Thinking about the war

Biden and Putin are enemies in this war. Or is this just an illusion?

The West deliberately pushed Putin to start the war at this precise moment.

For example, Biden was talking day after day that the war is going to start "this week", in a "few days". Then he said  - as in a mistake - that it would be OK, if it was a minor incursion in Ukraine.

And Putin started the war, as if he did not want to make Biden look bad. .

What was so special about this moment that the war was necessary in the West?

For two years, we had relentless militaristic COVID propaganda: first, it was the war on unmasked, then it was the war on unvaccinated. But the campaign was losing steam: people did not want more jabs, vaccinated were sick and dying from COVID, and from the jabs. Canada trackers made people think.

The attention had to be taken off to something else. The war, where Russia is the enemy, is a great distraction, since Americans are deliberately  trained to be afraid and hate Russia and sympathize with Ukraine. Hatred for Russia was stocked in the first Trump impeachment, and sympathy for Ukraine was the subject of the second Trump's impeachment.  So, the war was very convenient to inflame the passions of the people who are susceptible to American propaganda and to take the attention away from COVID.

Can similar reasons explain why  Russia's elites may have wanted the war now? I suspect so.

But clearly, this was not the only goal of the West. The West immediately started new drastic sanctions on Russia. The sanctions are hitting regular people in the West very painfully already, and they will be even more painful in the future, when we can expect hyperinflation, shortages  of food, shortages of fuel,  and so on. Interestingly, the same thing is happening in Russia too. People are being asked to sacrifice.

So, is the West stupid and acts against its own interests to punish Russia? If the war was planned on both sides - and it got to be - then those sanctions were in the plans too.

It makes sense, if we take into account that COVID campaign is already a war of western elites on its own populations (probably, against the Russian population too, with or without Putin's approval). The lockdowns, deadly treatments in hospitals, total propaganda, censorship and smearing of COVID-dissidents, preventing use of known early treatments, poisonous vaccines which kill some people fast and many people slowly: this is a war of  depopulation and crippling of masses. Inferior races are supposed to be extinct or turned into slaves. The war sanctions appear to serve the same purpose but with different means, and again with full support of brain - washed masses themselves.

Can we say that the West and Putin are on the same side against their people? There is a way to test it.

The West wants the war to go on forever, as in Syria. It will make the sanctions permanent, supply of weapons to Ukraine permanent, and income of war contractors permanent. It will make Ukraine a perpetual money-laundering machine for the elites  and the permanent justification  for the suffering of the masses.

Can Putin be interested to keep the war going too?

Nothing stops Putin from winning there. If he doesn't finish the operation with a good outcome for Russia and bad outcome for the West in a couple of months, then we will know that he is a part of the globalist elites, obedient to Klaus Schwab.

However, even if the West is defeated in the war, it may be a victory for global fascists too. As far as I know, destruction of USA  is pretty much on the agenda. It would help this global fascist center to establish all powerful world government.

The real signal will be if Putin publishes the disastrous results of vaccination and forbids vaccination mandates. This would be a truly heroic act, a victory in the fight against global fascism.

I do not hold my breath. 

1. Here is a professional explanation how Biden knew that Putin will attack.
It turned out, there were military provocations in Donbass, likely authorized by NATO. The European military specialist believes Putin had no choice but attack at this time. He literally believes all the declared goals of this Russian operation. He explains that NATO authorized using very large contingent of Nazi mercenaries in Ukrainian forces, because Ukrainian army did not want to fight, was very corrupt.

2. Here is an analysis from the day before the operation started. The guy believes it is all agreed upon and drama-staged. He predicted the Russians will stop at about  a  line where they are now, 49 days after the war started. He predicts, they will not go much further. And Biden agreed on it from the start.

3. Sanctions did not stop globalist COVID-death industry in Russia.

4. It does not have to be one or another. It is both
The goals declared by Russia are true and legitimate. But the war serves as a path to the Big Reset, and all actors understand and agree with it.
It is fest of cannibals: everybody thinks he is a guest, not a dish.

да, вакцинация многих озадачила. Правда, вакцины другие.. Может, там вода?)))

Мария Березина   06.05.2022 19:14     Заявить о нарушении
В России вакцина Астро-Зенеки (под кодовым названием "Спутник"). Она еще вреднее, чем те вакцины, которые применяются в США. Большой процент смертности.

Марина Сапир   06.05.2022 20:01   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.