Рецензия на «Немного об Андропове» (Вячеслав Вячеславов)

К Андропову хорошо относились "в народе". Как бы то не было, но производства стали восстанавливаться, подопустевшие прилавки заполняться. Именно тогда и появился совершенно новый для Союза продукт - масло бутербродное с жирностью 64%. Больше уже не помню ничего продовольственного, поскольку регулярно гонялась в Питер за мясом. Но облавы были. Сама лично сигала через забор, чтобы не попастся в "макулатурной" очереди. Там отметиться успела, а книжную утратила. И Роксолана мне не досталась.

Юлия Григорьева 2   19.01.2017 18:48     Заявить о нарушении
При нём появилась надежда, почти такая же, как сейчас на Трампа.
Видимо, Роксалана Вам не судьба.
Спасибо за внимание!

Вячеслав Вячеславов   20.01.2017 07:30   Заявить о нарушении
У кого появилась надежда на Трампа?

Сейчас грядёт новая бойня в Пайн Ридж в связи с решением Трампа возобновить проект Ки Стоун, от которого Обама был вынужден отказаться (строительство нефтепровода из Канады до Мексики)
"The Standing Rock Resistance Is Unprecedented (It's Also Centuries Old)

In 2015, when the Keystone XL pipeline was being debated, numerous Native American tribes and the Indigenous Environmental Network organized against it. The pipeline would have stretched 1,179 miles from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. The Rosebud Sioux, a tribe in South Dakota, called the proposed pipeline an "act of war" and set up an encampment where the pipeline was to be constructed. Also joining in were the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Resources Defense Council, and the Omaha, Dene, Ho-chunk, and Creek Nations, whose lands the pipeline would have traversed.

President Obama vetoed Keystone XL. But even at the time, A. Gay Kingman, the executive director of the Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association, warned that the reprieve would be temporary. "Wopila [thank you] to all our relatives who stood strong to oppose the KXL," Kingman said in a statement after the veto. "But keep the coalitions together, because there are more pipelines proposed, and we must protect our Mother Earth for our future generations."

In the case of the Dakota Access Pipeline, the Standing Rock Sioux have been able to attract support from hundreds of tribes all over the country, not just in places that would be directly affected. The tribes aren't just leaning on long-held beliefs about the importance of the natural world. They're also using long-held resistance strategies. Like the encampment itself.

"If you don't know very much about Native American people, you wouldn't understand that this is something that's kind of natural to us," said Hopkins, who is enrolled in the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Nation and was born on the Standing Rock Reservation. "When we have ceremonies, we do camps like this. It's something that we've always known how to do, going back to pre-colonial times.""
Протестная акция
"Native Americans fear that the Dakota Access oil pipeline – a $3.7bn project that would carry crude oil from the Bakken oil field in North Dakota to a refinery in Patoka, Illinois – would contaminate sacred lands and their water supply from the Missouri river. Here, protesters at a camp near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation give their views on what the election of Donald Trump might mean for their campaign"

Не судьба "Роксолана"... Кстати, я потом прочитала про ту русскую "ханум" могу ошибаться, но вроде так "её обсуждали"... Как говорится, счастливчики могли одного "Наследника" в Белоруссии сразу на 9 мушкетёров обменять

Юлия Григорьева 2   20.01.2017 11:00   Заявить о нарушении

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