Окна закройте - пусть смолкнут поля. Robert Frost

Now close the windows and hush all the fields;
If the trees must, let them silently toss;
No bird is singing now, and if there is,
Be it my loss.

It will be long ere the marshes resume,         
It will be long ere the earliest bird:
So close the windows and not hear the wind,
But see all wind-stirred.

Окна закройте - пусть смолкнут поля,
Пусть уж молча ветвями деревья качают.
Пусть птицы умолкнут, а коль запоёт одна -
Меня опечалит.

Долго ещё не проснутся болота.
Долго до утренней птички простой.
Так окна закройте, чтоб ветра не слышать,
Но увидеть ветра вой.      

As a translation piece, this is quite a nice one.
At one of higher education institutions in the South of Ukraine Robert Frost's poetry was widely promoted by medium and senior lecturers.

He is one of the most brilliant authors whose artistic manner combines depth, the abstract approach to plot- and world- building and flexibility of style.

As a narrator, R.Frost concentrates on being a keen, avid watcher of life's pits and falls, tragedies and miracles.

We cannot tell much about his life circumstances from his poetry, however his approach to artistic narration is remarkable. Robert Frost doesn't presumably use the pronoun 'I' as reference to himself. Perhaps, he crafts several literary heroes, making them similar to people around him or outstanding historic figures he would stumble upon during self-education periods.

Literary criticism is a separate, highly specified field of 'Arts and Humanities' knowledge section, and it should not be infiltrated by terms and methods of vulgar freudism which appears to be outdated in the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century.

Artists, film directors, writers, composers and various other creative class representatives are sometimes hard to decipher by means of widespread theories.
Their personalities obtain numerous sets of behavioral patterns, some of which have ideological basis, while the others are linked to instinctive mechanisms and layers of human nature.

Metamodern aesthetics of the nearest future can possibly shine a light over horrendous events and tragedies, fill people's souls with new clarity and new sincerity, so the mission of creative writing at all levels is to some extent to inspire self-expression, spiritual growth and career development in readers.

Once again, thank you for sharing this translation of yours! It is indeed meaningful and I bet you have much more in stock!

Марина Чиянова   08.06.2021 22:03     Заявить о нарушении
Thanks, Марина.
I do appreciate your profound and meaningful reply.
I remember, you promised me to take a look at the little article I wrote about "For Esmé—with Love and Squalor"… If you could do me a favor and voice your opinion about it.
You can see my discussion with one of the latest reviewers right after the article...

Thanks again.
Stay safe and all the best.

Ярослав Вал   08.06.2021 23:15   Заявить о нарушении
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