Рецензия на «On Quantitative Analysis of Knowledge» (Принцалександр)

The "evolution" (what happened so far on Earth), in my view, could be subdivided into 3 stages:

1. Pre-biological development - abiogenesis (covering the period before life has appeared)
2. Biological evolution (described initially by Darwinism)
3. Post-biological development (related to human beings activity).

In lack of better term, I am using above the term “evolution” in its generalized sense and where biological evolution, covered by "Darwinism" (I am using the term "Darwinism" for brevity though the theory of biological evolution developed further beyond it ), is only a stage. Perhaps someone could suggest a better term to describe this generalization.

Let us consider the current status of biological evolution...
Humans by their activity are suppressing biological evolution of other species (and objectively from non-human-centric prospective this suppression could be considered as a part of the natural development) while the biological modification of anatomy of Human beings is so extremely slow that it could be considered negligible and insignificant.
Understanding the laws of nature development and their generalization helps to see that Humans are part of the nature and, therefore, helps to predict the future of the Mankind.
In my opinion, the biological evolution (described by Darwinism), became (since humans emergence) a secondary insignificant process . Though human beings and other species continue evolving, the speed of those evolutionary changes is very slow and, in my opinion, the fate of Mankind (Homo Sapiens) will be resolved much sooner than the results of biological evolution will be noticeable.
I consider that the most important activity conducted by humans is studying the laws of nature.
In my view, from objective non-human-centric view humans are instruments developed by nature to study itself.
In my view, Humans will disappear according to the laws of dialectics and will be preempted by the next “stage” (whatever it will be, say, just for example, robots) but the knowledge gained by humans about the laws of nature have the value beyond satisfying human curiosity and practical needs and could be somehow be preserved and passed to above mentioned “next stage".

Принцалександр   24.11.2021 22:10     Заявить о нарушении

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