Do You Believe?

Do you believe in reincarnation?

I treated this topic calmly... till now, this life with its tension, riddles and romances was enough for me...

Although I am convinced that we live more than once or twice... Too many testimonies , personal d;j; vu (for the sake of fairness, I have other explanations for d;ja vu) and other fact-factors-concepts for thought ...

But - theory is one thing, and when life suddenly pushes you nose to nose with something that knocks you out of the usual rut, and especially emotionally ...

I began to write a short story about Paris, and at the same time a story about childhood, but for some reasons it didn't go, something seemed to be missing ... I waited. And suddenly...

I already wrote that in Paris (even on the approach, on the plane) my voice suddenly disappeared, and all the days that I was in Paris, my voice never returned to norm...

IMAGINE if you suddenly found out that the last time you died in France and were buried in Paris ... and died of suffocation ... well, you don't remember anything, but your throat remembers ...

Moreover, I arrived in Paris at the same age and almost at the same time (month, date), at which "last time" death occurred. And I was born again on the same date of the same month as 'she'...

I just recently finished writing a love novel that begins ... in the graveyard. I didn't understand myself why this love-story wanted to start in the cemetery? ... but IMAGINE that this time THEY met EXACTLY on the day of HER death... well, at least it explains something!

Imagine that 'previous life' he was Russian, but she wasn’t, and she didn’t understand a word ... and it’s not surprising that she would like to be born in Russia in order to know the language perfectly... Last time, my native language was English. It is not surprising that even now I know it well... And language of love in this life for me is English.
The hero in love has one peculiarity: he is incredibly sensitive to female feet. Well, it's not such a rarity, in truth, although the obsession with this is unusual ... But if you imagine that in 'that life' she was a dancer who danced barefoot ... and he loved to look at her dances ... The face is different, but the legs are still the same, he "recognizes" her by the feet (interesting that my niece is quite similar to 'the previous' face of mine)... 

There are other facts and "random coincidences" that I will not write about here and now... I feel that I will have to write a sequel, because 1. the emotional charge is very strong, I want to somehow get rid of it, 2. just it is interesting to draw all the parallels I manage to found... a kind of psychological "excavation" ...

THEY are clearly together not for the first time. And even the last one was not the first ...

I was going to write an English version of the novel and call it "The Secret of Love" ... And only now I realized what kind of secret it was that I had been trying so hard to unravel in recent years...

There is a book by Barbara Cleveland "Black Panther" for those interested in the topic.

When you “find” your traces that have not yet cooled down, much in this life becomes clear and makes sense.

I read and listened (I even wrote a little about it here) that we live in a time when the energy of the Earth is changing, and what was previously hidden, including ours personally about us personally, will begin to manifest itself ... And even then it turned out to be so unexpected and painful...

So do you believe in reincarnation?

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