Переписка с аферюгой. Ч. 2

Алишер Таксанов: литературный дневник

Так, переписка с мошенником продолжается. Прикол еще в том, что он выслал мне, якобы по ошибке, письмо, которое предназначалось другому. Этим самым хотел показать, какой он серьезный и озабоченный делами адвокат. Это должно было создать определенный имидж и запылить мне глаза мелкими "алмазами". Вот письмо:
"Dear Arnold B Cantago
I have read your message and all the issued rise by you, I have explain to you before about the phone number that I called you with and it just sad that you have refuse to understand, when I enter into Malaysia I was calling from a call center until I bought my own number and I called you with it and told you that you can reach me with it, I also believe I sent you a text message from my number you, so I don’t understand the code that show on your phone, that is the least of my problem now because tha is the issued of the network provider not me.
In regards to the documents, I want you to know that all documentations that was send to you have been examine and verified by the authentication department of the bank without any question.
All documents has been scan and sent to you as was given to me without any alteration, so I don’t know what you want me to explain,If you have agree to travel with me from the beginning of this transaction when I beseech you to, all this misunderstanding we have now wouldn’t have been there.
The truth is that I am already having doubt about you and I don’t feel comfortable about your attitude, if I know I am going to have this problem with you from the beginning, I would not have presented you as the beneficiary to he fund.
I am hoping this transaction will be completed without any problem, I wait to see you on 28th as promise and please send me your flight details, so I can come to the airport and pick you up.
Barrister Justin Boose"

Понятное дело, на такую уловку я не клюнул. И тут он высылает мне следующее:
"Dear Alisher Taksanov
I have received your message and happy that you have seen my identification, the death certificates of late Morris K. Taksanov will be sent to you as we proceed with this transaction.
This document and other in my possession are vital for the claiming of the deposited fund from the bank and will be sent to you after I am certify with your readiness and capability to be the beneficiary to the fund of late Mr. Morris K. Taksanov.
As in regards to my last message which I ask you to send your details information to me, I have not received that details from you.
Please forward the needed details and i will get back to you.
Barrister Justin Boose ESQ.

Мужик нервничает, хочет понять, согласен ли я стать жертвой его мошенничества или нет, мол, ответь яснее. В свою очередь написал ему:
"My sister Mary Taksanov working at the Russian embassy in France. I wrote her a letter. She called the airline Air France. Today I received the answer that the list of victims, Mr. Morris K. Taksanov not enrolled. I want to write to the Ministry of Transport of France and to confirm the death of Taksanov. To do this I need a certificate of death.
Alisher Taksanov"

Тот несколько обескуражен, однако высылает мне сертификат смерти Морриса Таксанова и пытается выправить ситуацию:
"Dear Alisher Taksanov
I got your last message and I don’t know where you get your information that the decease Mr. Morris Kandes Taksanov is not in the list of the death in the plane crash that happened three years ago.
Well such details cannot be release to you without my authorization to the airline as the attorney to the decease, the airline is acting on instruction given to them not to disclose this information to anyone without authorization from me due to security matter involving the fund in the bank.
I am sending you a scan copy of the death certificate of the decease not because I want you to write to France Ministry of Transportation but because I want to prove to you about his death.
Find a scan copy of the death certificate attach to this message for your perusal only.
Barrister Justin Boose ESQ.

И все же я настаиваю на своем и готовлю очередной ход:
"According to the rules of the International Civil Aviation Organization, all airlines are required to publish lists of those killed in air crashes. This is not a secret. This requirement is also the national legislation of any country. Lists of the dead have no relation to the property rights of citizens, not dealing with family and business issues.I asked my sister to write a letter to the Ministry of Transport, which also records all incidents of domestic transportation in France, including aviation. They have lists of the dead. Letter to the Russian Embassy is the official document and the Ministry of Transport of France has no right to refuse to provide a list of the dead, including the name of Morris Taksanov.I'm sure it will help us quickly resolve our concerns."

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