Perfect couples

Medvedev Dmitriy:

“I’ve been sent to help you,” Fate said to Love. “Word has it that you can’t manage by yourself.”

“Unfortunately, that’s the truth.” Love agreed sadly. “Look: before me lie all the souls of the world, with their complex and varying patterns of life. I check each over, looking for the perfect matching half, but there are billions of them. So I’ll be glad for any help you can offer.”

“Let’s get to it then,” Fate rolled up its sleeves and took out scissors. Snap, and off went an edge of a pattern for one soul. Snap, another was cut, and then fit to the first one.

“What are you doing? It shouldn’t be done!” Love cried out. “It’s not the way the laws of love demand. They aren’t meant for each other!”

“No big deal,” Fate replied and grabbed another pair. “But look how perfectly they fit together now.”

She held onto the scissors tightly and added:
“That’s because they have the same fate.”

I like your translation. At last I saw someone who can translate from Russian into English adequately. Nowadays everyone who knows a couple of thousand words in English thinks that he is able to translate fiction.

Good luck.

Александр Пахотин   04.10.2015 09:44     Заявить о нарушении
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