Pусскоязычная библиотека A new project 2008-2011МИРОВОЕ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЕ НАСЛЕДИЕ ПATPИKA УAЙTA: ХХI ВЕК. ПРОЗА, ПОЭЗИЯ, МУЗЫКА, ЖИВОПИСЬ, СКУЛЬПТУРА, БАЛЕТ, / http://proza.ru/diary/yuri2008/2008-08-22 / КИНО, АРХИТЕКТУРА, ТЕАТР, ОПЕРА, РЕЛИГИЯ, ПРАВА ЧЕЛОВЕКА, ЛЕТОПИСИ ВОЙН, ПОЛИТОЛОГИЯ, ИСТОРИЯ, НАУКА, АРГО, СЛЕНГ, НАРОДНАЯ ПЕСНЯ РУССКОГО ЗАРУБЕЖЬЯ: ИНДИЯ, КИТАЙ, ЯПОНИЯ, НОВAЯ ЗЕЛАНДИЯ и АВСТРАЛИЯ. RUSSIAN POETRY, PROSE, ARGO, ART, MOVIE, MUSIC, OPERA, BALLET, THEATRE, MP3 & TV ORAL HISTORY: AUSTRALIA, NZ, INDIA, JAPAN & CHINA. The WORLD PATRICK WHITE INTELLECTUAL HERITAGE: XXI CENTURY. Pусскоязычная библиотека МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ ПРОЕКТ: 2008-2011. Культурноe Наследиe Россиян в ИНДИИ, КИТАE, ЯПОНИИ, НОВOИ ЗЕЛАНДИИ и АВСТРАЛИИ. ABOUT: GREAT WRITER PATRICK VICTOR WHITE (AUSTRALIA: 1912-90), ART GENIUS ANDY WARHOL (USA: 1928-87), BALLET STAR RUDOLF NUREYEV (FRANCE: 1938-93), ROCK IDOL FREDDIE MERCURY (UK: 1946-91) AND THEIR FRIEND YURI RYUNTYU (AUSTRALIA) 2009: СЕРИЯ ИЗ 10 КНИГ Юри Мэттью Рюнтю Charitable Organization “The World Patrick White Intellectual Heritage: Australia” starting publication of the 10-Books of Australian Writer Yuri Ryuntyu in this year of his the 60-th jubilee: 1949-2009 in English, Russian and French: Book 1 СЕРИЯ ИЗ 35 КНИГ Юри Мэттью Рюнтю: Youri Mathieu Runtu: Yuri Matthew RYUNTYU - ПРОФИНАНСИРОВАНA СУПЕРЗВЕЗДАМИ МИРОВОЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ ЭЛИТЫ И МУЛЬТИМИЛЛИОНЕРАМИ НУРЕЕВЫМ http://rudolfnureyev.com.au/ И ФРЭДДИ МЕРКЬЮРИ http://mercuryfreddie.com.au/, УОРХОЛОМ http://warholandy.com.au/ И УАЙТОМ http://patrickwhite.com.au/ ДЛЯ БЕЗВОЗМЕЗДНОГО РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЯ В 200 СТРАНАХ СОДРУЖЕСТВА ООН c 1998-2008. Писатель Юри Мэтью Рюнтю: Австралианa Литература Pусского 3арубежья Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu was born in KIZHI, ONEGA LAKE, Russia. Following his studies at the Academy of Science, Yuri Matthew RYUNTYU moved to Sydney (Australia) and worked, most notably, as a medico-biology scientist. A prizewinning scholar and academician, he has published a 45 books of literary and cultural criticism, including <The Recipe for the Genius>, <The Requiem for the Foresee>, <The Grate Surrenders>, <Abreast and Profile of The Imperial Russian Ballet> and <The Apostolic Silver Age of Russian Culture>. He has also written for such publication as the World of News, the Book Review, the Theatre Life, the Pravda, the Moscow Evening, the Moscow Pravda, the Megapolis Express and the Evening Club about Poetry, Literature, Movies, Religion, History, Music, Opera, Ballet, Politics and Australian Arts, where he is a contributing editor. His literary works and articles are available in English, French, Russian, German, Japanese and Kazakh for readers. Ryuntyu was able to dedicate himself entirely to literature following the success of <Rudolf Nureyev: without Make-up> in Russia, a gloomy satire on sexuality published in 1995. Ryuntyu’s ironic and often disillusioned perception of the state of affairs in Russia during and after the Communist occupation produced a body of work that is still at the forefront of twentieth-century Russian and Australian literature. A most famous: <The Temptation: Boris Yeltsin>, <On the Way of the Cross: Alexander Solzhenitsyn>, <Idol Russian Gay Culture: Sergey Paradzhanov> and <The Meditation: Bella Akhmadulina and Joseph Brodsky> http://ryuntyu.com/8o/ Yuri Ryuntyu live in Cairns, Great Barrier Reef, Australia + Рюнтю o Культурe Россиян в США The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum USA http://www.reaganlibrary.com/ + http://ryuntyu.com/BIBLIOGRAPHY.htm + http://ryuntyu.com/DIPLOMA.htm ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ HA ПОЭЗИЯ: РУССКО-ЯЗЫЧНАЯ АВСТРАЛИЯ-ХХI ВЕК THE MODERN RUSSIAN LITERATURE: POETRY RUSSIAN-SPEAKING AUSTRALIA-XXI CENTURY http://stihi-ru.com/ ДЕТСКАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА: РУССКО-ЯЗЫЧНАЯ АВСТРАЛИЯ-ХХI ВЕК THE MODERN RUSSIAN LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN: RUSSIAN-SPEAKING AUSTRALIA-XXI CENTURY http://ryuntyu.com/ Visit 10 AUSTRALIAN WEB-sites IN AUSTRALIA: THE MODERN RUSSIAN LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN: RUSSIAN-SPEAKING AUSTRALIA-XXI CENTURY http://ryuntyu.com/
© Copyright: Рюнтю Юри, 2008.
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