Дневник Сумасшедшего 1079


“Here and now” is one of the principles from the book “Group Psychotherapy” which I wanna reflect upon today. It was quite surprising when I discovered that I often used the same principle in my self-talks, though I call it “spontaneous talk” instead of “here and now”. I’ve spent a lot of time convincing myself that it’s a great thing to do even if sometimes it seems a little crazy.
Most of these group talks described in the book, are built upon the principle of “here and now,” which, no matter how silly it appears on paper, being actualized properly creates a profound emotional connection between participants. I’ll probably try it at the club. First, I’ll introduce the idea, and then see how it’s gonna work. No doubt, we’ll come up with something relevant to the “here and now” even if it’s gonna be limited by the topic. The upcoming club’s topic is “honesty”, so it has to fit in very well.

I haven’t been practicing self-talk for quite a long time. Perhaps, it makes sense to get back to the exercise, building up the strength of my “spontaneous talk” in private before I apply it in public discussion.

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