Uri Runtu Playwrighting, poetry, prose and theatre

Рюнтю Юри: литературный дневник

Academician, the Soros Laureate GEORGE LARIN: USA, 1994 <an express-review at an article> Academician, Prof., Ph.D. URI RUNTU: Australia <Happy New Year! - 2024 - Merry Christmas!> ALL-WORLD arts, culture and history with an ACADEMIC EYES: KALEIDOSCOPE of a certain serious and waggish ACADEMICAL THOUGHTS <A.GL_rev-art_A.UR>, p. 1

Мой самый дорогой и добрый друг Юрий Матвеевич! Сердечно Вас приветствую и выражаю своё неподдельное и абсолютно искреннее восхищение Вашим невероятным творческим задором и фантастической работоспособностью!
С огромнейшим интересом прочитал Ваше произведение. Какие замечательные слова у Вас написаны: "ЛЕГКО ЖИТЬ С ДОБРЫМ И ОТКРЫТЫМ СЕРДЦЕМ"!!! Это настоящий афоризм!
Ваше чудесное (скажу ещё более точно: Ваше чудодейственное, волшебное) витально-философское изречение побудило меня достаточно тщательно полистать my prayer-year-book.

Георгий Георгиевич Ларин

Uri Runtu, an Australian writer, journalist, and critic, has made significant contributions to various literary and artistic domains / http://proza.ru/diary/yuri2008/2024-05-09 / . His works span playwrighting, poetry, and prose, available in multiple languages including English, Russian, French, German, Finnish, Japanese, and Kazakh.

In particular, Runtu is associated with the neo-transcendental theatre, which was born in Australia. As the founder of this innovative theatrical movement, he has left an indelible mark on the modern artistic landscape. His work bridges cultures and languages, reflecting his multifaceted talent and commitment to pushing creative boundaries.

Furthermore, Runtu has been involved in projects that explore gay culture, transgender experiences, sex, and human rights. His perspectives are thought-provoking and contribute to broader conversations about identity and equality4.
It’s inspiring to see artists like Uri Runtu enriching our cultural tapestry with their unique voices and artistic endeavors.

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