Рецензия на «Космология Будущего. Глава 3» (Игорь Левдоне)

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Why are we here? Where did it all come from―the laws of nature, the stars, the universe? Humans have been asking these questions forever, but science hasn’t succeeded in providing many answers—until now.

In Observer, scientist Robert Lanza, one of Time Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People,” is joined by Nancy Kress, 8-time Hugo and Nebula award-winning science fiction writer, to shed light on the big picture that has long eluded philosophers and scientists alike. What if life isn’t just a part of the universe… what if it determines the very structure of the universe itself? This new, groundbreaking novel provides an explanation of how the universe works, and an exploration of the science behind the astounding fact that time, space, and reality itself, all ultimately depend upon us. Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews both gave Observer prestigious “starred reviews,” the later calling it “Mind-bending… A novel full of life-affirming ideas that’s likely to make readers rethink concepts of time and space. A thought-provoking fictional examination of big ideas.”

For thousands of years we’ve looked to the sky and gods for answers. We landed on the moon, and even flung a piece of metal outside the solar system. But despite the development of super-proton-antiproton-synchrotrons, and now, superconducting-supercolliders that contain enough niobium-titanium wire to circle the earth sixteen times, we have no more of an understanding of why we exist than the first thinkers of civilized consciousness. Where did it all come from? Why are we here?

The answer lies deeper. It involves our very selves

We’re like Dorothy in “The Wizard of Oz,” who went on a long journey in search of the Wizard to get back home, only to find the answer was inside her all along. The farther we peer into space, the more we realize that the secret of life and existence can’t be found by inspecting spiral galaxies or watching distant supernovas. It lies deeper. It involves our very selves.

“We are too content with our sense organs,” Loren Eiseley once said. “It’s no longer enough to see as a man sees — even to the ends of the universe.” Our radiotelescopes and supercolliders merely extend the perceptions of our mind. We see the finished work only. In this world, only an act of observation can confer shape and form to reality — to a dandelion in a meadow, or a seed pod, or the sun or wind or rain. Anyway, it’s impressive, and your cat or dog can do it, too.

Alan Boyle, former NBC News & MSNBC Science Editor, called Observer “Fantastical” adding “Recently, special relativity and quantum mechanics have provided solid grounding for the idea that the act of observation has an effect on external phenomena.”

“Robert Lanza has taken the gigantic step of incorporating his ideas into a science fiction novel” said Rhonda Byrne, #1 New York Times bestselling author. “This brilliant book will take you deep into quantum physics, where these often-complex concepts are illuminated through a riveting and moving story… It was when I was doing research for my latest book, The Greatest Secret, that I came across Lanza’s astounding book, Biocentrism. Here was the science that backed up everything I knew to be true on a spiritual level. Observer breaks down the materialistic model of ourselves and the world that we’ve come to believe as reality. It is the leading-edge scientists such as Dr. Robert Lanza who will help take humanity out of the dark ages and into a new world.”

The authors show that if life and consciousness are really central to everything else, then countless puzzling anomalies in science enjoy immediate clarification. It’s not just bizarre laboratory results like the famous “double slit experiment” that make no sense unless the observer’s presence is intimately intertwined with the results. On an everyday level, hundreds of physical constants are “set in stone” at precisely the values that allow life to exist. This could merely be an astounding coincidence. But the simplest explanation is that the laws and conditions of the universe allow for the observer because the observer generates them. Duh!

Since Lanza’s first nonfiction books on this topic were released, new research has emerged that makes the case for biocentrism stronger than ever, allowing the authors of Observer to explain formerly fuzzy aspects of how our biocentric universe actually works.

We’re not measuring the world, we’re creating it

The questions Observer answers are those every one of us has asked, basic questions about life and death, about how the world works and why we exist.

Like most of us, Dr. Caroline Soames-Watkins also believed that the world around her existed as a hard, cold reality ticking away like a clock. Death was a foregone conclusion—until she learned different. Caro, the protagonist of Observer, thought she had the world figured out. Not her personal world, which has been upended by controversy, but how the physical world works and how her consciousness operates within it. Broke and without a job, she accepts a job offer from her great-uncle, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist who runs a research facility studying the space between biology and consciousness—between the self and what we assume is reality. They are on the verge of a humanity-altering discovery, which throws Caro into danger—love, loss, and death—that she could never have imagined possible.
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Science (288: 665, 2000)
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Cell (11: 115, 1977)
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Lancet (365: 1636, 2005)
Lancet (379:
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Зус Вайман   24.01.2024 00:21     Заявить о нарушении
Имеющий мозги когда поймет, что в Природе планеты все взаимосвязано системой, не только в планетарной системе, но даже система больше чем в вся наша галактика. Когда рассматривающий систему расширит её до потока галактик и человек думающий найдет начало и окончание потока. То ему не надо будет задавать глупые вопросы: - Кто Мы?, - Куда идем? - Есть ли наш создатель? - Как организовалась жизнь на планете Земля?
Системой все разложено по полочкам и рассчитано все до мгновения. В системе нет хаоса она продумана до мелочей. Наша жизнь и каждого индивидуума просчитана изначально и судьба его решена еще до рождения. Все мы выполняем общую миссию по развитию мыслящей материи, нам даются уроки если мы их делаем с ошибками и не стараемся исправить ошибки, то нас сметают из страниц хроники развития галактики. Если государственный пассионарный цикл завершен и не был оставлен росток для возрождения, то даже государство уйдет в историю не оставив потомков.
Читайте вдумчиво мои статьи. И найдете ответы, так сильно мучающие Robertа Lanza...
С улыбкой. Игорь. :-)

Игорь Левдоне   24.01.2024 20:17   Заявить о нарушении

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