Сегодня убили Бога Юноша с Фото Галине Маренич

ОНА так Любила Его…

Иногда, ОНА с ним становилась Единым Целым…

Но Сегодня Его Убили…
Просто произошел Взрыв…

И Она, из своих последних Сил, Устремилась к Нему…
Делая Пробоины в Бортах Ненавистных Ей Кораблей…

Your name is Swallow
and as well as the fish
you go off
under ice of oceans...
Чтобы НАВСЕГДА слиться с ним ВОЕДИНО…

P. S. The culture is like a junction of unreached ridges. Its masterpieces are dazzlingly sharp in the littleness of form and boundless in a basis of perfection of contents. To devote all the living power for rising above them is paranoia for most of people, a fondest dream for someone, and only few have enough will for that…
Freedom - to a free man, Paradise - to a risen man, and there is a hell to know that the higher you rise the sooner you fall on merciless stones of misunderstanding…

…And book of January with golden clasp
is leafed through by moist snow, more cautious than breath.
Your early childish laugh, with all-remembering hand -
thesaurus of Love, like rose searches,
it wrote in that book, but I have read not all.
Whatever day th' forgotten, troubled
land arises in soul depth,
plunging needles of turrets in my heart…

Сегодня убили Бога…

Jumping alike Swallow into depth of semantic space is the most dangerous exercise. Smooth movement down. Blow! And abyss, discovered with mind…

