Somebody else is guide to you

Somebody else is guide to you

 You will not know my name and face
 My addressable and number phone
 Somebody else welcome to you
 And will be told about all
 That sky is blow and water too
 Somebody else will told to you
 How very need you.

 Somebody else is guide to you

 I’ll bring for you my little piece
 Of my soul and friends of mine
 We shall be speak we shall be song
 We shall not have another way
 Because we paned
 You are from me and me from you

 Somebody else is guide to you

 You’ll bring for me your little piece
 Of your soul and friends of yours
 We shall be play we shall be live
 We shall not have another way
 Because we mixed
 You are with me and me with you.

 Somebody else is guide to you


"You will not know my name and face..."
А может быть, мы (в смысле - я) узнаем Ваше имя и лицо?
Очень неплохо. Удачи!

Иван Габов   14.01.2012 13:35     Заявить о нарушении
или кого-нибудь еще))

Elena   23.01.2012 04:38   Заявить о нарушении
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