Freddie Mercury Rudolf Nureyev and Patrick White

 Photo àâòîðà Ðþíòþ Þðè : Uri Runtu : Iouri Runtu : Yuri Ryuntyu :  1985 - 1987 : Australia Sydney - Paris France : /  / 2024

 Yuri Ryuntyu resides in Canberra, ACT, Australia and is celebrated as a prominent figure in literary and cultural circles. His impact extends beyond Australia, with recognition from the Russian-speaking community and celebrities worldwide. Remember to explore his works further and engage with the rich tapestry of ideas woven by this remarkable writer!

   If you are curious about Yuri Ryuntyu's writings ? / / SUL : Stanford University : Library / / Stanford, California 94305 USA 2024

TEXT: 1985-1986: New York City : USA : Uri Runtu : " His memories are around me. As usual, the year of life put in stripes of mercy of the speechless words. I do not change anything. Our compatriots and contemporaries have extraordinary life in the last decade of this century. Everything around was accelerated in chaos, displaced by-via-by itself and the own feeling of imbalance always stands by. It seems, inside us a vital levitation force or? an anti-gravity force? does and co-exists. It is peculiar spinelessness in any actions, and emotional lack of self-discipline. Perhaps, our human nature feelings about a new millennium were totally approaching through? a mental squashed? us with the breath of time without end. After all, we do not live for a thousand years. Almost all the people meet the time of hundred years of on the one and the ... " 1985 - 2024

2024 : Runtu Uri BIO : Runtu Logic is a fascinating exploration of subjective and spiritual experiences. The term is associated with Yuri Ryuntyu, an Australian writer, journalist, and theatre critic. His work delves into the intersection of logic, spirituality, and personal encounters. In the context of Mormon truth claims, Runtu Logic invites us to reconsider and reinterpret these experiences. Rather than being negative, this reinterpretation is seen as necessary and natural. It acknowledges that the field of study—whether it’s spiritual encounters or any other subject—is shaped by those who engage with it. As we learn more, our understanding evolves, and Runtu Logic encourages us to explore these dimensions with an open mind... Yuri Ryuntyu’s literary journey spans multiple languages, including English, Russian, French, German, Finnish, Japanese, and Kazakh. His work bridges historical and cultural traditions with creative innovations, resulting in a rich dramaturgic palette. From traditional culture to modernism, Runtu Logic weaves together diverse threads, inviting readers to contemplate the profound and the transcendent... If you’re curious about Yuri Ryuntyu’s writings, you might explore his books, essays, and plays. His Neo-transcendental theatre, born in Australia, offers a unique perspective that blends tradition and innovation. Whether you’re drawn to spirituality, art, or intellectual exploration, Runtu Logic invites you to embark on a thought-provoking journey... Writer : Journalist : academician Iouri Runtu: French / Þðè Ðþíòþ : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU Telegram : Ñòàòüÿ àâòîðà Ðþíòþ Þðè : Stanford, California 94305 USA / / 2024

Book 1: 2009: MAY - ROCK IDOL & SUPERSTAR: Freddie Mercury and Rudolf Nureyev
ISBN 978-0-9806446-0-9 ART DOCUMENTARY: 1938-1993

ISBN 978-0-9806446-1-6 SHORT STORY

Àâñòðàëèàía Ëèòåðàòóðà Póññêîãî 3àðóáåæüÿ


«An unmistakable message has passed.
It was as though their two minds had opened and the thoughts
were flowing from one into the other through their eyes.
I know precisely what you are feeling.
I know all about your concept, your hatred your disgust.
And then the flash of love was gone and his face was as inscrutable as everyone else’s…»: George Orwell.

“Well, Yuri, what else can I say? You are at the same age as he was when I met him”: P. White about G. Orwell.

We sat simultaneously on the bench.

Patrick started to reminisce…

“I met George in Madrid. He was British and we fell in love, it was complete madness. We were so young and reckless. George was handsome reporter for the British Media and I was an Intelligence officer for the RAF. God knows how long ago it was. It was my first and last real love. Love was fresh and pure. We were honest with no pretending. Such things I never tasted again ... It was the Spanish wartime. Later he wrote about our feeling of tenderness in his masterpiece “1984”.”

“Even with Barbara Mobbs and Manoly L a s … c a r … is?” I jealously cut in.

“Don’t ask me about him. Isn’t it true that we already live together for half a century? To be ... exact a little less ... as one family. I am married you know?”

“But, now it’s 1985, Pat.”

“Yes, our wedding was, if the calendar doesn’t lie, in 1936. I wish everyone happiness and to be loyally in love forever.

Have you noticed that white swans can’t survive in Australia?” he points his finger towards the pond.

“Yes, here is the kingdom of darkness. Locals un – m i s t a k – i n g – l y see these tar black birds as an example of universal beauty. But, damn it anyway. Everything here is upside down. We have adjusted walking with our heads downwards.”

“What of the white swans in Europe? Moscow has so many of them too,” I reminisce about Russia.

“Of course, whiteness is closer to the purity of snow. The Australian darkness always puzzled me. Black is an antagonist to white.”

“Is that true Mr. White,” I grinned cheekily. “I feel exactly the same and ever since childhood I was crazy about whiteness. Look up at the bright sunlit sky,” I nervously stuttered as I glanced to the horizon where some black swans flew.

“There are too many and they’re so close as gathered to m o u r n … Mr. White,” he whispered.

A flock of swans circled overhead, searching for prey. They noisily and carelessly splashed the surface of the pond, and then began to greedily fight for the reeds on the bank.

“No, there is no grace in them. They are black inside and out, the same as their bloody offspring. Isn’t it such a miracle?” he claps his hands together.

“They aren’t completely black bastards yet. Like us, they aren’t born as replicas or clones of their parents,” I state.

“Then why?” he asks me. “Are you ashamed of yourself? Did the banana lifestyle infect your brain? Why you are so narrowing minded? Why in the bloody hell do we need to become true d i n k u m … Aussies?”

“But, I love Australia,” I answer and wink silently as I start to go home.

“Don’t leave me with such sadness,” he screams and hobbles after me to try and block my way.

“Why do you need me so desperately, Patrick? Such pet boys run around you in the thousands, like sex slaves in Oxford St.,” I snapped angrily and finally lose control of myself.

“Yuri, please, lets sit and talk, maybe you can tell me a story?” he looks guilty into my eyes.

“Here’s a bench. Come on, Yuri.”

I unwillingly obeyed and began to retell something from my memory.

The park became suddenly silent. I was the only one making a noise and he only heard my voice.

It was my story published last week in “The Famous Reporter”:

Separation had altered my feelings for Sydney.
I was no longer able to live there.
No matter where I went, my legs unconsciously took me back home, where I had left my children.
This developed more and more into suicidal obsession... I decided to save myself from this.
Perhaps my long distance jogging might have helped cure me.
The sound of the name Armidale attracted me and for this reason I came to New England.
The only beautiful spot here in the park surrounded by Holy Churches. Close to it
I stopped. In a moment, the room of the motel was very handy.

Two years passed and I’ve overcome the pain
caused by my ex-wife.
I woke up and began to look around.
A big unpredictability awaited me.
My eyes found something that I had expected.
This happened so simply and it could
only have happened thus.

It was pleasantly warm, when one Sunday I sat
down on a solitary bench. The Marlboro was
smoked with tranquility. The dusk of evening
was lightly rejected illumination around the
public toilets.
My inner cogitation pleased me.
The sun had just set.

Unexpectedly, the shape of a stranger detached
itself from a clump of trees, and approaching
me made the proposition to have oral sex.
My breathing stopped from amazement, horror,
and undefined agony. The subterraneous mystery
of this Golgotha was beginning to reveal itself
to me. I did not know, nor had ever thought of it...
Disconcerted by my ignorance the teenager
disappeared as silently as he had come.

I continued to smoke, pretending that
nothing unusual had occurred.
Instinctively, I looked around and perceived
that several sodomites were watching me
in consternation.
I didn’t know the dirty answers.
I didn’t comprehend their immodest curiosity.
Very slowly I started to sense my rapport with
this dark place. I felt that an invisible sunrise
was revealing itself to me. Yes, this past
occurrence shoved me into a puzzling and
unknown horizon.
I began to notice those whom previously I had
never seen.
And guess what? Many of them have became my close
mates now.
The summer passed, and after it the winter.
Many things inevitably changed.
I became tempted to love the male body:
the firm but yielding muscles which excite
my sexual feelings.
I’m overcome by the bitter-sweet kiss
which stops my beating heart.

How many have I met? These encounters, these
partings, these unexpected attractions or brief
They long for that one and only...
who would fulfill their happiness.
Each one of them dreams of the ultimate
the only relationship with someone who would
love them forever.
Yes, amongst us there are many dreamers.
A new life for me indeed with them:
I discovered my ego.
I welcome my future , which revealed itself
to me involuntarily...

Nearly all of this I want to tell you.

The portraits of these living people formed
my old student’s note-book.
Throughout these many stories occur real names.
Each man holds boiling barbaric passions
of the daily accidental interactions.
Their erotic emotions entwined with sinfulness,
and shaped by daily life.
We are all united in gayness.
We are incapable of rejecting our nature.
We hate ourselves for foolish lies to wives,
mothers and our children.
In the hopelessness of guilt we beg the priests
to relieve our hurt of doubt...”

Then he cuts in saying …

“It’s impossible not to love these lonely souls.
My heart belongs to them all. I love all of you.
Yes, I love all of you, truly... love you all.
There is no solution I am what I am...
Patrick White.”

He silently searched for the appropriate words to
continue ...

“But, if we’re not ready for the damned answer,
what can we do, mate? One thing is for sure,
you’re a bloody talented story teller,”
he said hiding a smile behind his frailty … hands.

He crouches in front of me and suddenly hugs my knees.
He peers at my body from head to toe.

“Now can I finish my story, Patrick?” I ask, but don’t
bother to wait for permission to continue.

“Through their bereavement and my grief and
suffering I name what’s inevitable.
This very day is my awakening.
Yes, yes... indeed.
The question remains.
Have I truly experienced my real nature after
this new experience? I don’t know.
I haven’t the courage to face myself.
Since there’s no answer, then I am what I am...
My fate is sealed and unknown.
However I have sufficient spirit to invite you
into my subconscious world of

I ignore him as I recite the last line off by heart.

“Well that’s all about myself,” I sigh unhappily and refuse to analyze his smirking face.

“That’s enough to start your future book,” handing me a pocket recorder which was in his jacket.

“What the shit is this, Pat? I was talking to you from the top of my head, but now it’s on this lifeless tape.”

“It’s OK. I think that the first chapter of our book is already taped. Here take it,” he stretches out to me a mini recorder and gave back to me my own story.

“I wish you good luck in publishing it,” he rejoiced.

“But, Pat, not before you tell me what’s in those letters from that Russian … Nureyev.
If … I want to take them, OK?”

“Of course you’ll take them, you must. They are my secrets from him, my Manoly. You know that I would never hurt him with anything. What right do I have to be a sinner, while he’s still alive? He is my Holy Chapel, my only divine sweetness in my life. Life in the hellish bullshit of Sydney’s bloody Intellectual Elite,” he scratched then blew his nose on a hanky, which he pulled out of his bright-checkered pants.

“You’re such a bloody trendy yuppie,” I snapped bitchy.

“It’s visible that a provincial shit like you hasn’t been to Paris.”

“So what, if I haven’t bloody been, but I’ve been with you, Pat. You’re more than Paris to me. Aren’t you its equivalent?”

“Hell, no. Paris is only Paris and it’s irreplaceable,” he quickly glances at his watch. “I’m so cheap compared to the others, especially to the French sleaziest genius Cocteau.”

“Yes, Paris is only equal to itself,” I slap his meaty butt.

“And you write chapter after chapter. You’ll get everything, bastard, sure success and money,” he smiled shyly. “Bless you.”

“I won’t write it, before you're in Heaven, Patrick,” I added dryly.

“You’re reading my mind, Yuri. That’s my only condition, for the sake of friendship. Promise, mate.”

“God, I promise. Yes, of course, I promise, but please live a long life, OK.”

My tears started to pour, giving in to my wish of saying good-bye to him with unnecessary water.

“Even if I am old, I know why you’ll get everything, because you’re extremely sincere. You don’t have the monkey like manner, which infected the Australians’ mentality. I believe in you. After … I have gone. You’ll be my only replacement,” he kissed my lips.

“Beware of the vicious hatred of dickheads. In the Aussie tropics it’s the most poisonous fruit. Now, I couldn’t give a damn about it. I might go back to Europe or maybe not. Who knows? Only God sees all. Hell, who knows? Yes, everything is open for God and for you to return back to Russia. Isn’t that painful?”

“It already hurts so bloody much,” I answered.

“I meant the value of those Russian letters, Yuri, which you’ll publish there for sure,” he shakes his head in disagreement.

I notice that he was late for something.

“Shit, it’s so simple. I’ll have them and David will never know that they exist,” I nodded confirming everything and burst into tears again.

“That’s just splendid! The main thing is not to interrupt his personal plans of writing about me. Let everything go its own way, then later, when he’s not expecting it, kick him in the arse. Oh, shit yes,” he gasped … then suddenly became silent.

“Kick him, what for?” I asked in puzzlement.

“Why” So that the dickhead didn’t become the one and only world wide expert of my Nobel Prize For Literature Achievements! But, don't forget to include Rudy and me as blue Britons and don’t say that most of it happened in Armidale, OK? What ever you do, don’t confirm that it was just with you, OK? Don’t think that you’re the best of all, even if you are writing about Rudy and me. The world respects us and remembers people like us, and nobody else. You know that you don’t you?”

“What a hell of a book, especially when everyone in it is still alive.”

“Isn’t this the title of your book; “Patrick White: A love machine and grinder of hearts.”...” he jokingly added.

“It’s simply ecstatic. Can I expect you to pray for me in Heaven?” I asked. “For this … “Grinding machine”?” I added.

“Yes, for sure, I’ll even write you a blessing in my will, I promise, Yuri,” he went without saying good-bye or looking back.

“So now I can bloody write whatever I want!” I shout after him as I kneel.

He suddenly stopped and came back slowly.

He uttered no words.

He kissed and crossed my forehead in a farewell blessing.

I stood with the pack of precious letters, roughly wrapped in an old embroidered handkerchief.

He left to prepare to go and lie in the hospital tomorrow or the day after.
He was never sorry for himself, now so tired of life.


I wanted his return, but his guardian angel took him to God, and gave him the gift of eternity in Heaven.

What else can I remember?

He stands over me as I’m on my knees.
I opened my eyes and looked up at him up and down, then shut them instantly.
Between us, on his chest was an image of an oval shaped cross.
The Spaniards knew who to present the spiritual wooden talisman.

He was no more a sinner after that.
Those special nuns absorbed his sins.

They started to confess for his sake in Holy caves in Spain.

The nuns didn’t know that his hidden DEATH slept close by.

Immediately, IT awoke to fill Him with Immortality.


1991 - 2001 :  62 Kíèãè àâòîðà Ðþíòþ Þðè ía çaêàç oò ÐÓÄÎËÜÔÀ ÍÓÐÅÅÂÀ  : Íàö Áèáëèîòåêa Àâñòðàëèè /  / Photo : Íàö Áèáëèîòåêa Àâñòðàëèè :  Australia 2024

   1991-2001 : 1 - 62 Kíèãè àâòîðà Ðþíòþ Þðè o Ðîññèè ía çaêàç oò ÐÓÄÎËÜÔÀ ÍÓÐÅÅÂÀ / / Ðþíòþ Þðè  Uri Runtu Yuri Ryuntyu : Canberra ACT Australia /1993 - 1991  : 4 000 000 US $ : 1991 - 1993 / France UK USA Russia 1991-2024

   1991 - 2001 : 62 Kíèãè ía çaêàç oò  ÐÓÄÎËÜÔÀ ÍÓÐÅÅÂÀ :  Ñòaíôîðäñêèé óíèâåðñèòåò/  / Photo : Ñòýíôîðäñêàÿ áèáëèîòåêà : Stanford University Library: Ñòaíôîðäñêèé óíèâåðñèòåò : USA 2024


1995-2023: 1 - 160 Books by the same Australian Author: Uri Runtu Yuri Ryuntyu Yuru Ryuntyu Iouri Runtu:   

1995 RUDY NUREYEV: Without Make-Up: 1-352: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 570-2-00 98-1-9: NLA ID 4728820: Published: NOVOSTI Pub. House: Moscow Russia: in Russian
1996 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-253: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 585-3-00 07-9-9: NLA ID 8079450: Published: SOVAMINCO: Soviet-USA Pub. House: Moscow Russia: in Russian
2000 The World Rudolf Nureyev Intellectual Heritage: Russia-XX Century:  35 books on DVD-1: USA - Stanford University Library: ID ZMS 2563 DISK-1: in Russian German French English: NLA ID 40959455
2001 FREDDIE MERCURY: ROCK IDOL and SUPERSTAR: RUDOLF NUREYEV: 1-574: i-vii: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 996-5-01 81-6-2: NLA ID 8071151: Published: DANIAR Pub. House: Almaty Kazakhstan: in Russian
2005 The World Yuri Ryuntyu Intellectual Heritage: Russia-XXI Century:  27 books on DVD-2: USA - Stanford University Library: ID ZMS 2563 DISK-2: in Russian German French English: NLA ID 45233287
2009 FREDDIE MERCURY: ROCK IDOL and SUPERSTAR: RUDOLF NUREYEV: 1-418: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-0-9: NLA ID 4612411
2009 RUDY NUREYEV: Without Make-Up: 1-283: 2-nd Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98 064 46-1-6: NLA ID 4728820
2010 MY BEST LOVED FAIRY TALES: 1-90, i-xii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-7-8: NLA ID 5266166
2010 AUSTRALIA 2030: 1-173: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-9-2: NLA ID 4808333
2010 AUSTRALIA 2010: 1-148: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-2-3: NLA ID 6268180
2010 MY HERO SISTER PAT: PATRICIA DIXON: INTERVIEWS: 1-160: Aboriginal Australian Literature: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-8-5: NLA ID 6268122
2010 AUSTRALIAN CONTEMPORARY POETRY: 1-215: Aboriginal Australian Literature: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-4-7: NLA ID 6268115
2010 AUSTRALIAN CONTEMPORARY PROSE: 1-146: Aboriginal Australian Literature: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-3-0: NLA ID 5632353
2011 AUSTRALIA 1990: 1-242: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-6-1: NLA ID 6858939
2012 AUSTRALIA 2000: 1-212: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-5-4: NLA ID 8036314
2014 BORIS MOISEEV: Showbiz Celebrity: Russia: 1-373: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-1-9: NLA ID 6851826   
2014 BORIS MOISEEV: Gay Culture: Russia: 1-376: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-0-1: NLA ID 6855923
2014 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Gay Culture in Russia: 1936-2014: 1-304, i-x: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-0-9: NLA ID 8035562
2015 ANDREY BARTENEV: Performance Celebrity: Russia: 1-123: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-9-6: NLA ID 6777105
2015 ANDREY BARTENEV: Martian under My Skin: 1-115: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-4-0: NLA ID 6858935
2015 ANDREY BARTENEV: Gay Culture: Russia: 1-123: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-9-5: NLA ID 6851675
2015 JULIA: 1-242: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-3-3: NLA ID 6851857
2016 RUDOLF NUREYEV: 400 INTERVIEWS 10 000 FRIENDS: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-1-8: NLA ID 7131166
2017 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MATHILDE KSCHESSINSKA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 5-th Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-1-2: NLA ID 7505290
2017 RUDOLF NUREYEV: LAUREL MARTYN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 4-th Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-6-7: NLA ID 7505285
2017 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GALINA ULANOVA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 3-rd Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-0-5: NLA ID 7505204
2017 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ELTON JOHN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-7-2: NLA ID 7497492
2018 RUDOLF NUREYEV: BULAT AYUKHANOV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 12-th Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-8-5: NLA ID 7730033
2018 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-274, i-vii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-3-0: NLA ID 7890564   
2018 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Theatre Celebrity: Poland: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-302, i-vii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-2-2: NLA ID 8036229
2018 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Theatre Celebrity: Poland Russia Ukraine: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-305: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-9-3: NLA ID 8035193
2018 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-381, i-xiv: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-4-6: NLA ID 7890779: in French
2018 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-381, i-xiv: 2-nd Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-9-2: NLA ID 7890781: in French
2019 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-415: 3-rd Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-0-4: NLA ID 8036318: French
2019 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-414: 4-th Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-1-1: NLA ID 8036981: French
2019 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-393, i-xx: 5-th Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-6-6: NLA ID 8039840: French
2019 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-394: 6-th Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-7-3: NLA ID 8039828: French
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Gay Culture: Russia: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-305, i-iii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-5-3: NLA ID 8039585   
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Gay Culture: Ukraine: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-302,1-viii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-1-3: NLA ID 8039830   
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Gay Culture: Poland: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-306, i-ii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-2-0: NLA ID 8035236   
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-301, i-vii: 2-nd Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-9-8: NLA ID 8039833   
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-281, i-x: 3-rd Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-4-3: NLA ID 8035232
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Theatre Celebrity: Russia: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-303, i-viii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-6-0: NLA ID 8036950   
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Theatre Celebrity: Ukraine: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-303, i-viii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-7-7: NLA ID 8036958   
2019 BORIS MOISEEV: The Birthday: 1-374: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-4-2: NLA ID 803632:  Russian   
2019 ANDREY BARTENEV: The Premonitions: 1-222, i-xvii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-9-0: NLA ID 8036979: Russian English
2019 MATTHEW: 1-210: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-2-5: NLA ID 8039591
2021 MAKSIM GALKIN: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for girls and boys: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-iii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-7-0: NLA ID 8631809: Russian English
2021 MAKSIM GALKIN: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for grandpa and grand-kids: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-ii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-8-7: NLA ID 8629709: Russian English
2021 ALLA PUGACHEVA: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for grandma and grand-kids: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-v: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-0-7: NLA ID 8631806: Russian English
2021 ALLA PUGACHEVA: Fairy and Folk Tales for schoolkids: 44 elf-tales: les contes elfes papy: 1-152: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-6-8: NLA ID 8629702:  Russian English
2021 VICTORIA KIRKOROVA: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for girls: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-vi: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-5-4: NLA ID 8599382: Russian English
2021 MARTIN KIRKOROV: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for boys: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-vi: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-6-1: NLA ID 8599381: Russian English
2021 NIKOLAY TSISKARIDZE: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for dad and mom: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-viii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-9-1: NLA ID 8631807: Russian English
2021 NIKOLAY TSISKARIDZE: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for ballerinas: les contes elfes papy: 1-152: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-8-4: NLA ID 8629648: Russian English
2021 FILIPP KIRKOROV: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for dad and son: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-iv: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-4-7: NLA ID 8631808: Russian English
2021 FILIPP KIRKOROV: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for dad and daughter: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-iv: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-6-9: NLA ID 8629646: Russian English
2021 MARINA LEONOVA: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for ballerinas: les contes elfes papy: 1-152: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-5-6: NLA ID 8629649: Russian English
2021 MARINA LEONOVA: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for ma and pa: les contes elfes papy: 1-152: i-viii: 1-st Edition:  Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-6-3: NLA ID 8629643: Russian English
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MATHILDE KSCHESSINSKA: 2-nd Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-7-4: NLA ID 8673731
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GALINA ULANOVA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-5-0: NLA ID 8673721
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ELTON JOHN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-1-4: NLA ID 8673733
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: LAUREL MARTYN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-6-9: NLA 8673487
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: BULAT AYUKHANOV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-5-2: NLA ID 8674270
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MAKHMUD ESAMBAYEV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-9-9: NLA ID 8674263
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: NATALIA DUDINSKAYA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-0-3: NLA ID 8674271
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MARGOT FONTEYN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-0-8: NLA ID 8674268
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: TAMARA KARSAVINA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-8-1: NLA ID 8674267
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: 400 INTERVIEWS 10 000 FRIENDS: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-0-4: NLA ID 8673720
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ERIK BRUHN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-7-6: NLA ID 8675087
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: POUL RUDOLPH GNATT: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-3-9: NLA ID 8675099
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: NINEL KURGAPKINA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-3-4: NLA ID 8675103
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GRAHAM SMITH: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover:  ISBN 978-1-92527 88-2-8: NLA ID 8675073
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MAYA PLISETSKAYA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-2-1: NLA ID 8675078
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: AIDS: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover:  ISBN 978-1-92527 86-0-6: NLA ID 8675072
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: HIV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-2-6: NLA ID 8675091
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: PAUL BELVILLE TAYLOR: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-6-4: NLA ID 8675569
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GEORGE BALANCHINE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-9-0: NLA ID 8675559   
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MARTHA GRAHAM: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-3-6: NLA ID 8675586   
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ELIZABETH TAYLOR: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-2-9: NLA ID 8675582   
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: JOSE ARCADIO LIMON: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-7-4: NLA ID 8675564
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ANDY WARHOL: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-4-4: NLA ID 8675583
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: KIRILL SEREBRENNIKOV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-8-9: NLA ID 8675566   
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: JORGE RAUL DONN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-7-1: NLA ID 8675579   
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: SERGEY PARADZHANOV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-2-7: NLA ID 8675572
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ANDREI TARKOVSKY: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-4-1: NLA ID 8675573   
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ALEXANDER PUSHKIN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-9-7: NLA ID 8681472
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: FREDERICK ASHTON: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-8-0: NLA ID 8681014
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ROBERT HELPMANN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-0-0: NLA ID 8681008
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: YURY GRIGOROVICH: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-6-5: NLA ID 8681011
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: JOSEPH STALIN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-1-5: NLA ID 8681473
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: HELENE FFRANCE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-5-8: NLA ID 8681010
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: TOUKO VALIO LAAKSONEN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-1-0: NLA ID 8681476
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: PATRICK WHITE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-5-9: NLA ID 8681016
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MAURICE JEAN BERGER: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-3-5: NLA ID 8681471
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV:  GIANNI VERSACE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-4-5: NLA ID 8681475
2022 GEORGE LARIN: URI RUNTU'S PLAYHOUSE: critical reviews: AUSTRALIA: THE NEOTRANSCENDENTAL THEATRE: ART COLLECTION: 1 - 5 PLAYS:  1-20 ESSAYS: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527-85-8-3: French: English: Russian: volume 1:  1- 494 pages: Published Canberra ACT Australia: NLA ID 8855253
2023 GEORGE LARIN: URI RUNTU'S PLAYHOUSE: critical reviews: AUSTRALIA: THE NEOTRANSCENDENTAL THEATRE: ART COLLECTION: 6 - 10 PLAYS:  1-20 ESSAYS: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527-83-7-8: French: English: Russian: volume 2:  1- 613 pages: Published Canberra ACT Australia: NLA ID 8855253
2023 GEORGE LARIN: AUSTRALIA: URI RUNTU'S PLAYHOUSE: THE NEOTRANSCENDENTAL THEATRE: ART COLLECTION: 1 - 10 PLAYS: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527-80-9-3: French: English: Russian: volume 3:  1- 641 pages: Published Canberra ACT Australia: NLA ID 8855253   

4 --- 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV:  GIANNI VERSACE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-9-4
5 --- 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: ANTONIO D’AMIKO: NOUREEV RUDOLF:1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-3-1
6 --- 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: ANDREW PHILLIP CUNANAN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition:  Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-2-3
7 --- 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: FREDDIE MERCURY: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-5-1
8 --- 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: COCO CHANEL: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-5-7
9 --- 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: JEAN COCTEAU: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-6-2
10 --- 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: SERGE LIFAR: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-4-8
11 --- 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: KEN RUSSELL: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-1-6
12 --- 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MARTIN SCORSESE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-5-5

2024 : AI : artificial intelligence and intelligentsia : Runtu, Uri : Æóðíàëèñòèêà : Àíãëî - Ôðàíêî è Póññêî - ÿçû÷íûé ïèñàòåëü è æóðíàëèñò - è 230 020 ×èòàòåëåé èç Âåëèêîé Ðîññèè è - 9 300 - òåêñòîâ àâòîðà : Þðèé Ðþíòþ / Uri Runtu / Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT : Australia / Ïðîçà. ðó - ýòî Ãðàíäèîçíîå è Åäèíñòâåííîå íà ïëàíåòå Çåìëÿ - ßâëåíèå â Ìèðîâîé Êóëüòóðîëîãèè èç Ðîññèè - / / Media TV Radio : Îáùåíèå è Îïûò æèçíè ýòèõ ëè÷íîñòåé - ïîìîã ìíå ïðîæèòü ñ÷àñòëèâóþ æèçíü íà Çàïàäå è â Ðîññèè : Margot Fonteyn (1919-1991), Patrick White (1912-1990), Robert Helpmann (1909-1986), Nora Kaye (1920-1987), Herbert Ross (1927-2001), Janet Karin (1938), Frederik Ashton (1904-1988), Laurence Olivier (1907-1989), Vali Myers (1930-2003), Jean Babillee-Gutmann (1923-2014), Pina Bausch (1940-2009), Josephine Baker (1906-1975), Tamara Karsavina (1885-1978) and Laurel Martyn (1916-2013)/ Celebrities Russia / Canberra ACT Australia / Iouri Runtu: French : Rudolf Noureev : La Mort a Paris / Þðè Ðþíòþ : Russian / Uri Runtu : English : Håî-òðàíñöåíäåíòàëüíûé òåàòð : 2024.

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity TAMARA KARSAVINA:1885-1978 Imperial Russia UK

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity GALINA ULANOVA:1910-1998 Imperial Russia USSR

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity LAUREL MARTYN:1916-2013 Australia

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity MARGOT FONTEYN:1919-1991 UK USA

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity Rudolf Nureyev:1938-1993 USSR France   

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity MATHILDE KSCHESSINSKA:1872-1971 Imperial Russia USA France

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity Vaclav-Vaslav Nijinsky:1889-1950 Imperial Russia UK

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity MAYA PLISETSKAYA:1925-2015 USSR Russia

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity BULAT AYUKHANOV:1938- USSR Kazakhstan

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity MAKHMUD ESAMBAYEV:1924-2000 USSR Russia

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity NATALIA DUDINSKAYA:1912-2003 Imperial Russia USSR

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity ERIK BRUHN:1928-1986 Denmark

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity POUL RUDOLPH GNATT:1923-1995 Denmark New Zealand

The World Superstar and Celebrity NINEL KURGAPKINA:1929-2009 USSR Russia

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity GRAHAM SMITH:1931-2016 Australia

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity PAUL BELVILLE TAYLOR:1930-2018 USA

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity MARTHA GRAHAM:1894-1991 USA

The World Movies Superstar and Ballet Celebrities:  ELIZABETH TAYLOR:1932-2011 UK USA

The World Rock Music Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: ELTON JOHN:1947- UK

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity JOSE ARCADIO LIMON:1908-1972 Mexico USA

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity GEORGE BALANCHINE 1904-1983 Imperial Russia USA

The World Pop Art Superstar and Ballet Celebrities:  ANDY WARHOL:1928-1987 Moldova USA

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity FREDERICK ASHTON:1906-1988 UK

The World Literature Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: PATRICK WHITE:1912-1990 UK Australia

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity ROBERT HELPMANN:1909-1986 UK

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity KIRILL SEREBRENNIKOV:1969- USSR Russia Germany

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity ALEXANDER PUSHKIN:1907-1970 Imperial Russia USSR

The World Movie Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: SERGEY PARADZHANOV:1924-1990 USSR Armenia Georgia Russia

The World Movie Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: ANDREI TARKOVSKY:1932-1986 USSR Russia France

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity YURY GRIGOROVICH:1927- USSR Russia

The World Art Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: TOUKO VALIO LAAKSONEN:1920-1991 Finland USA

The World Superstars and Ballet Celebrities: JOSEPH STALIN:1878-1953 Imperial Russia USSR

The World Art Superstars and Ballet Celebrities: ANDREW PHILLIP CUNANAN: born: National City San Diego, California: CA: USA :1969-1997(d. at 28): USA

The World Art Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: GIANNI VERSACE: born: Reggio Calabria: Italy: 1946-1997(d. at 50): Italy USA

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity MAURICE JEAN BERGER BEJART :1927-2007 France USA

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity JORGE RAUL ITOVICH DONN:1947-1992 Argentina USA

The World Art Superstars and Ballet Celebrities: ANTONIO D’AMIKO: born:   Mesagne Brindisi: Italy: 1959 -: Italy USA

The World Rock Music Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: FREDDIE MERCURY:1946-1991 USA UK

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity: RUDOLF NUREYEV:1938-1993 USA UK France

The World Movie Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: MARTIN SCORSESE:1942-USA

The World Movie Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: HENRY KENNETH ALFRED RUSSELL:1927-2011 UK USA

The World Movie Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: JEAN MAURICE EUGENE CLEMENT COCTEAU:1889-1963 France

The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity SERGE LIFAR:1905-1986 Imperial Russia France Switzerland

The World Art Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: COCO CHANEL:1883-1971 France

The World Movie Superstars and Ballet Celebrities: URI RUNTU:1949- Russia Australia

2024 : Iouri Runtu, Uri : Àâòîð î ÅÄÈÍÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÌ ÄÐÓÃÅ - íà ÂÑÞ ÆÈÇÍÜ - è ýòî î Ðóäîëüôå Íóðååâå - / / : ÊÍÈÃÀ - ' Ñìåðòü â Ïàðèæå : Ðóäîëüô Íóðååâ : 10 000 äðóçåé è 400 èíòåðâüþ : Rudolf Noureev : Rudi Nureyev' / Ïåðâîå èçäàíèå / - Î ïîñëåäíåì ãîäå æèçíè äåíü çà äíåì - çà 400 äíåé - Âåëèêîãî ãåíèÿ Ðîññèè - Ðóäîëüôà Íóðååâà âî Ôðàíöèè : ñòðàíèö: 1-685 RUDOLF NUREYEV NOUREEV RUDOLF: 400 Interviews 10 000 Friends : ' THE DEATH IN PARIS: RUDOLF NUREYEV : Iouri Runtu : La mort a Paris: Rudolf Noureev ' : French / / Celebrities RU / ISBN 978-1-925278-11-8 Australia 2016 - 2019 / Yuri Ryuntyu / Australia / Ðîññèÿ - Àâñòðàëèÿ / Media TV Radio Russia / / Canberra ACT Australia / Uri Runtu : Håî-òðàíñöåíäåíòàëüíûé òåàòð : 2024.

If you are curious about Yuri Ryuntyu's writings ? // // : National Library of Australia : Canberra ACT Australia / / 2024

Yuri Ryuntyu resides in Canberra, ACT, Australia and is celebrated as a prominent figure in literary and cultural circles. His impact extends beyond Australia, with recognition from the Russian-speaking community and celebrities worldwide. Remember to explore his works further and engage with the rich tapestry of ideas woven by this remarkable writer!

CITE ; USA: 2004-2024: CATALOGUE PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER : SUL : SULAIR : Stanford University : Library // // Stanford, California 94305 US : Iouri Runtu: French / Þðè Ðþíòþ : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu
CITE: AUSTRALIA: 1980-2024: CATALOGUE PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER : An authorized biographical novel about the famous ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev based on his letters to his friend, the Australian writer Patrick White / / An authorized biographical novel about the famous ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev based on his letters to his friend, the Australian writer Patrick White.

NLA Canberra Australia / / 2000-2023 / / : National Library of Australia : Canberra ACT Australia 2024

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