstrated to its visitors and participants the existing STU model at a scale of 1: 5 with a track structure of 100 meters in length, as well as various options for passenger modules.
The exposition of the fund showed great interest not only from the visitors and exhibitors, but also from various specialists, business leaders, television representatives (ORT), the press (ITAR-TASS Agency, the Engineer magazine).
In 2004 it was decided to surprise the world with the existing Unitsky string transport model at the World Expo 2005 exhibition in Nagoya, Japan.
The current model was manufactured, tested and paid for by the customer - the Ministry of Economy of Russia.
However, at the last meeting of the organizing committee for preparation for the exhibition (Chairman of the Organizing Committee - Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation A. A. Fursenko) Scientific Adviser of the Organizing Committee Academician E. P. Velikhov with the words: “Nowhere in the world is this, and we will go to Japan shame ?! ”struck out the valid STU model from the exhibition exposition. STU at the exhibition "Your Home - 2001", a reportage of the Kultura TV channel dated January 12, 2001
Whoever is interested, he can independently search the Internet for text, it is located at the link http://www.yunitskiy.com/author/2012/2012_19.pdf Unitsky Transport System (SST) in questions and answers100 questions - 100 answers

Юрий Казаков   14.12.2019 15:56   Заявить о нарушении

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