Еnglish Club

A Latter

I was being felled in laf with her antil shi laid mi with John. Will you can tu help mi tu andestend wai wimans are sach cruel crichaz? Off'coz I can did it without yor help, hauever, I hardly nid yor onion abaut that. Did yu was in sach oful situeishin?

Wen I felled in laf with her fo the fist taim I emmidiatly bot banch of flours and botl fo Shampain. Shi refuzd tu meri mi, sou I decided tu weit. I weitid end weitid, bat nathin hapend. Sou I decidid tu gou oll in the bank and fainely solv the problem. Wai don’t u lav mi? – askt ai her.  Of coz yu Inglish is not acjuret inaf, - sed shi.
