
Анна Филимонова: литературный дневник

Due to the pandemic, children in our school for the second year stay in the classroom during recesses, they are not allowed to go out the classroom. But they need to let off steam, they are already early teens. That's why they destroy everything there. In addition, this is a biology room where there are many plants, some of which have already left this world for the reason mentioned above.
Everything flies there and everyone flies.
The other day, my son was accidentally pushed, and he hit his head hard on the corner of the desk (with the base of the skull), spent a couple of lessons at the first-aid post. When the teacher came to visit him, he was smiling, lying on the daybed with ice on his head, he was remembering something...
But it so outraged her.
Although she was also very nervous.
I tried to politely figure out the situation, but it only got worse.
We were left to blame for everything.

Другие статьи в литературном дневнике:

  • 29.12.2021. ***
  • 21.12.2021. ***
  • 14.12.2021. ***
  • 12.12.2021. ***
  • 07.12.2021. ***
  • 06.12.2021. ***
  • 04.12.2021. ***
  • 02.12.2021. ***
  • 01.12.2021. ***