Дневник сумасшедшего 973

Вчера я получил review на свое стихотворение «To Have or Not to Have». Рецензент недоумевал по поводу моей грамматики: «Are you serious? What a grammar? Why? What the purpose?», однако одобрил тему: «It’s so actual… Great job.» Я ответил ему, что это первые попытки писать на английском и, сказав немного о причинах выбора темы, закончил так: «If you help me correct my mistakes, I’ll be grateful.» Невероятно! Он досконально разобрал мои стихи и понятным языком объяснил, что и почему не так. Итог:
To have, or not to have, that is the question:
Whether ‘tis nobler having all these trinkets
Which’s tempted folk of our generation:
Cars, money, foolphones, and prissy clothes;
Do I need to work to have all these things
Bending my back for years more and more
And listening to mad commands of damn fools?
Or, maybe, I would sit still in my room
With legs crossed for the next fifty years
Reading the best books of wise writers,
Watching outstanding films made by great men,
Walking and listening to wonderful music,
Inside fresh forests of my native land,
Eating porridge, apples, and bread,
And cooking soup from bones once a week?
It is a consummation, isn't it? Oh! there's the rub.
‘Tis called the crowd opinion or public's view.
Who knows exactly what it means
Will not be surprised when he finds out
That the crowd opinion is indestructible
Unless it’s attacked with a bodkin hit
On the red button. Who would charge bear?
Otherwise, there is no such thing as freedom
‘Cause all about that we only know
Is told us by the bloody casual row.

В начало: http://www.proza.ru/2017/09/08/1154
Продолжение: http://proza.ru/2020/12/09/798
