Talents and dull

Talents and dull

Why people write verses? Youth, women, children and old men? Usually speak, talent, gift, abilities etc. All this nonsense, misters. During our era people waken and want to understand itself and world around. But understand it so as if them have to estimate as Turgeneva or Yesenin. People dig in endured and try to comprehend itself and it is simple to give the report to itself in the existence. And they invest these purely psychological motives in social and want that them recognized. But if you threatened on big and you want to answer global questions, distracting from the uncomfortable personal destiny, value of your thoughts grows also, and you differ from others coverage and scales of the thinking. Self-knowledge process - I would tell so. Our system is arranged so that one surely towered over others, and others looked at them. And still we represent the world so. In due time Pushkin was the only thing, and today everyone feels like Pushkin. Means, today verses writes and everyone composes treatises. Who since 12 years, and who with 50 ти and who it is simple by the end of the life. It already something mass which as that loses that price, that importance which they had during Pushkin, that is a public, social assessment. Verses – reflection of soul of individuals and a mirror of its formation at the majority. So in the history occurs for the first time during our era of origin of human spirit. And in it it is necessary to look for not geniuses and talents, and ability of people to self-knowledge and the understanding, being in process of formation at many. And these people have to understand each other, instead of glorify or humiliate.
But verses are written not by everyone, but only that which heart is filled with love - love to the person. And contrary to our ugly system forming of the person by the consumer, the egoist, the love changes people in their internal essence this internal aspiration to the person. All our experiences always hidden from foreign eyes, are connected, probably, with difficulties of achievement of this relation. And here in verses or in music this grief pours out. And the woman is really created for love. She is a love embodiment. And she looks for not glories, and understanding. Who told that we love well-known, who costs those above us on mind or is material. It is the myth created by ruling classes. Actually them don't love but only are afraid. To them envy. In love there is no envy.

In the person generates fear all mysterious, unknown, all forces operating it from out of and from within. The person simply didn't ripen to operate himself yet. But it already approached to this line. He already has to understand itself(himself) and operate itself(himself). And for this purpose it needs to ripen spiritually and intellectually grow. And mass creativity to whom now don't pay attention, gradually prepares spiritual revolution, intellectual revolution in all society. In society all its contradictions, in my opinion to understanding, direct people on it. Society of people already completely provided itself that they solved the problem itself and, with ообща
