Uri Runtu, a noble man and journalist Canberra ACT

Рюнтю Юри: литературный дневник

Uri Runtu, a noble author and journalist, has penned several intriguing works. Let’s explore a few of them:

“Nureyev Noureev: The Death in Paris: 2023”: / http://proza.ru/diary/yuri2008/2024-05-02 / :

This book is a collection of interviews with people who knew and worked with the legendary ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev and his partner, Margot Fonteyn. It delves into their achievements, challenges, and profound impact on the ballet world12.

“Neo-Transcendental Playhouse” (Hео-трансцендентальный театр):
In this intriguing work, Uri Runtu explores the concept of a Neo-Transcendental Playhouse. The title itself suggests a place where transcendent artistry unfolds. The book spans from 2020 to 2023 and comprises 613 pages3.

“I Will Always Be a Cucumber and Never a Pickle”:

Uri Runtu shares thoughts on language, civilization, and the preservation of spoken expression. He emphasizes the importance of language as a key to understanding civilization across time and history4.
Australia’s Queer Community Backlash:

In March 2023, Australia witnessed a significant backlash against its queer community. Uri Runtu’s work sheds light on the complexities and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in the country5.

Uri Runtu’s diverse literary contributions offer unique perspectives and engage readers in thought-provoking discussions. ;;

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