Рецензия на «Письмо из Освенцима» (Сергей Куличе)

Dear Madam/Daughter(?)
I want to inform you that I am generally healthy and feeling well. The same goes for you, my dears. I was very happy... (apparently a letter received in the afternoon) and so am writing regarding the letter dated 23.|||.44, which I received together with the package dated 22.|||, which I received on 29.|||.
There were 2 kilograms of bread, lard (spyg), 15 cigarettes from...? Katsya and from Ayr(?).I received two packets of fire [I guess that's matches in the old way] on the Wednesday before the holidays. I received all the packets in the best possible condition. Just the way you sent them. There was also garlic, onions, cigarettes, a lighter, bread and butter, which pleased me beyond description. As well as everything else. I now express my thanks also to Kachya for the packages, which I was informed they would probably give away on the holiday."

Then comes the last name, Kuflik, and a signature. In general, I understood that the man is exhausted, hungry and unable to talk and think about anything else. Plus camp censorship.

[photo is illustrative, but exactly on the same letterhead as the letter in question].

Josef Kuflik - born 22.10.1908.
sent a letter from the Auschwitz camp.
Irena Kuflik in Krakow at the address:

Au Kuflik Irena
Krakau Aussenring 32/1

Now there is no such street in Krakow

Сергей Куличе   18.03.2024 21:51     Заявить о нарушении
In general, the following phrase was required: Ich bin gesund und fühle mich gut (I am healthy and feel fine).

Обязательное требование к письмам из лагеря
Я здоров и чувствую себя хорошо

Сергей Куличе   19.03.2024 05:07   Заявить о нарушении
Никаких жалоб и информации о ситуации в лагере не разрешалось

Сергей Куличе   19.03.2024 05:13   Заявить о нарушении

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