Runtu Wish those evil thoughts of doubt the USA

Runtu: wish those evil / / thoughts of doubt... When Faith and Facts Collide … the USA

Runtu: And that’s quite liberating... /  / How Does Apostasy Feel? … the USA

Photo :  Юри Мэттью Рюнтю: p. 1949 ( born 1949 : Russia}: Yuri Ryuntyu, Uri Runtu: Iouri Runtu: Washington DC : the USA

2023 автор / / Рюнтю Юри 17 Лeт 2006-2023 на Проза. Pу / / Англо - Франко и Pусско-язычный писатель и журналист : Юрий Рюнтю / Uri Runtu / Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT : Australia /  Media TV Radio /  / 2023

2006 - 2024 / / Проза. ру - это Грандиозное и Единственное на планете Земля - Явление в Мировой Культурологии из России - / / Media TV Radio : 2024

Этo учит : распознавать гнев до его превращения в насилие.
Этo учит : обуздывать ярость, если она вспыхивает

2006 © Photo : St.-Petersburg : Russia 2006 / /. Я - Юри Мэттью Рюнтю: p. 1949 ( born 1949 : Yuri Ryuntyu, Uri Runtu: Iouri Runtu: Canberra ACT Australia) и Сергей Некрасов: p.1947 ( born 1947 : Dr. Sergei Nekrasov : D.Sc., Ph.D. Moscow Russia). Mой кристально честный русский друг - Директор Всероссийского Музея А.С. Пушкина / b. Moscow 1799-1837 d. St.-Petersburg, Russia /, кто принял - ДАР - для Главного Музея России - " МИРОВОЕ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЕ НАСЛЕДИЕ РУДОЛЬФА НУРЕЕВА : РОССИЯ - ХХ ВЕК ": DVD-1 и DVD-2: 1-35 books: 15 000 pages: 4 000 photos: St.-Petersburg, Russia / / 2006

About Runtu: writer in Russia: USA: Australia: journalist in Australia and Russia and France: educator: ballet critic in Australia and Russia: theatre critic in Australia : playwright in Australia and Russia:

2023 © 18+ : Все права принадлежат авторам, 2000-2023. Портал работает под эгидой Российского союза писателей. Интеллектуальная Элита Демократической России : 18+ Russia 2023.

2023 : Telegram : Runtu, Uri TikTok : Юри Рюнтю : " The general purpose of PROSE is to preserve language as it is spoken by the people. Language is the key to expressing civilization itself. The most complicated and mature language embodies the highest level of civilizations across time and history. It is how we view and remember events, a lingo to record the world around us. Here we stand for the history of Russian literature in Australia. This prose represents Australian citizens who still enjoy writing in the mother tongue of their Russian heritage. Anyway, this Russian-speaking literature belongs to Australian Modern Culture and flourishes equally alongside its Anglo-Saxon counterpart. The previous background of writers is pleasantly mixed with the new style of life they experience in Australia ". / / Iouri Runtu: French : Rudolf Noureev : La Mort a Paris / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English Yuri Ryuntyu / Celebrities RU : the Neo-transcendental theatre : 2022.

‘ Back from the dead ’/ Denmark : Runtu Uri / Runtu / English : Ryuntyu Yuri / French : Iouri Runtu / Russian :  Рюнтю Юри / Australia Canberra ACT / Bolivia : Mormon Missionary: USA : Washington D.C. / the USA / USA / US

Runtu: Not much to tell. I’m now in my 70s, have way too many kids, and live in the Washington, DC, area. I write for a living, but unless you consider technical writing creative, this is the only creative writing I do. Recently, I published an article in The Human Prospect and a book chronicling my experiences as a Mormon missionary in Bolivia.

2023 : Telegram : Runtu, Uri TikTok : " Why do we need these? " - Rudolf Nureyev asked. "Because we need life experience from these people and only on the basis of life experience can we make predictions for the future without states self-destruction and international wars..." - he underlined. "I wish good luck for Russia, but I would like to know the true colure of the future for such a great civilization with over one thousand year’s historical record. Please remember..." - he said. "We have in Russia two-hundred-year-old theaters, two hundred and fifty years of ballet and music as well as a great and the most fascinating literature and poetry to be found in the world which is over five hundred years old. Think about and be proud to keep this tradition well and fruitful from the beginning to the end of such a fascinating cultural project. I wish you good luck and God be with you." This Rudolf Nureyev said to me in Armidale ( NSW : Australia ) on November 23, 1991 " / / Iouri Runtu: French : Rudolf Noureev : La Mort a Paris / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English Yuri Ryuntyu / Celebrities RU : Hео-трансцендентальный театр : 2022.

Runtu: wish those evil / / thoughts of doubt... When Faith and Facts Collide … the USA

Runtu: And that’s quite liberating... /  / How Does Apostasy Feel? … the USA

All of us have those moments when we realize that our cherished beliefs contradict what we know to be true.

A believing Mormon must believe that Doctrine and Covenants 77:6 is correct when it tells us that the earth will have only “seven thousand years of its continuance, or its temporal existence.”

But we know through science and hard evidence that the earth has been around much longer than 7,000 years, and those millions of years were not devoid of death.

 Most Mormons do one of two things: they reinterpret the facts or the scriptures to accommodate reality, or they simply compartmentalize, refusing to apply their knowledge and learning to matters of the spirit.

I think I did the former, for the most part. I understood, for example, that Church doctrine was incompatible with human evolution, even though there is ample evidence that we have evolved.

I just put that item on the shelf and figured that either my understanding of evolution was flawed, or my interpretation of doctrine was.

Either way, God created humans, however he had done it. I suspect that this kind of rationalizing goes on all the time in the church, as there are a lot of church claims and doctrines that do not conform to reality.

With the advent of the Internet, it’s become quite easy to find information about church history and doctrine, and much of it is problematic.

Take, for example, the Book of Abraham, which Joseph Smith claimed to have translated from some papyrus scrolls discovered with some mummies.

We learn that Joseph’s translation is completely wrong, and not only that, but the church has also known it was wrong since 1967.

 But unless you did your own research, you as a member would not have known that. You’re left with two options: find some way to make it work, or just ignore it. Some apologists, like John Gee, have made valiant (if not always honest) attempts to make it work, but most of us just ignored it. I always figured that God would explain it later.

The problem comes when you realize that every single one of Mormonism’s claims is in dispute as to whether it reflects reality. Mormonism makes a lot of claims about the history of the Americas, and when we attempt to verify them, they fall apart, just as the Book of Abraham does. No matter how you approach it, the job of reinterpreting or compartmentalizing is constant in Mormonism. I found out the hard way that it’s very difficult to maintain that kind of rationalization indefinitely.

So, how is the church responding to these kinds of situations? Here’s what current church president and prophet Thomas S. Monson has said about it:
“Remember that faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other.

“Should doubt knock at your doorway, just say to those skeptical, disturbing, rebellious thoughts: ‘I propose to stay with my faith, with the faith of my people. I know that happiness and contentment are there, and I forbid you, agnostic, doubting thoughts, to destroy the house of my faith. I acknowledge that I do not understand the processes of creation, but I accept the fact of it. I grant that I cannot explain the miracles of the Bible, and I do not attempt to do so, but I accept God’s word. I wasn’t with Joseph, but I believe him. My faith did not come to me through science, and I will not permit so-called science to destroy it'” (Thomas Monson, “The Lighthouse of the Lord:

A Message to the Youth of the Church,” Ensign, February 2001).

What he’s telling us is that we must willfully drive doubt from our minds before we ever get to a point at which we must reinterpret or compartmentalize. Just will it away, and it will go away.

Years ago, an episode of the Twilight Zone had a young boy who could read the minds of the people in his town.

If they thought or did something he didn’t like, he would turn them into grotesque monsters or giant toys, and then he would wish them away into a cornfield, where they couldn’t disrupt his happy existence.

This is what Monson is telling us to do: wish those evil thoughts of doubt and reason away into the cornfield of blissful ignorance.

How long do you think that’s going to work?

Runtu: wish those evil / / thoughts of doubt ... When Faith and Facts Collide... the USA

Stanford University Library Bio автор Рюнтю Юри

Рюнтю Юри: литературный дневник

2023 - / / - Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU
National / / Library of Australia : 100 Books by Uri Runtu / / 1995-2023
NLA Canberra Australia / / 2000-2023 / / 1993-2023
SUL : Stanford University : Library / / Stanford, California 94305 USA

2023 Runtu : Runtu Uri /  / Germany Yorkshire Group : Who is who Uri Runtu family in Canberra ACT AU 2023

2023 Рюнтю Юри: Runtu : литературный дневник  /  / 2023

2008 - 2023 : Runtu Uri : Who is who : Uri Runtu family in Australia Canberra ACT / / Runtu New Material Project and Runtu Thermal Power Project : 2008 - 2023

In 2006, Runtu was identified as key hi-tech enterprise of China: France : Italy : Denmark : Finland : Sweden : Australia : UK : Canada : USA 2023

Runtu ranks the 13th on top 500 China's Big Group Competitiveness announced by National Bureau of Statistics and ranks the 1st on top 10 enterprise of independent innovation ability industry of national big-medium-scale industrial enterprise decided by National Bureau of Statistics.

Runtu announced its public listing on July 6 of 2010 in Shenzhen Stock Exchange. (Security code is 002440):  Runtu : Germany Yorkshire Group.

2023 - Русско-язычная Культура в Австралии : Telegram : Автор на Проза.Ру : Кто и откуда Юри Рюнтю / / : Родился : 1949 Россия - Живет и Работает : с 1980 : Австралия Франция США : Iouri Runtu: French : / / Hео-трансцендентальный театр : Австралия ISBN 978-1-925278-36-1 Canberra Australia 2022

Gaining the access to the capital market is a milestone for Runtu to enter capital market; it is a new beginning for Runtu to face encourages, challenges and opportunities.

Zhejiang Runtu Co., Ltd. has taken acquisition of Jiangsu Mingsheng Chemical Co., Ltd.

In 2011,this action has help Runtu extending its chain of strategic industries; the acquisition of Germany Yorkshire Group has laid a solid foundation for Runtu to implement its "going out" strategy.
The year 2012 is a great year for the investment and development of Runtu. We will invest more than CNY 1.5 billion in the construction of Runtu New Material Project and Runtu Thermal Power Project in the near future.

Runtu now is working hard to expand business, and striving for getting steady and fast development continuously.

Runtu aims to be a responsible Group both for enterprise and society, and strives to make Runtu a company with "a century history", and a flag of Chinese brands.

All Runtu people are working hard to make their-own contributions to the development of Chinese industry!

<I> The Academician George G. Larin's express-review _ on peut prendre connaissance de mon oevre, en faisant une visite aux portails <aux sites> russes, selon des hyper-renvois ci-dessous: [], [] _ The World culture and art with a Russophone eyes: Monsieur Iouri Matthieu Runtu, mon grand cher bon ami de l'Australie, dont on peut prendre connaissance de son oeuvre, en faisant une visite aux sites <aux portails> australiens et russes, selon bien de hyper-renvois ci-dessous: [], [], [], []; [], [], [], [], []; [], [] _ The World Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu Intellectual Heritage (Australian Union): []

Георгий Георгиевич Ларин   19.11.2023 03:06     Заявить о нарушении
<II> The Academician George G. Larin's express-review _ mon credo vital et mental: ne donnez pas de la confiture aux cochons! = ne jettez pas vos perles devant les pourceaux! <ne jetez pas des perles aux pourceaux!> (Saint Matthieu 7:6) _ 1-2-3 volumes of Art Collection's books "Uri Runtu's Playhouse: the Neotranscendental Theatre" (10 plays, 20 essays: critical reviews) published by The World Patrick White Intellectual Heritage (Australian Union): [] in ACT Publishing, Canberra, Australia 2022-2023: Catalogue of the National Library of Australia: [], []: Citation by the Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States), 2023: [] <Harvard University is ranked #4 in QS World University Rankings 2024, also it was ranked #3 in QS World University Rankings 2021: []> _ this Neotranscendental Theatre it's a timeless style, an art for good!

Георгий Георгиевич Ларин   19.11.2023 04:18   Заявить о нарушении
<III> The Academician George G. Larin's express-review: MY INTIMATE THOUGHTS for You, my dear author and my kind friend <Uri Runtu>
My dear kind friend Yuri! \ Mon cher bon ami Iouri!
Unfortunately, I don't quite speak English. So next I would like to tell You something in French. \ Il est `a regretter que je ne parle pas du tout anglais. C'est pourquoi je voudrais Vous dire quelque chose en franc,ais.
Il y a le Dieu et le genre humain dans notre monde. Il y a aussi le Satan, cela va de soi.
La foi, ou la croyance, et la religion ne sont pas analogues, mais c'est tout different.
Le mormonisme n'est rien d'autre que la religion, l'une des beaucoup d'autres celles-ci.

Георгий Георгиевич Ларин   20.11.2023 01:32   Заявить о нарушении
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