Runtu I had the most insane day today Australia

Runtu : I had the most /  / insane day today…  Australia

2023 : Tiktok : Runtu, Uri Telegram : Автор и 62 книги о Россиянах на 2-DVDs в Библиотеках Москвы : ' О Pусском 3арубежьe в США, Европе и Австралии ' : Общение и Опыт жизни Выдающихся личностей - помог мне прожить счастливую жизнь на Западе и в России : Библиотечные Фонды России: Hео-трансцендентальный театр 2000-2004 / / Media TV Radio Celebrities Russia / / 2022

2023 : Telegram : Runtu, Uri : От автора " 1 - 12 Книг о друзьях Руди Нуреева - которыми я горжусь и люблю : Общение и Опыт жизни этих личностей - помог мне прожить счастливую жизнь на Западе и в России " / / WWII Australia | Australian writer and journalist : Yuri Ryuntyu | book : Uri Runtu : Rudolf Noureev : La Mort a Paris : Hео-трансцендентальный театр : 2022.

My daughter called me just before noon (she was home sick) and
whispered, “Dad, is there supposed to be someone in the house?”

She had been downstairs on the couch, and someone rang the doorbell.

Because she wasn’t feeling well, she thought she’d just ignore it.

 The person kept ringing, and then she heard the door open.

She thought it was probably me coming home for lunch, but then she heard the guy’s cell phone ring and knew it wasn’t me.

So she had the presence of mind to take the phone into the bathroom and hide in the shower.

She called 911, and just as they answered, the guy came into the bathroom where she was.

So she hung up and then called me. I told her to stay put and call 911 again, so she did.

The police arrived, one at the front door, and one downstairs.

The policeman found my daughter and put her in a bedroom that he had already cleared.

Just then the guy tried to jump out a window, and the policeman upstairs drew his gun, so the guy ran downstairs and into the cop downstairs, whom he punched in the side of the head.

He ran back upstairs and then went out to the balcony, jumped off, and ran for his car.

The cops chased him down and tackled him.

When I got home, he was cuffed face down in the middle of the street, and there were cops everywhere.

My daughter was pretty shaken up, but she’s doing OK.

They have his picture and arrest record online here.

Apparently he’s just a drug addict who feeds his addiction by burglarizing houses.

So we’re all OK here, just a little shaken.

2023 - 2006 : Telegram : Runtu, Uri TikTok : Canberra ACT Australia / / Фото: 2006 : Московский Образовательный Центр США в здании Всероссийской Государственной Библиотеки Иностранной Литературы им. Маргариты Ивановны Рудомино: Москва Россия 2006 / / Дар - из 62 книг писателя на двух ДВД-дисках для Библиотечных Фондов США: лично передан - Директору Центра Марисе Фушилл ( Mrs Marisa Fushille : USA ) - 62 книги автора ' О Pусском 3арубежьe в США, в Европе и Австралии ' для Библиотечных Фондов России: лично переданы - госпоже Ольге Валентиновне Синицыной ( Mrs Olga Sinitsina : Deputy Director General : Russia ), директору Всероссийской Государственной Библиотеки Иностранной Литературы. Photo: 2006 : Academician Yuri Ryuntyu and Marisa Fushille and Olga Sinitsina in Moscow Russia 2006 / / Media TV Radio Celebrities Russia / Iouri Runtu: French : Rudolf Noureev : La Mort a Paris / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English / Canberra ACT Australia : the Neo-transcendental theatre : 2006 - 2022.

<1> The Academician GEORGE G. LARIN's express-REVIEW: All-World culture and art with a Russophone eyes: Uri Mattheus Runtu, Danish / Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, English / Iouri Matthieu Runtu, French / Jurgen Matthias Rjuntju, German / Yrjo Matteuksen Ryntty, Finnish / Юри Мэттью <Юрий Матвеевич> Рюнтю, Russian: Academician, Prof., Ph.D.: National Library of Australia: 100 books by Uri Runtu: []; []; []; []: New England Digital Publishing (Australia, USA, Canada): Yu.M. Ryuntyu books in Internet: []; []: Yu.M. Ryuntyu: the contemporary Russian theatre, ballet, poetry, literature, prose for children: []; []; []; []; []

Георгий Георгиевич Ларин   21.11.2023 02:02     Заявить о нарушении
<2> The Academician GEORGE G. LARIN's express-REVIEW: All-World culture and art with a Russophone eyes: the amicable creative International [Australian-Russian] Uri M. Runtu & George G. Larin Academic [too Academical] Duo: 1-2-3 volumes of Art Collection's books "Uri Runtu's Playhouse: the Neotranscendental Theatre: 10 plays, 20 essays (critical reviews)" published by charitable organization "The World Patrick White Intellectual Heritage" (Australia): [] in ACT Publishing, Canberra, Australia 2022-2023: Catalogue of the National Library of Australia (NLA): []; []: the Harvard University Citation 2023, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: []<Harvard University is a private institution that was founded in 1636: []. It is ranked #4 in QS World University Rankings 2024, also it was ranked #3 in QS World University Rankings 2021: []>

Георгий Георгиевич Ларин   21.11.2023 03:20   Заявить о нарушении
<3> The Academician GEORGE G. LARIN's express-REVIEW: All-World culture and art with a Russophone eyes: on peut faire la connaissance plus proche de mon grand cher bon ami de l'Australie Iouri Matthieu Runtu, aussi prendre connaissance de son oeuvre excellent en faisant une visite aux portails russes et aux sites australiens, selon ces hyper-renvois ci-dessous: []; []; []; []; []; []; [] <il s'agit aussi des hyper-renvois au-dessus, sur la page 1 de mon expess-review> en ce qui me concerne, on peut prendre connaissance de mon oeuvre en faisant une visite aux portails russes, selon ces hyper-renvois ci-dessous: []; []
PATRICK VICTOR MARTINDALE WHITE: Nobel Prize Laureate 1973: New Continent into Literature: Australia
2023, December: HALF-CENTENARY

Георгий Георгиевич Ларин   21.11.2023 05:08   Заявить о нарушении
<4> The Academician GEORGE G. LARIN's express-REVIEW: All-World culture and art with a Russophone eyes
My dear kind friend Yuri!
I salute heartily You from South Russia.
Unfortunately, I don't quite speak English. So next I would like to tell You something in French...
Mon cher bon ami Iouri!
Je Vous salue cordialement de la Russie du Sud.
Il est `a regretter que je ne parle pas du tout anglais. C'est pourquoi je voudrais Vous dire quelque chose en franc,ais...
`A propos de Votre histoire: elle m'alarma beaucoup!!! Dieu merci, Votre fille est vive - c'est l'essentiel!!!
Mes salutations les plus bonnes et cordiales `a Vous et `a Votre fille! Que Dieu vous garde tous les deux!
Votre ami russe Georges.

Георгий Георгиевич Ларин   22.11.2023 00:47   Заявить о нарушении
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